Talk:Brooks School
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There were a few things I learned from brooks school. First I had first hand experience intereacting with the principal agent problem involving a manager and those whose interests the manager should be serving. The principal were the students and their parents and the agent was the headmaster. The headmaster acted in his own interests in trying to leave his mark on the school in the new buildings for which he was raising funds, and often neglected what was in the best interests of the students in his reign over the school. For example making students who accidently slept in because they were short on sleep wake up on the one way of they were normally aloud to sleep in only compounded their sleep deficits causing anger and resentment in students who otherwise had been of a favorable opinion of the school.
I also experienced being mislead by adverse selection in how the school mislead potential students into thinking that mandatory chapel was two rather than four times a week.
I also learned how makeing rules too strict leads them to be ineffective. This was made clear by the drug use on campus. There seemed to be a cycle of expulsions, devestation of the fabric of the school, looking the other way, and then again rampant drug use. I learned that rules with moderate consequnces if broken were much more consistenly enforced.
On the contrary. The headmaster has done differnt things to improve the welfare of the student body such as increase sleeping times on certian days, which is starting effectivly at the start of the 2006 school year. In addition he is also at the mercy of the board who puts him responsible for the addition of newly created buildings to bring in more money and smarter students.
[edit] Just an update to a wrong
On the contrary. The headmaster has done differnt things to improve the welfare of the student body such as increase sleeping times on certian days, which is starting effectivly at the start of the 2006 school year. In addition he is also at the mercy of the board who puts him responsible for the addition of newly created buildings to bring in more money and smarter students.