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[edit] Eaglie: The Legend
Eaglie's Beliefs
This user finds that comedy is the best way to communicate. |
This user is a Browncoat.
We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty. |
Eaglie is kind of a mystery. He was originally created December 5, 2001 as a member of the Flowers of Happiness on the Sullon Zek server in Everquest. Since then, he's gained sentience and fighting skills beyond those of his creator, me, the semi-famous Andy the Tech Guy. Eaglie and I parted ways, Eaglie preferring the adventurous life fighting injustice amongst wizards and dragons and me preferring to fight bad memory and destructive RAM monsters. We became very different beings. Now we're collaborating again, but we are still not the same people, no matter how similar our UserBoxes may be or how little we're seen together in the same room. Also, my glasses are not coming off. ~written by Andy the Tech Guy
Oasis Alliance Studios, a work-in-progress
Eaglie's Aviary, a blog
Flowers of Happiness, a guild
Not Addicted, a 12-step program