Expanded Orgasm
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Expanded orgasm is any sexual experience more intense and extensive than what can be described as, or included in the definition of, a regular orgasm. It includes a range of sensations that include orgasms that are full bodied, and orgasms that last from a few minutes to many hours. The term was coined in 1995 by Dr. Patricia Taylor; it was used in her PhD research of intense sensual experiences of 44 couples from various backgrounds, and referenced in a video she produced in 1998.
Distinguishing features of expanded orgasm are energetic sensations and contractions all over the body, especially in the abdomen, inner thighs, hands and feet, and of course the genitals. Dr. Taylor describes reports of practitioners going into various altered states of consciousness, bringing about deep emotional release and rejuvenation, profound spiritual experiences, having awarenesses not normally perceived in regular orgasm, and perceiving energy expanding beyond the limits of their bodies. Similar experiences were reported in studies by Dr. Jenny Wade.
Expanded orgasm is likely related to experiences reported by Osho and Anand (valley orgasm), Bodansky, Brauer, More University (see Schwartz), Otto (whole body orgasm), and those described by people who practice tantra. For example, Brauer, Bodansky, and Schwartz report women having hundreds or thousands of contractions in one sensual connection.
Dr. Taylor reports that men are as likely as women to go into these states and have all the experiences enumerated above.
Theories for the biological processes required for achieving these states include the progressive and balanced stimulation and elevation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system; this is evidenced by the tantric practice of using breathing techniques (to engage the parasympathetic nervous system) during sexual activities.
[edit] References
- An Observational and Comparative Study of the Practitioners of Expanded Orgasm: An Investigation Of An Effective, Powerful, and Accessible Path to Transcendent States of Consciousness, Patricia Taylor (2000)
- Transcendent Sex: When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, Jenny Wade (2004)
- Tantra, Spirituality, and Sex, Rajneesh, B.S. (1983)
- The Art of Sexual Ecstasy: The Path of Sacred Sexuality for Western Lovers, Margo Anand (1989)
- Extended Massive Orgasm: How You Can Give and Receive Intense Sexual Pleasure, Steve, Ph.D. Bodansky, Vera Bodansky (2000)
- ESO: How You and Your Lover Can Give Each Other Hours of Extended Sexual Orgasm, Alan Brauer, Donna Brauer (2001)
- The One Hour Orgasm: The Ultimate Guide to Totally Satisfying and Man or Woman Every Time, Bob Schwartz, Leah Schwartz (1995)
- Liberated Orgasm, The Orgasmic Revolution, Herbert A. Otto (1999)
- The Doctrine of Vibration: An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices of Kashmiri Shaivism, Mark S. G. Dyczkowski (1987)
- Silent Orgasm, From Transpersonal to Transparent Consciousness, Gunter Nitschka (1995)
[edit] Further reading
- Expanded Orgasm, Soar to Ecstasy at your Lover's Every Touch, Patricia Taylor (2002)
- The Tantra Experience, Discourses on the Royal Song of Saraha, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1978)
- The Science of Orgasm, Barry R. Komisaruk (2006)