Export Promotion Bureau of Pakistan
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Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) is the apex agency of the Government of Pakistan engaged in promotion and growth of country's exports. Since its establishment in 1963 as an attached department of the Ministry of Commerce, EPB continues to facilitate the exporters in overcoming difficulties faced by them on the supply and demand side of exports. EPB has its headquarters in Karachi with 14 regional offices all over the country. The regional offices mostly perform facilitation and regulatory functions as well as providing supply side and marketing assistance to the exporters.
On the demand side, EPB helps exporters to participate in exhibitions abroad and sends delegations to export markets to explore new markets and develop the traditional markets. Product and market reports are developed and shared through the web-site as well. Export promotional activities are carried out in coordination with trade bodies at home and Pakistan's trade missions' abroad.
On the supply side, EPB has established 24 training institutes and projects in various export sectors to train necessary manpower that can manage the export trade and industry professionally, meeting the requirements of the export markets. Moreover EPB has financed/part-financed 3 pollution control projects and 2 laboratories for the export industries. In addition to this EPB provides product specific and general policy advice to the government to realize and enhance the export potential of the economy.
Like many countries, Pakistan is facing greater export competition in the region. To retain competitive edge in the traditional markets and to acquire the same in the new markets EPB is emphasizing quality, modernization and innovation in Pakistan's export drive.
The products of Pakistan always maintain a greater export quality. For example, black soft leather is carrying a vast market in European and American countries with great statistics for exporting to Latin countries.
REPLACENT OF EPB TO TDAP :- Now the government of Pakistan has taken a decision by replacing the Export Prpmotion Bureau (EPB) to Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP)and inconnection of these changes and replacement all the assets and authorities of EPB are being transferring to TDA.
INTRODUCTION TO TDAP :- The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan will succeed the Export Promotion Bureau. The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) was established on Tuesday through a Presidential Ordinance and will be the successor organization to the Export Promotion Bureau. The Ordinance was signed into law and promulgated by the President of Pakistan on 7 November 2006. TDAP would replace the EPB, which has been responsible for the export promotion for the country for the last 43 years. The Government had announced the establishment of the TDAP in the Trade Policy of July this year. With the Ordinance to empower the decision, the restructuring will take place through a process assisted by Organizational Development and Human Resources Management Consultants that will be retained for this purpose. The process will take from 18-20 months to achieve an ISO certified organization comparable with world class Trade Promotion Organizations
Tariq Ikram, who has been providing leadership to the EPB for the last six years as Chairman and Minister of State, will continue as the Chief Executive of the new organization to have oversight of the transformation process and its timely completion. The Vice Chairman has been designated as the Secretary of the Authority.
The established TDAP would usher in significant changes to the business of trade development and go beyond the relatively narrower and restricted promotion mandate of the Export Promotion Bureau. The TDAP would be involved in the holistic planning and development of the national supply side to fully realize and leverage the true potential of different sectors. The establishment of a new, dedicated and empowered organization with the capacity of meeting the demand side of new business challenges has also been most opportune at a time when the country’s export sector is under some pressure within the core product sectors.
TDAP will be overviewed by a Policy Board, chaired by the Commerce Minister and its membership will be of public and private sector stakeholders. TDAP will be staffed by highly qualified professionals, who will be paid at market- based compensation levels and offer career advancement opportunities and continuity of employment to build up institutional knowledge and expertise of trade development and marketing. They will be empowered to run the day to day affairs of the Authority from its Head Office in Karachi.
Exports and trade development will be playing an increasingly important role in the future strengthening of the country’s economy and also helping bring prosperity to more and more of its people!
RESPONSIBILITIES OF TDAP :- Searching of new markets for exports of Pakistani products will be one of the measure responsibility of TDA, except this TDA would be responsible for the promotion of exports and facilitation to exporters provided by them for the enhancement of expots.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE : Trade Development Authority of Pakistan