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loaf of bread : love -> altruism
In germany there is a saying "Dumm wie ein Brot" (dumb like a bread). This is a complementary (opposing) meaning and refers to a creature being unintelligent enough so as to be edible. A significant problem humanity has not yet contemplated sufficiently or, at least, not solved: "Which animals are edible?"
breading : b + reading -> b + lesen {de} -> belesen -> well read, erudite
- not: animal breeding
Butterbrot {de} : Buddha¹ be red
- ²) overstatement, oversimplification and insult ³
- ³) all human precedents you want to get rid of
Butterbrotaufstrich : Buddha be red spread.
[edit] Examples
- "And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people."
Conservation law: "You want more bread, you also get more fish" ¹
- ¹) Don't ask YHVH to push people to be red or be prepared to deal with the counteraction. ² This is especially signified by the fact that the Bible mentions that Jesus broke the bread but the fish seem to have multiplied by other means.
- ²) Praying to YHVH "please make me do X" ³ is an especially unnecessary form of the former as long as you can act responsibly on your own account.
- ³) e.g. "please make me decent" (not to be confused with DECnet, the apparent quality of which is "that doesn't seem to be necessary", which might translate to "So you don't seem to hold decency in very high regard?")