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Gleichverteilung -> g-leich ¹ + fair + teil-ung -> death + fair + teil ²
- translation: uniform distribution
Laplace distribution -> palast distribution -> "Taking apart the isles of excessive wealth" ³
- ¹) The distribution of corpses in butcher's shops is a mutation of this.
- ²) Monty Python's corpse collector scene is the complement of this: "Excuse me but what you are doing is the opposite of Gleichverteilung"
- ³) Oversimplification: There may be isles which are benevolent in nature, e.g. some foundations.
[edit] Examples
Hauptmann von Köpenick: "You haven't really understood the problem with the uniform ¹ distribution".
- ¹) A captain's uniform, being sold several times, plays a central role in the movie.