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- There was a sound as loud
- as the groaning of continents.
- (Pyramids-151)
Swiss (wiss|en {de} = to know)
America -> Amerk-ia: merk|en {de} (to notice) + ja {de} (yes)
People migrating or travelling to Swiss, America or The other side of the world either found out something about the universe (like Albert Einstein, who migrated to the Swiss and later to America) or they should have noticed something: "You should have noticed something, why don't you travel to the land of (the) knowing?"
[edit] Observations
- America has special economic zones in developing countries (but to promote required industries and education for these countries of course, not to produce for export)
- The metaphorical America almost would have a moral obligation to be a force of good, maybe not exactly a world police.
- Americans exported their culture to the rest of the world, unfortunately it mainly consisted of brand names. [1]
- There are occasionally news about pupils in american schools killing their classmates.
- The USA are nearly (a) continent (as opposed to incontinent), meaning the metaphorical Americans are house-broken.
- Americans occasionally shot people who enter their premises [2]
- Americans have a supercomputer export control policy -> "to regulate use of supercomputers (outside the US)" [3]
- In America marsupials are opposums (-> Beutelratte {de} -> "a rat with a pouch")
- Americans have a large airline / aircraft industry.
- Americans drive large vehicles.
- Many Americans live in gated communities. (-> intentional communities)
- Americans build highways but few subways.
- Many Americans like to ignore that there is a world outside of America. [4]
- [1] see cola
- [2] Premises: property, real estate vs. "a statement presumed true within the context of a discourse"
- [3] A possible reason why supercomputers should be regulated would be the possibility of AIs.
- [4] That prejudice may be somewhat dated.
- The metaphorical Swiss is very rich, but not measured in bank accounts.
- The Swiss is very mountainous.
- The Swiss aims to be neutral (Complement: "neutrality by not getting involved" vs. "neutrality of a mediator")