Financial News
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The Financial News was a newspaper founded in 1884. Originally a rival of the Financial Times, it was merged with the latter in 1945.
The Financial News is a newspaper published in Korea, focusing on business and the financial news of the country.
[edit] Financial News
This article concerns the Financial News, a newspaper published in London & other cities. Since its founding in 1996 it has steadily been taking share from the more diversified Financial Times (The FT carries both political and business news).
It is a weekly securities and investment banking trade newspaper, published by the privately owned eFinancial News group.
Financial News also has a main UK news website, updated daily, available at and a US website, at The group also publishes Private Equity News, a weekly newsletter aimed at the private equity industry, as well as several supplements and surveys including Brummell, a quarterly lifestyle magazine.
[edit] Coverage
The newspaper's coverage is primarily London, UK-focused though it also has correspondents in Paris, Frankfurt and New York, as well as a US-specific news website. It is stratified by financial services industry, with major weekly sections on Investment Banking, Mergers & Acquisitions, Equity Markets, Debt Markets, Private Equity, Asset Management, Hedge Funds, Trading & Technology, Derivatives and Settlement & Custody. Online coverage is structured in a similar way.
[edit] Circulation
The ABC Audited average circulation for the Financial News print edition for the period Jul 04 - Jun 05 was 17,052, a 14% increase on the previous year. The readership profile is highly educated and affluent professionals, mainly in the London-based financial services industries. The average annual income of Financial News readers is over 200,000 pounds sterling.
Visitors to the main Financial News website increased from an average of about 60,000 a month at the start of 2005 to over 70,000 by the end of the year. The average page views per month was about 1.2 million during this time.
In October that year FNO Mobile was launched, enabling customers to access FNO content via any mobile device, including phones and Blackberries.