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- For the Australian rules footballer, see Aaron Fiora.
Fiora was a Computer role-playing game originally inspired by various bots floating around IRC's EsperNet servers. It took many elements from Tactics Ogre, and derived its turn system from different aspects of James "Iyouboushi's" Kaiou bot and Craig's Future bot. Although it was lacking in a variety of spells and equipment, it was the first mIRC bot on EsperNet to allow class changes and varying character progression, complete with class abilities and special attacks. The Fiora bot was a learning experience started by its creator, Nicholas Linney "Dao", in order to better learn the mIRC scripting language. With the huge success it received he has begun work on the improved "FioraII", a DCC partyline MUD bot.
FioraII is the next generation of the original Fiora battle bot, and has moved from its turn based system into a 'Wait Time' system that allows users over multiple rooms to interact in a detailed fantasy setting. With inspiration from such great scripters as Craig, LightningStrike, BishounenNightBird, Refrax, and Chaz, Dao strives to make FioraII the greatest IRC MUD ever conceived.