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Flintloque is a Historo-Fantasy miniatures wargame based on the Napoleonic Wars. It was created and written by Mac Coxhead and Steve Blease and it was published by Alternative Armies in 1995.
While the history of the wars are largely held to, the setting is a fantasy world (Valon) in which all the countries are inhabited by different fantasy races. Napoleon himself is represented by the Elven Emperor Mordred, who changed the face of warfare when he discovered gunpowder with the help of his god, Buon-Partee.
Unlike most fantasy settings, the races aren't seen as intristically "good" or "evil". In fact, most of the traditional "monsters" are largely on the side of right, opposing the Elven Empire.
The countries featured include:
- Armorica (France) - High Elves
- Catalucia (Spain) - Dark Elves
- Albion (England) - Orcs
- Guinelia (Ireland) - Bog Orcs
- Hunvaria (Hanover) - Ogres
- Joccia (Scotland) - Ratmen
- Krautia and Finkelstein (Prussia and Bavaria)- Dwarves
- Witchlands (Russia) - Undead
- Nepolise (Italy) - Toads
- Aegypt (Egypt) - Ottermen
As some of the country names suggest, the game is not entirely serious. One of the most famous Orcish commanders is Reckhardt Sharke, a parody of Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe.