Fort Collins Weekly
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Fort Collins Weekly is a weekly community newspaper serving the city of Fort Collins, Colorado. It has a circulation of 33,700, making it the largest weekly newspaper in Northern Colorado.
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[edit] History
Fort Collins Weekly published its first issue on March 5, 2003. It was founded by Publisher Joel Dyer and Editor-in-Chief Greg Campbell and operated for its first year out of a small office on Oak Street in Old Town Fort Collins. The initial print run was 20,000 papers distributed free in newspaper boxes and wire racks throughout the city. Circulation grew along with its staff and in September 2004, the Weekly relocated to its current offices in the historic Miller Block Building at 11 Old Town Square, Suite 200. Currently, 33,700 copies of the paper are printed, with 28,200 mailed directly to city residents and the remaining 5,500 distributed on the street.
[edit] Editorial philosophy
As a community newspaper, the Weekly covers all aspects of life in Fort Collins, from local government and local business to major crimes and in-depth investigations. Since its inception, the Weekly has won major awards for its journalism from the Society of Professional Journalists. Its "Culture" section covers everything from theater and music to food and nightlife.
[edit] Web site
Fort Collins Weekly is supplemented by its Web site, [1], which features breaking news, story updates and staff blogs.
[edit] Editorial Staff
Greg Campbell is the editor-in-chief. He is the author of two books, The Road to Kosovo; A Balkan Diary and Blood Diamonds; Tracing the Deadly Path of the World's Most Precious Stones. He is the recipient of numerous awards in journalism. Andra Coberly is the managing editor. She is a Fort Collins native and graduate of the California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo. She recently won a first place award from the Society of Professional Journalists for her coverage of methamphetamine use in Fort Collins. Regular freelance writers include Kurt Brighton, who covers arts and entertainment; Thomas Delapa, film critic and film curator of the Denver Art Museum; columnist Andrew Boucher, who covers local politics from a conservative angle; historian Barbara Fleming; reporter Connie Pfeiffenberger, the former co-owner of Fort Collins' Triangle Review; travel writer Lisa Parker; and Mike Nelson, meteorologist for KMGH-TV Channel 7. Syndicated content includes liberal columnist Molly Ivins, poetry edited by former U.S. Poet Laureate Ted Kooser, astrology by Rob Brezsny and the Newsday crossword puzzle.
[edit] Advertising and administrative staff
Fort Collins Weekly is headed by Publisher Joel Dyer and Associate Publisher Paul Dyer. Sherri Hageman is the Art Director. Brooke Hupp is Director of Accounting. Rob Seligmann, Lauren Fuller and Laura Diane Moore are advertising sales representatives. David Hutton is Classified Sales Manager and Circulation Manager.
[edit] Links and contact
See [2] Contact the staff at 970-484-1116.