Freundeskreis der Wirtschaft
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The Freundeskreis der Wirtshaft, or Circle of Friends of the Economy (which became known as die Freundeskreis der Reichfuhrer SS) was a group of German industrialists whose aim was to raise funds for racial research within the Third Reich. The group was formed and co-ordinated by Wilhelm Keppler, one of Adolf Hitlers close economic advisors.
The Freundeskreis der Reichsführer SS was also controlled by Heinrich Himmler. a friend of Keppler, who was a member of the NSDAP since 1927. The group was formed by Keppler when in 1932 Hitler asked for a “study group on economic questions”. Also important in the group was Fritz Kranefuß (1900-1945), a former coworker of Kepplers. A similar group was known as the F-circle and implemented design iniatives. The members of the circle/group donated annually approximately 1 million Marks from 1935 to 1944 to the Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler. Kurt baron von Schröder was manager of the financial accounts. William Keppler was cross-examined later in the Nuremburg Trials.
[edit] Sources
1. List according to statement by William Keppler, Nuremberg Military tribunal, volume VI, PAGE 287