Talk:Galeazzo Ciano
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Count Galeazzo Ciano Ciano is much like many of the nazi henchmen and their Italian cohorts. This was a person that was after personal gain. He used his personalty, intellance and oppertunitys to gain position, titles, wealth and power. When he saw that his mentor was going to be thrown out political power, he joined in thinking that he might be able to retain his power or maybe even take II Duces place as ruler of Italy or at least hold a powerfull place in the new goverment. After all, a leader of the ruling party is much better for such a man than the favorate son in law of a disposied dicator. However, the writing as on the wall when the ruling party sided with the allies. The allies would not like the idea that II Duce's son in law, a rancid facist and very powerfull member of the disposed regime holding any power in the new government other than bathroom ordery in prison. The fact that he had not warmed up to the nazi government in the preceding years of WWII only shows that perhaps he had the highest intellagence of all facist Itally (which may not be saying very much). Perhaps, only perhaps, since he thought that Itally would continue it resistance against the Allies, he might have seen this as an oppernity to become the new new ruler of facist Itally, after all who else would want the job with the Allies so close to invasion of mainland Itally. The sweat irony of all this is his own arrest, trial (read mock trial, after all the judges were only mere puppets of higher nazis), and the wrong end of a facist firing squad. One wonders in the final moments of this conceded man's life if he had a change of heart to beloviance and wished he had to make the world a better place for all man kind rather than for just himself? Think of that the next time you do for yourself when you could have a chance to do for others. All that one does for himself dies with himself, all that one does for others lives on for all of mankind.----------------------------------------------------------------
Ciano was a traitor, we are told, because he voted against Mussolini in the Fascist Grand Council. This is the kind of things I always hear from fascists. It doesn't correspond to the image I have of a traitor. Anyone who disagrees with a fascist or communist dictator is labeled a traitor or a defeatist. You can't change your political stance according to your conscience, you are not supposed to have an opinion, you only have to follow the Duce the Führer or the Comrade secretary-general wherever he goes, whatever he says and does, or else you are a traitor and you must pay treason with your life. Quite simple, isn't it? Wasn't Ciano a fascist too? Of course he was, but how can you call him a traitor and, at the same time, a courageous opponent of Mussolini? How could he be a traitor on one side and a courageous opponent of the Italian-German alliance on the other side? Why should he be called a traitor if he showed his disagreement with the war against the Allies openly in a fascist assembly and, before that happened, in person to Mussolini himself? Ciano was an unfaithful husband, they say, but he married Edda Mussolini, not her father Benito. The fascists, the nazis and the communists always need to call someone a traitor. If you are not - or if you cease to be - a believer, then you are a traitor. Dictators see millions of "traitors" all the time because their policies make millions of real opponents. "Treason" is the only way paranoid megalomaniacs can explain their failure and their defeat.
He was a man who reprasents what much of us hate - and yet he has a warm spot in many hearts - he was no racist, hated Hitler and his persecution of the Jewish people, and wanted to be on the Allies side fighting the axis.
[edit] Emilio Pucci question
Edda's lover Emilio Pucci is the fashion designer? [unsigned by]
- I think that is true - need chance to consult Ray Moseley - Mussolini's Shadow: The Double Life of Count Galeazzo Ciano. --mervyn 10:15, 30 September 2006 (UTC)