Category talk:Geography of Canada
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Reserve this category for Canadian geographical features that are national or international in character, or of international interest, or involve more than one province or territory e.g. Great Lakes, Niagara Falls, Rocky Mountains. Other geographical features should be filed in the appropriate provincial subcategory.
Surely we need Category:Mountain ranges of Canada Mwanner 15:42, Apr 24, 2005 (UTC)
Does anyone else think we need a subcategory here to contain all the miscellaneous bodies of water that are spread throughout this category? We currently have Bays of Canada and Lakes of Canada, but that leaves things like straits, gulfs, and other waterbodies that don't quite fit hanging around in Geography of Canada. Maybe a Waterbodies of Canada or Bodies of water of Canada or something not so awkward sounding. Any ideas? --NormanEinstein 16:01, Jun 24, 2005 (UTC)
- Don't add categories until there are several articles which qualify. This is a general rule of library / information science and it applies well here. The Library of Congress calls it "literary warrant". In other words, take a wait and see attitude before adding sub-categories. Also look to see what has been done in a large country like the USA to see how US wikipedians have treated the topic. Not because they are right, but simply to maintain coordination with other countries' approach to geography.--BrentS 21:19, 16 July 2005 (UTC)