German Brain Tumor Association
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The German Brain Tumour Association (Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.) – a brain tumour association registered in Germany – is a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing information and support to brain tumour patients. Since its foundation in 1998 more than 500 members from twelve nations have been registered. Patients and their family members as well as health professionals and scientists get involved within this network with a common goal: Finding a cure for brain tumours – as fast as possible.
The Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe supports science and research especially in the field of neuro-oncology. According to the its motto “Knowledge Creates Future” the association has a special interest in the advancement of scientific research. Apart from providing recent information about therapy standards and proceedings to brain tumour patients the organisation supports neuro-oncological research projects and facilitates the international transfer of knowledge. The promotion of interdisciplinary cooperation of all the areas of expertise involved in the treatment of brain tumours is one of its major aims.
As a tribute to all brain tumour patients and their families the Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe announced the World Brain Tumour Day in 2000 as an international commemoration day. It is celebrated annually on 8th June.