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[edit] "the famous Battle of Isayyan"
It seems to me that this "famous" battle is an hoax. I have found no trace of this battle either in digital or in paper sources concerning Ghat, Twaregs and so on. In 1915 Ghat was under the rule of Kawesan (or Kaocen), a Twareg Sanusi leader. As far as I know, Ghat was held by Turks (since 1875), then by Italians (since 1913), while French occupied it only during WW2 (1943)--Vermondo 11:24, 1 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] What about other word???
I have read somewhere that Ghat was a city, but i am pretty sure that ghat, without the capitol g, was something entirly different. Can some clerify this for me, because i went to an online dictionary, and their definition for a ghat was "A broad flight of steps leading down to the bank of a river in India, used especially by bathers." (