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There's a small, but growing, genre of games that focus on management of sports organizations. The most famous of these is Hattrick, which claims to have close to 1 million members. GPRO is significant because, unlike Hattrick and its main competitor, Managerzone, its primary focus is not soccer.
I'm not a representative of GPRO, only a player. I created the Wiki article because I think the genre needs to be a little more defined, and the addition of GPRO seems to me to be a good counterpoint to the presence of Hattrick and Managerzone (and it's one I'm personally familiar with).
I suspect that a new sub-category of games (are these PBBG's?) would be applicable, but I'm new to producing content for Wikipedia (and I'm already running afoul of the editors), so I suggest someone else carry that torch.
I just figured I'd explain my reasoning a little before the page is deleted for being nothing more than a promo for GPRO.
Misfit815 18:40, 9 March 2007 (UTC)