- Progressive Conservative leadership conventions: 1967, 1976, and 1983;
- Ontario Progressive Conservative leadership conventions, 1985;
- Parti Québécois leadership election, 2005
- Malcolm Wallace McCutcheon, John MacLean and Mary Walker-Sawka (candidates at 1967 PC leadership convention);
- Roy McMurtry and Dennis Timbrell (former Ontario cabinet ministers and candidates at 1985 Ontario PC convention);
- Alberta elections, 1905-1993, Saskatchewan elections, 1905-1999, Ontario elections, 1867-1995, British Columbia elections, 1903-1983;
- Janet Ecker (former Ontario finance minister);
- Camil Samson, Quebec politician;
- Henri-Georges Grenier (perennial candidate in Quebec);
- John Ross Robertson, a Toronto newspaper editor;
- Les Boubou Macoutes;
- Secessionist movements of Canada;
- List of Quebec senators;
- Mira Spivak (Canadian Senator);
- Bill Sveinson, Barry Chilton and Wilf Hanni (fringe Canadian politicians);
- Michael Meadowcroft, founder of the re-founded UK Liberal Party;
- Henry Farm and Rathnelly (neighbourhoods in Toronto);
- Linear city; Scarborough Hospital;
- Centretown West and Lebreton Flats (Ottawa neighbourhoods), and Ottawa SuperEX;
- Sayvette, Katz Group of Companies, A&P Canada, Consumers Distributing, Bretton's (Canadian retailers);
- Air Nunavut, Provincial Airlines, Innu Mikun Airlines;
- Canada's name;
- Ethiopia-Eritrea War;
- Last Night, a Canadian film by Don McKellar;
- Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform, Pilgrims of Saint Michael (social credit groupuscules), and Category:Social Crediters;
- Flag of Acadia; and
various defunct Canadian banks.