Hawaiian baby woodrose
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![]() Argyreia nervosa flowers (enlarge)
Scientific classification | ||||||||||||||
Argyreia nervosa (Burm.f.) Bojer |
Argyreia speciosa (L.f.)Sweet |
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa), not to be confused with the Hawaiian Woodrose (Merremia tuberosa), is a perennial climbing vine, also known as Elephant Creeper and Woolly Morning Glory. Native to the Indian subcontinent and introduced to numerous areas worldwide, including Hawaii, Africa and the Caribbean, it can be invasive, although is often prized for its aesthetic value. The seeds of the plant contain the alkaloid LSA (ergine), which is a chemical analog of LSD. As such, they are sometimes used as a legally obtainable psychedelic, though the legality of consuming the seeds is ambiguous in some jurisdictions.
Contents |
[edit] History
The plant is a rare example of an herb the hallucinogenic properties of which have only recently been discovered. While its cousins in the Convolvulaceae family, such as the Rivea corymbosa (Ololiuhqui) and Ipomoea tricolor (Tlitliltzin) were used in shamanic rituals of Latin America for centuries, the Hawaiian baby woodrose was not traditionally recognised as a hallucinogen. Its properties were first brought to attention in the 1960s, despite the fact that the chemical composition of its seeds is near identical to those of the two species mentioned above, and in fact contain the highest concentration of psychoactive compounds in the entire family.
Traditional use of the plant in India usually employed the leaves and roots of the plants, which are not psychoactive, as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
The psychedelic properties of the seeds became known mainly through their use in Hawaii, Haiti and Puerto Rico, where impoverished members of the population would consume the seeds, seeking a "cheap buzz" as an alternative to alcohol. A sample made its way to Albert Hofmann, the discoverer of LSD, who confirmed the effects and analysed its chemical composition.
[edit] Psychotropic use
The effects of oral ingestion of the seeds has been compared to LSD, although significantly less potent. The experience is usually reported as psychedelic, depending on the dosage. Visually, some open-eye disturbances and closed-eye patterns occur. The most notable changes induced are cognitive, although with changes in auditory perception are also often reported. Time and space perception can be seriously altered. At a low to medium dose of the seeds produces a light ecstasy and a mood lift.
The original strain, whose origin was India, as well as the African(Ghana strain) have lower LSA levels but higher concentrations of the other ergot alkaloids. Therefore, the other strains are significantly less potent, as far as visual hallucinations. However, many users of the Ghana and Indian strains report a narcotic like state not present upon ingestion of the Hawaiian strain, many times reporting no visual hallucinations at all. Furthermore, a hallucinagenic dose of the Hawaiian variety is in the order of 1g versus the 2g and 3g doses needed for the Indian strain and the Ghana strain respectively. The Hawaiian and Indian strains are typically characterized by a fuzzy coating similar to a coconut, with the Hawaiian strain typically being a darker brown color. The Ghana strain, although a similar shape, is smoother and lacks the fuzzy coating.
The common dose is about 7 or 8 seeds, which are ground or chewed and eaten, however effects can be noticed off as little as four seeds. There are reports of strong hallucinogenic side effects ranging from 25 to 36 seeds. This also depends on the age of the seeds, as some of the psychoactive compounds found in Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds can break down in as little to 6 to 9 months. The experience duration can range from 4 to 12 hours with mild effects occasionally lasting about a day and is usually accompanied with gastric discomfort, including severe nausea and flatulence. Other after effects of these seeds include sensitivity to light, and impaired motor skills. The removal of the outer coating of the seeds is often recommended to reduce such effects. Like LSD, LSA can cause uterine contractions, which may lead to miscarriage if the seeds are consumed while pregnant.
[edit] Chemistry
The seeds of the plant contain numerous lysergic acid amides, including ergine, ergonovine and isoergine, a chemical group from which derives the well known psychedelic, LSD. Psychedelic effects experienced after consumption of the seeds are usually attributed to ergine (also known as d-Lysergic acid amide, or Lyserg Sauer Amide), although the validity of this claim is disputed. For more information, refer to ergine.
The seeds also contain glycosides. These compounds may cause some of the reported side-effects from eating the crushed seeds. Many people believe the fuzzy coating of the seed causes the nausea, but this "fur" is inert; the nauseating factor is contained in the seed itself.
[edit] Extraction
LSA can be extracted from the seeds using water under acidic conditions or ethanol. Extracted LSA to LSD synthesis is theoretically possible, but impractical and uncommon.[1]
[edit] Cultivation
First, a slight nick should be made away from the germ eye. After this is complete it is recommended to soak the seeds in water for approximately 24 hours, or at least overnight. If nicked properly the seeds swell.
Place approximately 1 to 2 inches (2 to 4 cm) in rich potting soil with a good drainage system. It is very important during the first stages of growth to keep the soil moist- NOT completely wet. This will cause root rot and possibly mold. It is important to keep the maximum sunlight possible during the initial stages. When the leaves have received too much light they will start gaining the appearance of wilting,this also seen with lack of watering.
Within the first 1 to 2 years of growth, this plant grows very bushy. After that, some of the leaves will fall off and it will grow into vines. The vines have been known to grow up to 31 feet ( 10 meters) in length. If constant watering is not maintained, these vines will die out before reaching that point and new ones will have to start. The vine will dry out to the closest node during this point.
A 5 gallon bucket is suitable for starting 2 healthy plants. The massive root system of this plant can cause the plant to become root bound within the first year or so. For example, a 5 year old plant in a 15 gallon pot (after only 6 months) will begin to show signs of becoming root bound. It is suggested to use a 55 gallon drum or a feeding trough (commonly used for livestock and horses).
The plant can start growing flowers as early as its life cycle's second year. For this to occur, there must be sufficient watering and adequate room for the roots to grow; it can take up to 5 years for the first signs of flowering to become visible.
The seeds will be found in the pods of the dried flowers. These cannot be harvested until completely dried.
[edit] Legality
While ergine is listed as a DEA Schedule III substance in the United States, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose is not controlled. Thus, while possession of any part of the plant is legal, an ergine extraction is prosecutable by US law, however no such prosecutions have occurred. The plant is not monitored as a major controlled substance precursor, since a synthesis of LSD from ergine, while possible, is impractical.
[edit] External links
- Society of Studies about Ethnobotany and the Modified States of Consciousness
- PLANTS database entry
- Erowid entry on H.B. Woodrose
- Growing Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Plot55.com)
[edit] References
- ^ Erowid (01-08-07). [http://www.erowid.org/plants/morning_glory/morning_glory_extraction1.shtml Extraction of LSA (Method #2) from Morning Glory Seeds or Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds (Author and document validity unknown)].
Ergolines | |
Lysergic acid derivatives | Bromocriptine, Cabergoline, Ergine,Ergonovine, Ergotamine, Lysergic acid, Lysergol, LSD, D-Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide, Lisuride, Methergine, Methysergide, Pergolide |
Hallucinogenic lysergamides | AL-LAD, ALD-52, BU-LAD, CYP-LAD, DAL, DAM-57, Ergonovine, ETH-LAD, LAE-32, LSD, LPD-824, LSM-775, Methylergonovine, MLD-41, PARGY-LAD, PRO-LAD |
Other ergolines | Ergoline |
Natural sources | Argyreia nervosa, Claviceps spp., Ipomoea tricolor, Ipomoea violacea, Rivea corymbosa |