From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"When The Lights Go Down In My City"[Arts Tower,Sheffield]
This user is interested in history research. |
This user is of Saxon ancestry. |
This user comes from Perú.
This user is proud to be Celtic. |
This user is of multiple ancestries. |
This user lives in or hails from the state of Florida,
the Sunshine State.
This user lives in or hails from Miami. |
This user is a nerd. |
It is possible that this user is an alien, but this is not yet proven. Please do not go near this user with loud music. |
狗 |
This user was born in the year of the Dog. |
This user misses Pluto. May its planethood rest in peace. |
This user's favourite colour is green. |
met? |
This user prefers metric units, but, having grown up in the U.S., cannot relate to them. |
?met? |
This user prefers metric units and cannot figure out why Americans have such a hard time with them. |
This user speaks with proper grammar. |
1 |
Pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383 27950288419716939937510582097494 45923078164062862089986280348253 42117067982148086513282306647093 84460955058223172535940812848111 74502841027019385211055596446229 48954930381964428810975665933446 12847564823378678316527120190914 56485669234603861045432664821339 36072602491412737245870066063155 88174881520920962829254091715364 36789259036001133053054882046652 1384146951941511609 . . . |
This user's favourite subject is History.
This user's favorite subject is Physics.
This user is interested in Strings.
fan-3 |
This user thinks that Steve Irwin is the greatest actor or actress of all time. |
mid |
This user is a middle school student. |
This user is really fascinated by the weather. |
This user is interested in History of Pakistan |
{{Wiki}} |
This user can write in the Wikipedia language |
This user is interested in Geology. |
Dr. Who |
This User can't decide which is better, the Daleks or the Cybermen? |
This user has an iPod. |
This user does not like iPods. |
Myself Personally
- EN:Salutations! I'm Nick,aka Hempfel. My passions include physics,chemistry,math...everything. Despite my true love being math & science, I usually work on biographies of notable Soviets. Although raised in the United States by an American father and a Peruvian mother, I always wanted to move to Sweden, United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, or Austria.
- ES:¡Hola! Yo soy Nicholas,o en Wikipedia,Hempfel. Me encanta física,química,matemáticas...todo. Aunque mi amor es la ciencia y matemáticas,yo escribe articulos sobre soviéticos famosos. Aunque mi papá y yo son americanos,yo hable español porque mi mamá es peruana.
- DE:Hallo! Ich bin Nick, oder im Wikipedia ich heiße Hempfel. Ich lieber der Matematik und Physik. Ich möchte wohnen im Deutschland, Österreich, Groß Britannien, Schweden, und/oder Japan.
- JA:[Rōmanji]Shitsureshimasu! Onamae wa Nikolasu desu.[かな]しつれします! おなまえ わ ニ コラズ です.
- RU:Здрáвствуйте! Я Николаэ.
Sayings I Live By
- 中文:要你不知道这么读中文你是一个笨蛋.
- [CODE]:И ЛИКЭ ЛАУРЭН ВЭНЭРΟ--ШЭ ИС ХОТ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- David Gellman:Λαδιεσ, I αμ νοτ ασ στυπιδ ασ I λοοκ....
- User:Yoocan: Ugh! A mi me gusta...a mi me gusta Colombia...¡y Costa Rica! Yo pienso que El Pueblo De Los Gays es fantastic. Y yo pienso que las lesbianas son calientes....
- Koetsu Sakinohama[さきのはま,こえつ]:えと...漫画...か.
Favo(u)rite Days
October 5- Premier Of Monty Python's Flying Circus!
Interests And Beliefs
Nothing against Conservatives,for most of my friends are Conservative,but I find Conservative purposes a nuisance. Science should prevail above all for the sake of well-being. Low taxes may be decent for the poor,however,taxes are what makeSweden such a succesful nation,even with poor people. However,if you're like User:AmeriCan,a Conservative,I still admire thou. I admire science. It explains how the universe works. Chemistry is a central science-it explains how the universe is like. Physics enables people to find the answer to simple things and delves from the subatomic world to the colossal universe[did you know Strings are supposively the smallest particle yet,being 10−33 of a centimeter?].
My Heritage
As one could hence,I am mixed. However,I consider myself Yorkish due to my surname,sense of humo[u]r,physique,and my pride of modern Sheffield. Thereforth,I will place photographs of "My City"[Go see Journey]. I am so proud of the UK. So,for the FIFA,LET'S GO ENGLAND 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Articles
I introduced a few articles to Wikipedia(they are usually about Soviets).They include:
- Sergei Alekseevich Chaplygin,
- Aleksey Chapygin,
- Yevgeny Charushin,
- Alexander chernyshov,
- Feodosy Chernyshov,
- Genadendal (translated from German),
- Frank Bolaños,
- John Ward Warren Parsons,
- Bowman Foster Ashe Elementary,
- HD188753b,
- Débora Arango (translated from Spanish),
- José Villa Soberón (translated from Spanish & German),
- G-3 (Europe) (translated from Spanish)
Articles I Need Your Help
My Talk Page
Go to Helpfe! to talk. Thanks.
Cool Photographs
My "favourite" 4x4 vehicle.

To all anonymous users....
Did you know this is generated by a single equation?
The greatest homo sapien sapiens in ALL of time.

Look at me, I'm white & nerdy.

Bose-Einstein Condensate
Liquid Crystals (Matter)
Quark-Gluon Plasma
Paramagnetic Probe
Ugh! Britain needs to refer to the UN about this?! Will one permit belligerent and barbaric fiends to flood profit by this?! Here (if I was at the time) is what I say to Britain: Fuck the bloody UN (pardon) and wage war!!!!