Histology Group of Victoria
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[edit] History.
Over the years there have been several versions of the AIMS (Australian Institute of Medical Scientists) Histology Discussion group, and for various reasons these have all had limited life spans. The current Histology Group of Victoria Inc. has evolved from a group which was created several years ago, driven by a committee predominantly comprising senior Histology personnel throughout Melbourne. The original committee comprised President: Tristan Roberts; Vice President: Sue Sturrock; Treasurer: John Mills; Secretary: Alan Sutton; Committee: Clare Christian; Irene Giouzeppos; Piero Nelva; Mike Rentsch; Clyde Riley; Ruth Wilkinson; Jane Witte. Their intent was to create a Histology group which catered to the needs of all people with an interest in Histology. This does not just mean medical scientists, which is why it was felt necessary to be independent of AIMS,like AACB (Australian Association of Clinical Biochemists) and ASM (Australian Society of Microbiologists), but unlike AACB and ASM, the primary concern is for local members, those in Victoria. Being affiliated with AIMS, however, has proven to be of mutual benefit to both organisations.
In 1998, with Tristan Roberts at the helm, the Histology Group of Victoria (affectionately known as the HGV) became an incorporated group. The HGV Inc. still remains a non-profit organisation with over 500 members subscribing to its bi-monthly newsletter Paraffinalia.
[edit] External Links
Histology Group of Victoria homepage