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I call this posting's neutral political standings into question. It is written in a very PRO-communist matter . . . and as a redirect from Philippine Resistance during World War II, it leaves out contributions of other groups, as if it were the only group within the Philippine Islands to resist the Imperial Japanese Army's occupation of the Commonwealth of the Philippines.
I concurr with the previous posting. The PRO-Communist postion is evident throughout; "In fact, The Hukhbalahap's goals were far more understandable..." is an example of such.
Low-level terrorism? Ferdinand Marcos was the real terrorist. As an example: The Mendiola Massacre. The NPA is not a terrorist organization. The government is the true terrorist. Learn your history.
wonderful sources are: "Born of the People" written by the man himself, Luis Taruc. Another would be "History of the Filipino People, by the late Prof. Teodoro Agoncillo, others who know of other sources please let us create a decent article about the HUKBALAHAP. I call on the History Department of the University of the Philippines Diliman to please do something about this. Narodniki 10:12, 21 February 2007 (UTC)narodniki