Ideas festival
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The Ideas Festival is a bienniel event in Brisbane, Australia. It is an open public event calling itself a festival of ideas, innovation and invention. The Ideas Festival usually runs for four days and nights and is held in March of even years. The Ideas Festival is presented by The Queensland Government.
[edit] Festival Objectives
The agreed objectives of the Ideas Festival are:
- To promote Queensland, locally, nationally and internationally as being future driven, innovative, diverse and forward thinking;
- To debate and celebrate quality ideas in government, community and business; and
- To enhance recognition and understanding of the relevance of Queensland’s Smart State agenda, and of successful Smart State initiatives.[1]
[edit] Festival History
The 2006 Ideas Festival, Brisbane's third, presented more than 100 speakers, 138 sessions and recorded attendances of over 22,000. The 2006 site includes highlights, reported achievements and selected audio downloads.