Jacket matrix
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In mathematics, a Jacket matrix is a square matrix A=(a_{ij}) of order n whose entries are from a field (including real field, complex field, finite field ), if
- AA * = A * A = nIn
where :A * is the transpose of the matrix of inverse entries of A , i.e.
[edit] References
- M.H. Lee, The Center Weighted Hadamard Transform, IEEE Trans.1989 AS-36, (9), pp.1247-1249.
- M.H.Lee and S.R.Lee, On the Reverse Jacket Matrix for Weighted Hadamard Transform, IEEE Trans. on Circuit Syst.II, vol.45.no.1, pp.436-441,Mar.1998.
- M.H. Lee, A New Reverse Jacket Transform and its Fast Algorithm, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst.-II , vol 47, pp.39-46, 2000.
- M.H. Lee and B.S. Rajan, A Generalized Reverse Jacket Transform, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Analog Digit. Signal Process., vol. 48 no.7 pp 684-691, 2001.
- J. Hou, M.H. Lee and J.Y. Park, New Polynomial Construction of Jacket Transform, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E86-A no. 3, pp.652-659, 2003.
- W.P. Ma and M. H. Lee, Fast Reverse Jacket Transform Algorithms, Electronics Letters, vol. 39 no. 18 , 2003
- Moon Ho Lee, Ju Yong Park, and Jia Hou,Fast Jacket Transform Algorithm Based on Simple Matrices Factorization, IEICE Trans. Fundamental, vol.E88-A, no.8, Aug.2005.
- Moon Ho Lee and Jia Hou, Fast Block Inverse Jacket Transform, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.13. NO.8, Aug.2006.
- Jia Hou and Moon Ho Lee ,Construction of Dual OVSF Codes with Lower Correlations, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.E89-A, NO.11 pp 3363-3367, Nov 2006.
- Jia Hou , Moon Ho Lee and Kwang Jae Lee,Doubly Stochastic Processing on Jacket Matricess, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol E89-A, no.11, pp 3368-3372, Nov 2006.
- Chang Hue Choe, M. H. Lee, Gi Yeon Hwang, Seong Hun Kim, and Hyun Seuk Yoo, Key Agreement Protocols Based on the Center Weighted Jacket Matrix as a Sysmmetric Co-cyclic Matrix, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4105, pp 121-127 Sept 2006 .
- Ken Finlayson, Moon Ho Lee, Jennifer Seberry, and Meiko Yamada, Jacket Matrices constructed from Hadamard Matrices and Generalized Hadamard Matrices, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, vol.35, pp 83-88, June 2006.
- Moon Ho Lee, and Ken.Finlayson, A Simple Element Inverse Jacket Transform Coding, Information Theory Workshop 2005, ITW 2005, Proc. of IEEE ITW 2005, 28.Aug-1.Sept., New Zealand, also IEEE Signal Processing Letters,March 2007.