Talk:Jane Mitakides
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Regarding page vandalism:
I apologize to anyone who saw the racial slurs that were edited into this article, along with the preposterous comparisons of presidential-year turnout numbers vs. off-year elections. Of course, I had nothing to do with those edits.
Also, I withdrew from the race for Chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party, in favor of the candidate supported by my friend and then-candidate for Governor, Ted Strickland, and was not part of the ballot.
This sort of misrepresentation and outright vandalism is, unfortunately, typical of some political operatives and the candidates they serve.
These errors and slurs were only recently called to my attention, and of course, I corrected the article as soon as I knew about it. My deepest apologies to anyone who read the vandalized version, and might have believed the wording was from me. Jane Mitakides
Regarding page revisionism:
I have readded the factual numbers from the Ohio Secretary of State's office regarding Mitakides' performance in 2004. She is trying, without success, to inflate her performance by picking out precincts where she did better than Kerry. Looking at the numbers, however, show this is a laughable assertion. I have no connection to any candidate who is running, or has ever run, in the 3rd congressional district.
Regarding changes to page:
I will continue to edit out changes such as referring to the NAACP as "Now Apes Are Considered People" without apology. While knowledgable political analysts would hardly consider a down-ballot, first time candidate receiving more votes than a presidential candidate in ANY precinct "laughable," perhaps it is best to leave it out interpretations altogether. I would prefer to remove the entire biography, since it has apparently become a target for spin and not facts.Ljanem 16:16, 26 December 2006 (UTC)
The Mitikides Spin Continues:
The repugnant reference to the NAACP is a separate issue from the whirlwind spin by Ms. Mitakides and she well knows that.
She is obviously ashamed to be called on the carpet for her self-aggrandizement and boastfulness in her earlier assertions.
I am pleased to see she has taken out the spin about her phrase "A strong effort resulted in Mitakides receiving more votes than top-of-the-ticket John Kerry in many precincts in her OH-3." when many actually constituted a mere 13 precincts out of 658. Somehow it must take quite an ego to think that 1.98% means "many".
It might interest Ms. Mitikides that in 3,134 of the 11,345 precincts in Ohio in 2004, the Democratic candidate for Congress got more votes than John Kerry. That is 27.62% of the precincts. Her 1.98% doesn't look too impressive now, does it?
Seeing all this makes me wonder if time should be spent verifying other claims she has made in her article.