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[edit] Rockford Master's Commission
[edit] Jeremy Deweerdt
World Changers! They come from all over the world to Rockford, Illinois, where Jeremy DeWeerdt is the Pastor and Director of the Rockford Master’s Commission. For the past 14 years, hundreds of students have been transformed by the power of God into Christ-followers; ready to influence their world. Along with directing RMC, for 15 years Jeremy was involved in leadership and eventually directed Cross Current Student Ministries. This ministry reached over 1000 middle school, high school, and college-aged students each week.
Presently, Jeremy dedicates 100% of his time to the Rockford Master’s Commission and has a passion to challenge this generation to influence their culture through ministry, media, business, art, music, education, government, and any other way the Lord might use them. Students come from all over the world for a nine-month period of time and enter this challenging, but life-changing, discipleship program.
Jeremy is also founder and President of a social sector organization called Earthbeat, Inc. Earthbeat is a non-profit organization that mobilizes youth and young adults to give back to their communities through volunteerism; especially related to environmental service projects. Earthbeat works with government organizations, youth initiative groups, and corporations to activate a generation of community conscious individuals.
Jeremy is an Ordained Minister in the Assemblies of God since 1998. He sits on the Master’s Commission International Network and Master’s Commission Europe boards.
Jeremy and Jen, his wife of 11 years, have two more future world changers to take care of; their sons Caden and Connor.
To learn more about Earthbeat, The Rockford Master's Commission, or Next Level Ministries you can visit these websites
- Favorite Quote: "Preach Always and Seldom Use Words" Watchman Nee
- Countries Visited: Cuba, Canada, Mexico, England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, India, Thailand, Swaziland, South Africa, Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Belgium, Singapore, Japan, and China.
- Years on Staff With the Rockford Master's Commission: Founder and Director (1993)