Tables of the Law JE Tablets containing the Ten Commandments.—Biblical Data: Moses, bidden to go up to God on the mountain to receive "tables of ......
TaborJE Mountain of Palestine, the modern Jabal al-Ṭur, on the northern edge of the plain of Jezreel. It is a dome-shaped ......
Robert TábóriJE Hungarian author; born at Almas Nov. 10, 1855; educated at Baja, Budapest, and Vienna. He began his literary career in ......
Tabyomi JE Babylonian amora of the fifth century; died at the end of Yom Kippur, 468. He achieved a reputation as a ......
TachauJE City in Bohemia, thirty-three miles west of Pilsen; seat of one of the oldest Jewish communities of the country, as ......
TaginJE Decorative "crowns" which are sometimes placed on the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The taga is regularly composed of three ......
Tachanun (Tahanun) JE Prayer for grace; said after the "'Amidah" of the morning ("shaḥarit") and afternoon ("minḥah") prayers on week-days. It is so ......
TaharahJE Ceremony of washing a dead body before burial. This rite is performed by the members ("mit'assekim") of the "ḥebra ḳaddisha." ......
Tachash (Tahash) JE A word translated in the A. V. by "badger." Taḥash-skins were used in making the outer covering of the tent ......
Gedaliah ben Abraham Menahem Taikos JE German scholar of the eighteenth century. Under the title "Be'er ha-Torah" he translated into German the Pentateuch, the Hafṭarot, and ......
Taitazaq (Taitazak) JE Name of a prominent Spanish family, several members of which distinguished themselves as Talmudic authorities. Various opinions have been expressed ......
Taqqanah (Takkanah) JE An enactment which (1) revises an ordinance that no longer satisfies the requirements of the times or circumstances, or which ......
Tobias Tal JE Dutch rabbi; born at Amsterdam 1847; died at The Hague Oct. 24, 1898; studied at Dünner's theological seminary (1862-74) and ......
Daniel Rahamim Talkar JE Beni-Israel soldier; enlisted in the 4th Rifles on April 1, 1842. He was made jemidar and native adjutant on Jan. ......
Ezekiel Talkar JE Beni-Israel soldier; born at Ahmedabad, India, in 1848; joined the 3d Regiment, Native Light Infantry, now called Bombay Rifles, on ......
TallitJE Mantle with fringes (ẓiẓit) at the four corners; a prayer-shawl worn over the garments, and used by men after marriage ......
TallyJE A piece of wood on which is written a deed of indebtedness, the sum due being indicated by notches along ......
Talmid Chakam (Talmid Hakam) JE Honorific title given to one well versed in the Law. Prizing knowledge, especially that of the Torah, above all worldly ......
TalmudJE Name of two works which have been preserved to posterity as the product of the Palestinian and Babylonian schools during ......
Talmud Commentaries JE The commentaries on the Talmud constitute only a small part of halakic literature in comparison with the responsa literature and ......
Talmud Hermenutics JE The science which defines the rules and methods for the investigation and exact determination of the meaning of the Scriptures, ......
Talmudic LawJE The development of thousands of years is represented by the Jewish law asit is found in the Shulḥan 'Aruk, Ḥoshen ......
Talmud TorahJE Public free school for poor and orphaned boys, who are there given an elementary education in Hebrew, the Scriptures (especially ......
Jacob b. David ibn Yachya Tam (Jacob b. David ibn Yahya Tam) JE Portuguese-Turkish rabbi and physician; born in Portugal in the second half of the fifteenth century;died in Constantinople between 1534 and ......
TamanJE Peninsula between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azof; now included in the Russian province of Kuban. It contains ......
TamarJE City mentioned in the vision of Ezekiel (Ezek. xlvii. 19) as one terminus of the southern boundary-line of Canaan, which ......
TamarJE Daughter-in-law of Judah. After the death of her husband, Er, she married his brother Onan; but when he also died, ......
TamariskJE Tree, several species of which are found in and around Palestine. The Hebrew term for the tamarisk is doubtful. The ......
TamidJE Treatise in the Mishnah and the Babylonian Gemara; devoted chiefly to the regulations regarding the morning and evening burnt offerings ......
TammuzJE Babylonian deity supposed to be referred to in Ezek. viii. 14. He is regarded as the husband, or sometimes as ......
TammuzJE Fourth ecclesiastical and tenth civil month of the Hebrew calendar. It consists of twenty-nine days, and corresponds to part of ......
Abraham Tang JE English author; flourished in London in the latter half of the eighteenth century. In 1773 he published a philosophic commentary ......
Tanchum b. Eliezer (Tanhum b. Eliezer) JE Lithuanian rabbi and merchant; born 1746; died in Grodno Jan. 12, 1819. He was the son of R. Eliezer of ......
Tanchum bar Chanilai (Tanhum bar Hanilai) JE Palestinian amora of the third century, although his father's name suggests a Babylonian origin. He transmitted the sayings of Joshua ......
Tanchum b. Chiyya (Tanhum b. Hiyya) JE Palestinian amora of the third century; a pupil of Simeon b. Pazzi, whose sayings he transmits. In the Babylonian Talmud ......
Tanchum bar Jeremiah (Tanhum bar Jeremiah) JE Palestinian amora of the fourth century; pupil of R. Manis the Elder. In the town of Ḥefer in Galilee he ......
Tanchum ben Joseph Yerushalmi (Tanhum ben Joseph Yerushalmi) JE Oriental philologist and exegete of the thirteenth century. He was a scholar of great merit and was one of the ......
Tanchuma b. Abba (Tanhuma b. Abba) JE Palestinian amora of the fifth generation; one of the foremost haggadists of his time. He was a pupil of Ḥuna ......
Midrash Tanchuma (Midrash Tanhuma) JE Name given to three different collections of Pentateuch haggadot; two are extant, while the third is known only through citations. ......
Tanchuma b. Skolastiqai (Tanchuma b. Skolastikai) JE Palestinian teacher of the Law. His period is not known, but according to a conjecture (see "'Aruk," s.v. "Askolastika") he ......
Tanna Debe Eliyahu JE Composite name of a midrash, consisting of two parts, whose final redaction took place at the end of the tenth ......
Tannaim and AmoraimJE The name "tanna" is derived from the Aramaic "teni" or "tena" (="to teach"), and designates in general a teacher of ......
Abner Tannenbaum JE Yiddish and Hebrew journalist; born at Schirwind, East Prussia, March 1, 1848. He studied in Kamenetz-Podolsk and in the Kisbinef ......
Ishmael Ha-Horen Tanuji JE Egyptian rabbi and author of the sixteenth century. He was a descendant of the Tanuji (from "Tanjah" ="Tangiers") family of ......
TanyaJE Collection of ritual laws and customs, published first at Mantua, 1514, then at Cremona, 1565, and later in two other ......
Aaron TänzerJE Austrian rabbi; born at Presburg, Hungary, Jan. 30, 1871; studied at the Presburg Rabbinerschule, and Oriental philology and history at ......
TappuahJE City in the Shefelah, described as lying between the towns of En-gannim and Enam; probably situated north of the ......
TarasconJE City in the department of Bouches-du-Rhône, France. In 1276 King Charles I. intervened in behalf of its Jews against the ......
TarfonJE Tanna of the third generation, living in the period between the destruction of the Temple and the fall of Bethar. ......
TargumJE The Aramaic translation of the Bible. It forms a part of the Jewish traditional literature, and in its inception is ......
TarnopolJE Town of eastern Galicia, Austria; situated on the Sereth. It was founded in 1540 by the Polish hetman Johann Tarnowski. ......
TarnowJE Town of Austrian Galicia. An organized community existed there in the middle of the sixteenth century. The Jews were, for ......
TarragonaJE Capital of the province of Tarragona, Spain; the ancient Tarraco. It was called the "City of the Jews" by Edrisi ......
Siegbert TarraschJE German physician and chess-master; born at Breslau March 5, 1862; studied medicine at the universities of Berlin, Halle, and Nuremberg, ......
TarregaJE City of Catalonia. Jews were among its inhabitants when the counts of Barcelona took Catalonia from the Moors. They enjoyed ......
TarshishJE In the genealogical table of the Noachidæ, Tarshish is given as the second son of Javan and is followed by ......
TarsusJE Turkish town in the vilayet of Adana, 12 miles from the Mediterranean, on the River Cydnus. During the Roman period ......
TartakJE Deity mentioned but once in the Bible (II Kings xvii. 31). His name occurs together with that of Nibhaz or ......
TartanJE Title of an Assyrian official; twice mentioned in the Bible. A tartan, accompanied by a "rabsaris" and a "rab-shakeh," was ......
Aaron Moses b. Jacob Taubes JE Rumanian rabbi and author; born in Lemberg 1787; died in Jassy 1852. He became rabbi of Sniatyn and its districts ......
Carl TausigJE Polish pianist and composer; born at Warsaw [Nov. 4, 1841; died at Leipsic July 17, 1871. He received his early ......
Edward David TaussigJE American naval officer; born at St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 20, 1847. Educated at the public schools of his native city, ......
Eduard TauwitzJE German composer; born Jan. 21, 1812, at Glatz; died July 26, 1894, at Prague. While studying law at the University ......
Taw (Tav) JE The twenty-second letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Its name is connected with "taw" = "sign" ( see Alphabet). "Taw" has ......
Jacob b. Joseph Tawus JE Persian translator of the Bible; flourished in the sixteenth century. The polyglot Pentateuch printed at Constantinople in 1546 included a ......
Abraham ben Jacob ibn Tawwah JE Algerian Talmudist; flourished at Algiers in the sixteenth century. On his mother's side he was a grandson of Solomon b. ......
Tax-Gatherers JE During the Egyptian government of Palestine the taxes of each city were annually leased to the highest bidder (Josephus, "Ant." ......
TaxationJE The Bible gives scant information concerning the secular or political taxes of the Jews. Practically all that can be gathered ......
Taxo JE The mysterious name of "the man of the tribe of Levi" who, under a Roman governor in the time of ......
Charles TaylorJE English Christian Hebraist; born in London 1840; educated at King's College, London, and St. John's College, Cambridge, of which he ......
Tayyib JE Tunisian family, first known in the second half of the seventeenth century. The more prominent members are the following:Abraham ṭayyib: ......
TebetJE Tenth ecclesiastical and fourth civil month; it invariably has twenty-nine days. The name, like those of the other months, appears ......
Tebul Yom JE Name of a treatise in the Mishnah and in the Tosefta; in most editions of the Mishnah it is tenth ......
Marco Tedeschi JE Italian rabbi and poet; born at Piova, Piedmont, in 1817; died at Triest in1870. He removed to Vercelli with his ......
Moses Isaac Tedeschi JE Italian translator, Biblical commentator, and teacher; born at Triest June 6, 1821; died there June 17, 1898. He lectured on ......
Moses TeitelbaumJE Austrian Ḥasid; died July 17, 1841. According to Löw, he signed his name Tamar, this being the equivalent of Teitelbaum, ......
TeixeiraJE Noble Portuguese Marano family, originally bearing the surname of Sampayo. In accordance with a decree of King Philip IV. of ......
Pedro TeixeiraJE Portuguese traveler; born at Lisbon of Marano parents; died about the middle of the seventeenth century either at Verona (according ......
TekoaJE City of southern Judea, frequently mentioned in the Old Testament. The "wise woman" who brought about the recall of Absalom ......
Tequfah (Tekufah) JE Season of the year. The four teḳufot are: (1) Teḳufat Nisan, the vernal equinox (March 21), when the sun enters ......
Telassar JE City, along with Gozan, Haran, and Reseph, which Rabshakeh mentions as having been conquered by Sennacherib's predecessors (II Kings xix. ......
Eduard TelcsJE Hungarian sculptor; born at Baja May 12, 1872. At the age of twelve he went to Budapest and studied decorative ......
Telesinus JE Jew of Telesia, who lived at Rome about 480. Not only did Pope Gelasius refer to him, in a letter ......
Tell El-Amarna JE Name derived from the Beni'Amran or El-Amarna Bedouins, and now given to the extensive ruins and rock-cut tombs which are ......
Leopold TellerJE Hungarian actor; born at Budapest April 3, 1844. For a time he studied medicine at the University of Vienna, but ......
Caroline Tellheim JE See Bettelheim, Caroline von. ......
TemanJE Originally, the name of a tribe and then of a district of the Edomites. In Biblical genealogy it is the ......
Jacob ben Eliezer Temerls JE German Talmudist and cabalist; born at Worms at the end of the sixteenth century; died at Vienna about 1667. At ......
TemesvarJE Hungarian city. The oldest gravestone in the Jewish cemetery is dated 1636, and was erected in memory of Azriel Assach ......
Administration and Service of Temple JE The affairs of the Second Temple were managed by a board of fifteen appointed officers ("memunnim"). The Mishnah records the ......
Temple of HerodJE In the eighteenth year (20-19 B.C.) of his reign Herod rebuilt the Temple on a more magnificent scale. There are ......
Plan of Second Temple JE The plan and description of the Second Temple according to Talmudic sources were as follows:Mount Moriah, known as the "Har ......
Temple in Rabbinical Literature JE Mount Moriah was allotted by Joshua to the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. The area of the mount, the halls, ......
Second TempleJE The Temple of Solomon was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C. (II Kings xxv. 9). It is usually supposed that ......
Temple of SolomonJE David, according to II Sam. vii. 2 et seq., desired to build a temple for Yhwh, but was not permitted ......
Bernhard Templer JE Austrian theologian; born at Brzesko, Galicia, May 1, 1865; educated at the University and the Bet ha-Midrash of Vienna, and ......
TemurahJE Treatise in the Mishnah, Tosefta, and Babylonian Talmud mainly concerned with the regulations in Lev. xxvii. 10, 33 regarding the ......
Midrash TemurahJE Ethical haggadic work consisting of three chapters. Its tendency is to prove that changes and differences are necessary to the ......
TenJE The art of counting was founded on the number of the fingers and toes, which constituted the basis for the ......
Paul TenczerJE Hungarian author; born at Nagy Bejom April 11, 1836; died at Budapest Feb. 6, 1905. He was educated at Keszthely ......
TennesseeJE State of the Southern States of the American Union; admitted in 1796—the third after the incorporation of the original thirteen; ......
TentJE The usual home of nomads, who are accordingly described as dwelling in tents (Gen. iv. 20). As distinguished from the ......
Hezekiah (Feiwel) ben Jonah Te'omim JE Rabbi at Przemysl; lived in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He was the author of "Teḳa' be-Shofar" (Breslau, 1719), containing ......
Jonah ben Isaiah Te'omim JE Bohemian rabbi at Prague; died at Metz April 16, 1669. After having exercised the function of rabbi at Nikolsburg and ......
Jonah (Chayyim) ben Joshua Feiwel Te'omim (Jonah (Hayyim) ben Joshua Feiwel Te'omim) JE Rabbi successively at Przemysl, Zülz, and Breslau; lived in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; son-in-law of David Oppenheim, rabbi of ......
Joseph ben Meïr Te'omimJE Galician rabbi; born at Lemberg in 1727; died at Frankfort-on-the-Oder in 1793. While still young he succeeded his father in ......
Joshua Feiwel ben Jonah Te'omim JE Rabbi at Przemysl in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He was the author of "Panim Masbirot," a polemical work directed ......
Löb ben Moses Te'omim (Aryeh Judah) JE Rabbi and scholar of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; lived in Pinczow, and later in Plotzk. He was the author ......
Meïr ben Samuel Te'omim JE Polish Talmudist of the eighteenth century; died July, 10, 1773. Meïr was a grandson of Joseph Te'omim, and was a ......
Baruch ben David Te'omim-FränkelJE Rabbi at Wisnicz, Austrian Galicia, and at Leipnik, Moravia, during the first half of the nineteenth century; grandson of Aryeh ......
TeplitzJE Town in northern Bohemia, about 46 miles northwest of Prague. The earliest documentary evidence of the presence of Jews there ......
TerahJE Father of Abraham, Nahor, and Haran (Gen. xi. 26). His original home was Ur of the Chaldees; but later he ......
TeraphimJE Plural word of unknown derivation used in the Old Testament to denote the primitive Semitic house-gods whose cult had been ......
Terefah JE Term signifying originally the flesh of a clean animal that had been torn or mortally wounded by beasts of prey, ......
Daniel ben Moses David Terni JE Italian rabbi, poet, and Biblical commentator of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; a native of Ancona. After having taught for ......
Mattathiah Nissim ben Jacob Israel Terni JE Italian rabbi and poet; flourished in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. He was rabbi at Florence, Urbino, Pesaro, and Sinigaglia. ......
Raphael Benito Terongi JE Martyr. He, his teacher Raphael Valls, and his sister Catalina Terongi were together publicly burned as "Judios impenitentes" at the ......
Olry TerquemJE French mathematician; born at Metz June 16, 1782; died at Paris May 6, 1862. In 1801 he began his studies ......
Terracino JE Italian rabbinical family, of which the following members are known:David Mordecai Terracino: Rabbi at Asti in the nineteenth century.Hezekiah Terracino: ......
Testaments of the Twelve PatriarchsJE Title of twelve connected documents which purport to record the last words and exhortations of the twelve sons of Jacob. ......
TetJE Ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The signification of its name is uncertain. Its sound is that of an emphatic ......
TetrarchJE A governor of a quarter of a province; the title of several feudal lords of Palestine and neighboring countries who ......
Koppel (Jacob ben Abraham Mandl) Theben JE President of the Jewish community in Presburg; died at Prague Aug. 26, 1799. As "sheṭadlan" of the Hungarian Jews he ......
ThebesJE Ancient and famous city of Greece; capital of Bœotia. Although there is no documentary evidence of the presence of Jews ......
Theft and Stolen Goods JE To steal is to break one of the Ten Commandments, "Thou shalt not steal"; and it is immaterial whether one ......
TheocracyJE System of state organization and government in which God is recognized as the ruler in whose name authority is exercised ......
Julius (Judah) Theodor JE German rabbi; born Dec. 28, 1849, at Schmalleningken, East Prussia. He studied philosophy and Orientalia at the University of Breslau ......
TheodoraJE Queen of Bulgaria from 1335 to 1355; born at Tirnova la Grande, capital of the ancient kingdom of Bulgaria, of ......
Theodore of MopsuestiaJE Christian bishop and Church father; born and educated at Antioch; died at Mopsuestia about 429; teacher of Nestorius and Theodoret, ......
Boris ThomashefskiJE Judæo-German actor; born at Kiev May 30, 1866. He went to New York to seek work in 1881 and soon ......
ThornJE Town of West Prussia, founded in 1233 by the Knights of the Teutonic Order. Jews were not permitted to dwell ......
Thorns and Thistles JE The desert flora of Palestine is unusually rich in thorns and thistles, containing a whole series of acanthaceous shrubs and ......
Tiglath-PileserJE King of Assyria from 747 to 727 B.C.; designated by modern Oriental historians as Tiglath-pileser III. He first appears under ......
TigrisJE One of the four streams mentioned in Gen. ii. 14 as watering the Garden of Eden, and described, from the ......
TiktinJE A Silesian family of rabbis originating from Tiktin, a town in Poland.Abraham ben Gedaliah Tiktin: German rabbi; born at Schwersenz, ......
Judah Löb ben Simchah Tiktiner (Judah Löb ben Simhah Tiktiner) JE Russian rabbi of the eighteenth century. He officiated as ab bet din in Zagora, and later was a resident of ......
Rebecca bat Meïr Tiktiner JE Austrian authoress of the sixteenth century; flourished at Prague, where she died, apparently in 1550. She wrote two works: (1) ......
Chayyim Judah Löb b. Smauel Tiktinski (Hayyim Judah Löb b. Samuel Tiktinski) JE Lithuanian Talmudist; born in Mir Oct. 13, 1823; died in Warsaw March 30, 1899. He was the second son of ......
TimbrelJE Musical instrument. In the Hebrew music of Old Testament times, as indeed in Oriental music to-day, rhythm was of much ......
Timnath-Serah JE Town in Mount Ephraim, situated on the northern slope of the hill of Gaash (Josh. xxiv. 30). It was given ......
Jacob Tirado JE Convert to Judaism in Amsterdam in the sixteenth century; died in Jerusalem. With several Maranos he sailed from Portugal in ......
TirhakahJE King of Ethiopia (i.e., Nubia). When Sennacherib and his general (Rabshakeh) were besieging Lachish, Libnah, and Jerusalem, it was reported ......
TirzahJE Ancient Canaanitish capital (Josh. xii. 24), which, from the context, seems to have been situated in the northern part of ......
Judah ben Elijah Tishbi JE Karaite scholar and liturgical poet; flourished at Belgrade in the first half of the sixteenth century; grandson of Abraham ben ......
TitheJE The tenth part of anything, appropriated as tax or sacrifice.—Biblical Data: Tithing one's possessions was a very ancient custom, existing ......
Title Page JE Decorations.In the early sixteenth century the colophon still predominated. The title of the "Sefer Minhag Abot," the condensed liturgical code ......
Titles of Hebrew Books JE In Hebrew literature, books, with few exceptions, are recognized by their titles independently of their authors' names. Citations from and ......
Titles of Honor JE Words and phrases applied to persons to distinguish their noble birth, or their official or social rank and station, or ......
TitusJE Emperor of Rome from 79 to 81; born in 39 or 41; died Sept. 13, 81; son of Vespasian, the ......
Arch of TitusJE A triumphal arch erected at Rome in honor of the emperor Titus and in celebration of his victory over the ......
TobaccoJE The use of tobacco for smoking and in the form of snuff is commonamong Jews, who in some countries control ......
Tobia ben Moses Ha-Abel JE Karaite scholar, Biblical commentator, liturgical poet, and translator; flourished at Constantinople in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Fürst ("Gesch. des ......
TobiadsJE Jewish party in the Maccabean period. A combination of the statements of Josephus ("Ant." xii. 4, §§ 1-11) and of ......
Tobiah ben EliezerJE Talmudist and poet of the eleventh century; author of the "Leḳaḥ Ṭob" or "Pesiḳta Zuṭarta," a midrashic commentary on the ......
Tobiah ben Elijah of Vienne (Burgundy) JE French tosafist of the thirteenth century. He was a younger contemporary, and perhaps also a pupil, of Isaac ben Abraham ......
Book of TobitJE A late Jewish work, never received into the Jewish canon, and included in the Apocrypha by Protestants, although it was ......
Mordecai ben Abraham Tockels JE German Talmudist; born at Lissa; died in Berlin June 12, 1743. As a poor young man he went to Berlin, ......
Hermann Todesco JE Austrian financier and philanthropist; born at Presburg 1792; died there Nov. 23, 1844. At first engaging in the silk trade, ......
Todros of Beaucaire JE (called Ha-Ḳaẓin). One of the chief poets of the second half of the thirteenth century; resided in Montpellier. In 1277 ......
Todros of Cavaillon JE French physician of the latter part of the fourteenth century, who flourished, according to Carmoly, about 1375. He was the ......
Todros ben Isaac JE Talmudist; lived in Italy or in southern France in the latter part of the thirteenth century and the early part ......
Todros ben Kalonymus JE French scholar and liturgical poet; lived at Narbonne in the first half of the twelfth century; son of Kalonymus the ......
Todros ben Meshullam ben David JE Provençal translator; born at Arles in the early part of the fourteenth century. Of his life no details are known ......
Todros ben Moses Yom-Tob JE French physician; flourished at Cavaillon in the second half of the fourteenth century; identified by Steinschneider with Todros of Cavaillon. ......
TohorotJE Name of the sixth and last order in the Mishnah and the Tosefta. "Ṭohorot" is a euphemism for uncleanness, all ......
Jacob b. Simeon Tomashov JE Polish rabbi of the seventeenth century. His father is styled "ha-Ḳadosh," a term generally given to a martyr, so that ......
TombsJE From the earliest times the Hebrews practised burial of the dead (V12p183001.jpg, whence "ḳeber" = "tomb"), so that cremation, which ......
TombstonesJE The custom of marking a grave by a stone which bore an inscription describing the qualities of the deceased and ......
TordesillasJE Spanish city near Valladolid, with a Jewish community, which was visited by Vicente Ferrer toward the end of 1411 for ......
Moses Ha-Kohen de Tordesillas JE Spanish controversialist, who was called upon to suffer for his faith, an attempt being made to convert him to Christianity ......
TorontoJE Canadian city; capital of the province of Ontario. Toronto possesses four regularly organized Jewish congregations, the oldest being the Holy ......
Lelio (Hillel) della Torre JE Italian rabbi and educator; born in Cuneo, Piedmont, Jan. 11, 1805; died in Padua July 9, 1871. His father, Solomon ......
TortJE Any wrongful act, neglect, or default whereby legal damage is caused to the person, property, or reputation of another. Liability ......
TortoiseJE Rendering in the Authorized Version of the Hebrew word "ẓab" (Lev. xi. 29; see Lizard). Some commentators assume "gallim" in ......
TortosaJE City in Catalonia where Jews lived and owned land as early as the Roman period. This Jewish community was one ......
TosafotJE Critical and explanatory glosses on the Talmud, printed, in almost all editions, on the outer margin and opposite Rashi's notes. ......
ToseftaJE Name of a collection of baraitot which treat in a more complete form than does the Mishnah the subject of ......
Tötbrief JE Term applied in Germany to the edicts issued by the kings and emperors, to the papal bulls, and to the ......
TotemismJE A primitive social system in which members of a clan reckoned kinship through their mothers, and worshiped some animal or ......
ToulJE Capital of an arrondissement in the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, with a Jewish population dating from the thirteenth century. Among ......
ToulonJE Capital of an arrondissement in the department of the Var, France. Like most of the principal cities of Provence, Toulon ......
ToulouseJE Capital of the department of Haute-Garonne, France, where a large number of Jews lived as early as the beginning of ......
Judah TouroJE American philanthropist; born at Newport, R. I., June 16, 1775; died at New Orleans, La., Jan. 13, 1854; son of ......
ToursJE Capital of the department of Indre-et-Loire, France. Since the first half of the sixth century Jews have lived either in ......
TowerJE A building of strength or magnificence (Isa. ii. 15; Cant. iv. 4, vii. 4), and, with a more limited connotation, ......
Crawford Howell ToyJE American Christian Orientalist; born at Norfolk, Va., March 23, 1836. He was educated at the University of Virginia, and studied ......
Trabot (Trabotti) JE Family of Italian scholars of the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries, which immigrated to Italy from France, so that several ......
Herman TrachtenbergJE Russian jurist; born in Jitomir 1839; died there 1895. He studied law at the University of St. Petersburg, and at ......
Trade unionismJE Excepting in Holland, the creation of a Jewish proletariat has everywhere followed immigration from the east-European centers, where the massing ......
TranslationsJE After the early victories of the Mohammedans and the consequent spread of Arabic civilization, the Jews of the Eastern countries ......
TransliterationJE The Greek and Latin words which entered into the language of the Hebrews are transcribed in the Talmud, Midrash, and ......
Transmigration of soulsJE The passing of souls into successive bodily forms, either human or animal. According to Pythagoras, who probably learned the doctrine ......
Tomas Trebino de Sobremonte (Tomas Tremino de Sobremonte) JE Martyr; burned at the stake at Mexico, or Lima, April 11, 1649. He had previously been reconciled by the Inquisition; ......
Abraham ben Reuben Chayyat Trebitsch (Abraham ben Reuben Hayyat Trebitsch) JE Austrian scholar; born at Trebitsch, Moravia, about 1760; died at Nikolsburg in the first half of the nineteenth century. He ......
Nehemiah (Menahem Nahum) Trebitsch JE Austrian rabbi; born at Prague Aug. 14, 1779; died there July 4, 1842. He was a son of Selig Trebitsch, ......
Tree of LifeJE According to Gen. ii. 9, there stood in the midst of the Garden of Eden a "tree of life," apparently ......
Tree worshipJE Trees have been objects of worship in all parts of the world (comp. Mannhardt, "Wald- und Feldkulte," Berlin, 1875). They ......
Laws Concerning Trees JE Cutting down fruit-bearing and useful trees is forbidden by the Mosaic law. In time of war the fruit-trees about...
John Immanuel Tremellius JE Italian Hebraist; born at Ferrara 1510; died at Sedan Oct. 9, 1580. He was educated at the University of Padua. ......
Isaac Trenel JE French rabbi; born at Metz Dec. 28, 1822; died at Paris in 1890. He studied at Marmoutier under his uncle ......
TrentJE Oldest city of the Tyrol; a sovereign bishopric from 1027 to 1803. During the first half of the fourteenth century ......
TrespassJE Injury done directly, in most cases purposely, to the person or property of another. Trespass on the person has been ......
Lost Ten TribesJE According to the Bible, Tiglath-pileser (II Kings xv. 29) or Shalmaneser (ib. xvii. 6, xviii. 11), after the defeat of ......
Twelve TribesJE The individual tribes having been treated under their respective captions, it is proposed to discuss in the present article the ......
Triennial Cycle JE A cycle of three years, in the course of which the whole Law is read on Sabbaths and festivals. This ......
Ernst Johannes Trier JE Danish educator; born in Copenhagen Jan. 23, 1837; died at Vallekilde Dec. 29, 1893. He was graduated from the University ......
Jacob Frederik Trier JE Danish physician; born in Copenhagen June 14, 1831; died there May 17, 1898. He studied at the Metropolitan School and ......
Herman Trier JE Danish educator, writer, and politician; born in Copenhagen May 10, 1845. He received his early education at the Von Westenske ......
Salomon Meyer Trier JE Danish pharmacist; born in Copenhagen in 1804; died there in Dec., 1888. He was graduated from the Copenhagen College of ......
Seligmann Meyer Trier JE Danish physician; born in Copenhagen June 7, 1800; died there Dec. 20, 1863. He was the son of poor parents, ......
TrieschJE City in Moravia. Its Jewish congregation was most probably founded by exiles from Iglau shortly after 1426. In the latter ......
Friedrich Gustav Triesch JE Austrian dramatist; born at Vienna June 16, 1845. Triesch studied sculpture for a time at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, ......
TriestJE A commercial city and an important seaport, situated at the head of the Adriatic; ethnographically Italian, but politically Austrian. Although ......
Gabriel Trieste JE Italian merchant and philanthropist; born Dec. 24, 1784; died at Padua March 9, 1860. He was president of the Jewish ......
Eliezer ben Joseph Yospa Trillinger JE Austrian rabbi; lived in the latter half of the seventeenth and at the beginning of the eighteenth century; died at ......
TrinityJE The fundamental dogma of Christianity; the concept of the union in one God of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as ......
TrinquetailleJE Suburb of Arles, France, on the right bank of the Rhone. Its Jewish community was of much importance in the ......
TripoliJE Seaport on the northern coast of Africa; capital of the Turkish vilayet of the same name. Local tradition states that ......
Henry Baker TristramJE English clergyman, Biblical scholar, and traveler in Palestine; born May 11, 1822, at Eglingham, Northumberland. He was educated at Durham ......
Joseph Elijah Triwosch JE Russian Hebrew writer and poet; born at Wilna Jan. 18, 1856; settled at Grodno as a teacher of Hebrew and ......
TrokiJE District city in the government of Wilna, Russia. It was an important Jewish center in the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth ......
TrokiJE Karaite family deriving its name from the city of Troki, in the government of Wilna, Russia. The more important members ......
TropJE Judæo-German term for tropes, the short musical cadences, called "distinctions" in theChurch plain-song, which are the traditional vocal interpretation of ......
Troy, New YorkJE City and the capital of Rensselaer county in the state of New York; situated on the east bank of the ......
TroyesJE Capital of the department of Aube, France. It contained a Jewish population as early as the tenth century, as is ......
Henry Clay TrumbullJE American Christian Orientalist; born at Stonington, Conn., June 8, 1830; died at Philadelphia Dec. 8, 1903. He was educated at ......
TrumpetJE In Shab. 36a (comp. Suk. 34a) it is noted that since the destruction of the Temple the names for the ......
Tushiyyah JE Publishing establishment founded in Warsaw in 1896, which, though a private enterprise, is in reality a Hebrew publication society striving ......
Olaus Gerhard TychsenJE Christian Hebraist and Orientalist; born at Tondern in Sleswick, Denmark, Dec. 14, 1734; died at Rostock, Germany, Dec. 30, 1815. ......
Anthropological types JE Correlated norms of racial qualities. Individuals who present an interrelation between the color of the hair...
TypographyJE The art of printing. The invention of printing was welcomed by the Jews as "the art of writing with many ......
TyreJE Principal city of Phenicia. By "the strong city Tyre," mentioned in Josh. xix. 29 and II Sam. xxiv. 7 as ......
TyriaJE City of Asia Minor, sixty miles from Smyrna. Its Jewish community is of ancient date, the earliest members having arrived ......
TyrnauJE Manufacturing town of western Hungary. It was the scene of two martyrdoms of Jews: the first, in 1494, when fourteen ......
TyrolJE Crownland of Austria. The earliest documents referring to its Jews date from thebeginning of the fourteenth century. The statement, found ......