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Usually people won't bother going to Wikipedia pages started by a user about him or her- self. For those of you who do, some people may say that you have WAY too much time on your hands. Me? I call you adventurous.... someone who's adventurous AND has a lot of time on their hands.
For those have you who have come here for some info, here it is:
Birthdate- Feb. 1, 1992
Gender- Male
Currently presiding in- USA
I Enjoy- Sports; TV programs, especially sports (and especially NASCAR for that matter); Halo 1 and 2; Harry Potter
- administrator on Wizard Island. Link is here.
- HP books- times read: PS/SS- 14 CoS- 17 PoA- 16 GoF- 27 OoTP- 37 HBP- 11
Any ideas for stuff to add would be much appreciated!