John Hogan (mathematician)
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Professor S J Hogan of the Applied Nonlinear Mathematics Group at the University of Bristol is a leading mathematician and principal investigator of the Bristol Centre for Applied Nonlinear Mathematics.
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Recent Publications
2006 Impact dynamics of large dimensional systems Homer ME and Hogan SJ
2005 Real-time dynamic substructuring in a coupled oscillator-pendulum system Kyrychko YN, Blyuss KB, Gonzalez-Buelga A, Hogan SJ and Wagg DJ
2005 Two-parameter nonsmooth grazing bifurcations of limit cycles: classification and open problems Kowalczyk PS, di Bernardo M, Champneys AR, Hogan SJ, Homer ME, Kuznetsov YA, Nordmark A and Piiroinen PT
2004 Global dynamics of low immersion high-speed milling Szalai R, Stepan G and Hogan SJ
2004 Continuation of bifurcations in periodic delay differential equations using characteristic matrices Szalai R, Stepan G and Hogan SJ