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Languages are ordered according to my ability.
la-π |
Sobrius et toto cum mente operi durato, hic usor callidissima latinitate contribuere potest, at noli mirari si caeciter errores pueriles saepissime faciat. |
it-3.9 |
Questo utente capisce molto bene l'italiano parlato e scritto, ma lo scrive e parla ancora come uno studente. |
es-3.8 |
Este usuario puede leer y comprender español fácilmente, pero ahora olvida como a hablar o escribirlo sin un gran dificultad. |
nap-1? |
Chisto utilizzatóre sape lieggere e capì 'o napulitano parlato senza tenè troppe prubbleme, ma nun sape scrivere 'o parlà manco na parola pe se salvà a vita. |
fr-i |
Cet utilisateur comprend français sans aucune difficulté, mais ne peut pas l'écrire, et chaque fois il éprouve des differences entre l'orthographie et la pronounciation françaises, il veut les Français demander, "Ques'que vous aves??!". |
de-1/4 |
Dieser Benutzer glaubt, daß es nicht so schwierig sein kann, Deutsch zu lernen, versteht zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt aber nur ungefähr jedes 4. Wort. |
I am an administrator of the Latin Wikipedia.
- I am also currently an undergraduate student in Percussion Performance and Music Theory also at UMD.
- I am not currently pursuing, but have significant undergraduate accreditation, again from UMD, in a Physics and Mathematics double degree.
[edit] My hobbies
I am:
- an avid chess player and enthusiast
- a classical, and contemporary musician
- a math geek
- a conlanger
[edit] My band
Mè ginitura, mè nanni e mè avi eranu tutti quanti siciliani. |
This user wants to move to Italy. |
This user believes that diving (known by FIFA as "simulating") should be a straight red card. |
This user misses Pluto. May its planethood rest in peace. |
This user owns one or more dogs. |
... in. |
Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which this user will not put. |
whom |
This user insists upon using whom wherever it is called for, and fixes the errors of whomever he sees. |