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Kaijinbō is an important character in the anime and manga series InuYasha, despite only appearing once.
A former student of Tōtōsai, Kaijinbō forged blades that contained much wicked energy, and for this he was forced to leave his teacher. Kaijinbō made his first appearance in the anime and manga when Sesshomaru requested that he forge the sword Tōkijin from one of Goshinki's fangs. However, the sword's evil power took him over, corrupting him even more and causing him to slay Jaken (who was soon revived by Sesshomaru). Kaijinbō used Tōkijin to battle InuYasha, and was ultimately slain when his head was split open and he was overcome by the power of his sword. Sesshomaru would soon claim the Tōkijin for himself.
In the anime, his role as a swordsmith is expanded. Some time prior to the forging of Tōkijin, Kaijinbō had forged the Kenkon no Naginata, the Blade of Heaven and Earth, from the corpses of 222 yōkai (demons). This weapon was created for the yōkai ninja Hoshiyomi. It was split in two, the Ken blade and the Kon blade, with the Ken blade being taken in by the Hōjō family on Mount Fuji. The Kon blade was sealed in Hakurei-Zan. After the mountain collapsed, Akitoki Hōjō took his portion of the weapon to have it purified. Along the way, its master reclaimed the weapon and used Kagome's power, reuniting both halves. During the final clash against Hoshiyomi, InuYasha combined his Bakuryūha with Kagome's sacred arrows for a powerful attack to destroy both the weapon and its master.
The Naginata represents the Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth, and tears a hole (which turns to a full circle) between them, which would pull others into the next world. A variation of this same power would later be revealed in the manga, with the Tenseiga's attack, Meidō Zangetsuha.