Kamino (Star Wars)
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Distance from Core | 70,000 light years |
Region | The Outer Rim; Outside the galactic disk; south of the Rishi Maze satellite galaxy |
Region | Wild Space |
System | Kamino |
Number of suns | 1 |
Number of moons | 3 |
Diameter | 17,046 km |
Length Of Year | 463 days |
Length of Day | 27 hours |
Axial tilt | 9° |
Major species | Kaminoans |
Population | 1 billion |
Capital | Tipoca City |
Leader | Prime Minister Lama Su |
Surface water | 100% |
Affiliation | Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance, New Republic |
- "There it is, R4. Our missing planet, Kamino."
- —Obi-wan Kenobi
Kamino is a world in the fictional Star Wars galaxy. It was here that the Army of the Republic was generated. It is inhabited by a race of tall, elegant creatures, called Kaminoans, who keep to themselves and are known for their cloning technology. Obi-Wan Kenobi was directed here to follow a lead on the whereabouts of Senator Amidala's would-be assassin through a single poison dart. During Obi-Wan's stay on Kamino at Tipoca City, he discovered the source of the Clone Army's genetic code, one Jango Fett and his "son" Boba Fett.
Once he was discovered, Jango and Boba narrowly escaped the planet with Obi Wan close behind. Yoda later returned and brought a contingent of these clone warriors to assist in the rescue of Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padmé and the Jedi Knights at the end of Attack of the Clones to begin the fabled Clone Wars. When the Separatists discovered the source of the clones, they launched an attack on Kamino, but the Battle of Kamino was won by the Republic.
Boba Fett came back almost a day after the Battle of Geonosis and received a "black book" from the librarian (he had inadvertently left it there when he and his father were fleeing Kamino), a strange whirring being appropriately named Whhr. Jedi Knight Siri Tachi almost caught him, but Taun We betrayed her, and distracted the Jedi, as Boba leapt down into a garbage chute and escaped.
Contents |
[edit] Tipoca City
- "I wonder how many clones can be made to fit inside the Tipoca City?" —unidentified Clone trooper
Tipoca City is the capital of the planet of Kamino. It is the home of Lama Su, the prime minister of Kamino, Jango Fett, Taun We, and of Boba Fett. Tipoca City is also known as the largest cloning facility on Kamino. It has architecture unlike any other city in the Star Wars universe. This architecture is built to withstand the high winds and constant storms on Kamino. It is also built on stilts to protect it from the waves of the ocean below.
[edit] The Kaminoans
- "Welcome, Master Kenobi. I trust you're going to enjoy your stay." —Lama Su, to Obi-Wan Kenobi
In the fictional universe portrayed in the Star Wars films and books, the Kaminoans are aliens that come from the stormy planet of Kamino. They are white-skinned and have long necks. Experts at cloning, they produced the clone army used by the Old Republic. Their entire society is genetically engineered. This occurred in response to rising sea levels on their home planet. The males have crests on their heads; this is a remnant of the Kaminoans evolving from the sea.
[edit] The Rebellion
- "I never thought it would come to this, when we'd be forced again to teach these an army of newly created Fett clones, who were bred to fight us, Imperial Stormtroopers, on how we really deal with those who defy the Galactic Empire and its Emperor. We, the 501st legion, were glad when Lord Vader instructed the 501st to eliminate the rogue Fett clones on Kamino. We were glad to have the opportunity to fight an enemy of our stature! This is going to be a lot of fun, I said to my fellow comrades of the 501st, as we approached Kamino, to rid the rebellious Fett clones for good. Our commanding superior is also a Fett clone, who had been born on Kamino also. From what I've heard, he's said to be one of the unaltered ones, and is currently a bounty hunter called Boba Fett." -Rav Devees of the 501st legion
After the rise of Darth Sidious and the Galactic Empire the Kaminoans, like all other alien species were oppressed due to the Emperor Palpatine's bias against non-humans, and possibly enslaved to the Empire. When word got out to the Kaminoans that an uprising rebellion known as the "Alliance to Restore the Republic" (also known informally as the Rebel Alliance), was forming, Kaminoans saw a chance at freedom, and a few rogue Kaminoan clonemasters secretly banded together and started the cloning of a new clone army of Republic Clone Troopers to aid and help the Rebel Alliance. A full 10 years after the end of the Clone Wars, Darth Vader uncovered the plot of the rogue Kaminoans who were trying to breed a clone army of Fett clones to take up arms against the Empire. The rogue Kaminoans prepared to fight the 501st legion, who were on their way to Kamino, to do battle with the rogue "Anti Imperial Rogue Clone Troopers", thus starting the Rebellion of Kamino. Vader sent Boba Fett, because of his knowledge and expertise of the planet he was "born" on. This conflict caused the Fett clone anti troops to turn against their Fett clone brethren, the imperial Stormtroopers. Boba Fett and the 501st legion attacked and stormed Kamino, seizing and securing the planet's cloning technology for the Empire, and eliminating all the rogue Kaminoan clonemasters and their Anti clone troops. This battle is playable on Star Wars Battlefront II.
Those Kaminoans who remained alive were oppressed and enslaved by and to the Empire. They were forced to help Imperial Specialists create more clones from a variety of different clone templates to serve as Stormtroopers for the Galactic Empire. Amongst the enslaved Kaminoans was Taun We, who survived the aftermath of the Kamino rebellion. Before leaving Kamino, Boba Fett confronted Taun We, and he apologized to her for his actions on Kamino. The lone Mandalorian told the Kaminoan that he held no ill-will against her, and that this was only a hired job from the Empire. The two acknowledged one another and then parted ways.
[edit] New Republic
- "At last, the Kaminoan race is free from the evil clutches of the Galactic Empire." —unidentified Kaminoan
After the Galactic Empire was overthrown by the Rebel Alliance, the enslaved Kaminoans were excited to see that 20 long years of labor and slavery to cruel Galactic Empire had finally been abolished thanks to the Rebel Alliance. However, the Alliance began destroying all the cloning centers which the Empire had conducted their experiments, all across the galaxy. The Alliance also requested that the Kaminoans destroy their own cloning facilities to prevent the creation of further clone armies, which could be used to conquer and destroy. The Kaminoans continued to live peacefully on Kamino, where they became a member of the protected planets, in the New Republic's planetary protective act treaty. Years later, Taun We would hire Boba Fett to eliminate the Mandolorian warriors, who attacked Kamino during the Clone Wars.
[edit] Trivia
- Kamino is also a slang word used in various urdu speaking areas. Its the plural for Kamina.
[edit] See also
Planets and moons of Star Wars | |
Major planets | |
Alderaan | Almas | Anoth | Bespin | Byss | Caamas | Chandrila | Corellia | Coruscant | Dagobah | Dantooine | Dellalt | Dxun | Geonosis | Hoth | Ithor | Kamino | Kashyyyk Korriban | Malachor V | Manaan | Mon Calamari | Mustafar | Myrkr | Naboo | Onderon | Ossus | Taris | Tatooine | Telos |
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Dxun | Endor | Nar Shaddaa | Yavin IV List of Star Wars moons |
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