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Keiki, the Hawaiian word for a "baby", refers to a plant produced asexually by an orchid plant, usually used when referring to Dendrobiums, Phalaenopsis, or Vandaceous orchids. The baby plant is an exact clone of the mother plant, sometimes flowering while still attached to the mother plant.
[edit] Keiki forms
- A regular keiki is a small plant growing from one of the node along the flower stem, instead of a branch. This is induced by the accumulation of growth hormones at that point, either naturally or by the application of keiki paste.
- A basal keiki is a baby plant growing from the base of the mother plant (see image). Sometimes keikis bloom while still attached to the mother plant.
[edit] Keiki paste
Keiki paste is a cytokinin hormone which induces growth in the node of an orchid inflorescence. It should not be confused with paste or powder containing auxins, which are used to force the production of roots.
Nodes on spikes will form either vegetative growth (keiki) or floral growth (a branch with flower buds). If the node tissue is already differentiated so that it will become a floral branch, there is no way to change the result. The trick is to get the paste onto the node before it is differentiated. However, there is no way to predict if an undifferentiated node will become a keiki or a branch.
[edit] Removing Keikis
Keikis should be left on the mother plant until they develop a healthy root system and have two or three leaves. At this point, they can be carefully removed with a sharp knife and planted in their own pot.
- Regular Keikis are cut below and above the stem, leaving a small piece of stem on the baby plant.
- Basal Keikis may be left on the mother plan until they drop off on their own, or they can be cut off when their roots are at least a few centimetres long.
A separated keiki can be expected to flower after 18-24 months.