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Khadgar | |
Gender | Male |
Race | Human |
Character class | Mage |
Affiliation | The Alliance |
Occupation | Champion of Azeroth, agent of the Kirin Tor |
In the fictional Warcraft universe, Archmage Khadgar was one of the most powerful wizards to have ever lived, and one of the greatest heroes of the Alliance. At an age of 17, Khadgar was sent by the Kirin Tor to apprentice under Medivh in his tower at Karazhan. At first, Khadgar believed Medivh to be nothing more than he appeared to be, a kindly, middle-aged, if slightly eccentric wizard, but it wasn't long before he began to sense something was drastically wrong with his master. Though he never suspected that Medivh was actually being controlled by Sargeras, the Dark Titan, he became suspicious of his master's actions and motives. Eventually, he unravelled Medivh's plot to open a portal between Azeroth and Draenor, after meeting a Horde emissary, the half-Orc assassin Garona. Knowing it was already too late to stop the Dark Portal from opening, Khadgar rushed to King Llane of Azeroth for help. Khadgar, along with Lord Lothar and a group of soldiers returned to Karazhan to find Medivh in psychic link with the Orc warlock Gul'dan. Khadgar managed to defeat Medivh in combat, banishing both his soul, and that of Sargeras who was controlling him.

Khadgar fled from the ruins of Azeroth with Lord Lothar and the rest of the Azerothians to Lordaeron. He spent the Second War fighting with the Alliance, all the while studying Medivh's spells and the nature of the Dark Portal. This knowledge would come in useful when the tide of the War turned and the Alliance managed to push the Horde back to the Portal itself. Using all of his powers, Khadgar destroyed the Dark Portal, effectively severing the link between Azeroth and Draenor. Even as the Alliance celebrated its victory, Khadgar suspected that perhaps the Dark Portal wasn't completely vanquished after all. The powers that Medivh had unleashed in creating it were too potent to be destroyed in one spell. Now an Archmage of considerable influence, Khadgar directed the building of Nethergarde Keep, a fortress which would watch over the Blasted Lands, and the wreckage of the Dark Portal.
Khadgar's fears would be validated only a year after Nethergarde's completion, when the portal opened again, and fresh Orc forces began pouring out. Fearing a second invasion, Khadgar joined the expeditionary force led by Turalyon and marched into the Orc homeworld. Khadgar quickly discovered that the situation in Draenor was even worse than he had feared. The Orcs, under the leadership of the shaman Ner'zhul, were already in the process of opening doorways to new worlds for the Horde to plunder. Unable to stop Ner'zhul from opening his portals, and unable to contain the terrible energies they unleashed, he and the expeditionary force were now sitting on a dying world.
Khadgar and Turalyon, knowing that the destruction of Draenor would cause untold havoc on Azeroth, realized that they had to take drastic action to protect their homeworld. The Archmage used Medivh's spellbook to close the Dark Portal from the other side, thereby shielding Azeroth from the final cataclysm of Draenor's destruction. It is unclear whether or not anyone from the expeditionary force managed to successfully escape Draenor. Archmage Khadgar has since been immortalized in stone, along with the other leaders from the expeditionary force, in the Valley of Heroes in Stormwind.
"Khadgar" means "trust" in Dwarven. In Warcraft: The Last Guardian, Medivh often calls his apprentice "Young Trust". Also, as stated in the novel, Khadgar is destined to die on Draenor along with a small group of human soldiers unable to hold off the orcs. It is unknown whether this will indeed take place as the vision Khadgar saw in Karazhan might have been false (although all others he saw were true). When he asks the un-tainted Medivh, who is looking at him from the future, if it is true that he dies on Draenor, that Garona kills King Llane, and that Stormwind falls to the Horde, Medivh does not answer.
[edit] Khadgar in World of Warcraft
The fate of Khadgar and the other heroes of the expedition to Draenor has been the subject of rumors and speculation since Beyond the Dark Portal. At the E3 convention in 2006, Blizzard developer Jeff Kaplan confirmed that the heroes of the Alliance expedition would be found in Outland in the expansion. According to the rumors, Khadgar would return to the world of Azeroth and warn of the Burning Crusade, and assist in reopening the Dark Portal. It has also been rumored that he will have something to do with questing in Medivh's tower of Karazhan.
The Mystic Council has been set up to find Khadgar, this council thrives on obtaining divine power. They intend to gain this with the help of Khadgar and his knowledge.
However, with the release of The Burning Crusade, Khadgar has been found. He neither returns to Azeroth nor has a hand in the opening of the Dark Portal (which was instead opened by Lord Kazzak). Instead, he sits on the ruling council of the city of Shattrath in Terokkar Forest, where he had met the Naaru, a collection of benevolent and majestically wise entities entirely devoted to the Light, much like human Paladins in the Warcraft series. Khadgar can be spoken to, and he states that he learns more in five months from the Naaru than all his years of study at the Kirin Tor.
There are also items in World of Warcraft that bear Khadgar's name. Khadgar's Whisker is a herb found in middle-level areas such as Stranglethorn Vale, and Khadgar's Essays on Dimensional Convergence is a quest item drop.
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