Malfurion Stormrage
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Malfurion Stormrage | |
Gender | Male |
Race | Night Elf |
Character class | Druid |
Affiliation | Night Elves |
Occupation | Arch-Druid |
Malfurion Stormrage (or simply Furion Stormrage) is a Night Elf druid from the Warcraft Universe. He first appeared in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.
[edit] Background
Malfurion is the twin brother to Illidan Stormrage. Tyrande Whisperwind was a constant childhood companion to him, and has since become his lover. Malfurion ages at about 15,032 as his involvement in the first war against the Burning Legion and in the events of Warcraft 3 would place his approximate age over ten thousand years.
Malfurion was taught the ways of druidic magic, which was practically unheard of in the time of the First Invasion, by the demigod Cenarius. While there had been other students to the demigod, Malfurion was the first to be taught and still retain his original form. All others had changed to become forest spirits similar to Cenarius himself Malfurion proved to be extraordinarily adept in the use of this new magic, possibly due to his already benevolent nature, and quickly became a force to reckon with.
In sharp contrast to his brother, Malfurion displays a temperate disposition. He has placed the needs and welfare of others above his own and does not seek out power simply for its own sake. Even when roused to anger, he remains compassionate, especially in matters concerning those he cares for.
Malfurion Stormrage fought in the First Invasion of the Burning Legion and was instrumental in the eventual victory of the forces of Azeroth. He was responsible for the death of Lord Xavius (both as a Night Elf and then again when Xavius had been transformed into a satyr). With the help of his brother, Malfurion used the power of the Demon Soul to close the portal created within the Well of Eternity, preventing the Dark Titan, Sargeras, from entering into Azeroth. The energies released by this act inadvertently caused the Well's collapse. This, in turn, sank the ancient Night Elven capital Zin-Azshari to the bottom of the sea and split the continent of Kalimdor into two separate landmasses. When his brother, Illidan Stormrage recreated the Well in a new location atop Mount Hyjal, he was discovered by a group of Night Elves surveying the summit. Illidan slew several of them before being detained and brought to trial. The ultimate judgement for his crimes was left to Malfurion, who spared Illidan a death sentence, instead having him imprisoned indefinitely. Maiev Shadowsong was assigned to be Illidan's jailor.
Sometime between then and the Second Invasion of the Burning Legion, Malfurion, now an Archdruid, entered the Emerald Dream along with several other druids, until he was awakened by Tyrande Whisperwind. He fought against the Burning Legion a second time and he performed the ritual that destroyed Archimonde and damaged the World Tree at the Battle of Mount Hyjal, thus severing the Night Elves' connection to it and taking away their immortality.
After the battle, Malfurion worked to restore Kalimdor to its original greatness but after receiving a message from Maiev he left for Lordaeron to face his brother Illidan, whom the Warden had been tracking. Once there, Malfurion sought to stop Illidan's plans by destroying the Eye of Sargeras. However upon learning that his love, Tyrande, was in danger, Illidan agreed to help Malfurion save her. After Tyrande had been saved Malfurion spared Illidan's life and Illidan chose to run to Outland to escape the demon lord Kil'jaeden (Kil'jaeden had tasked Illidan with destroying the Frozen Throne in which Lich King resided, but Illidan was unsuccessful and thus wanted to flee so he could save himself from the demon's wrath).
[edit] World Of Warcraft

The Night Elves lamented at the loss of their cherished immortality, it came to some druids that a new world tree can be planted to regain their connection to its magic and their immortality. Malfurion strongly voiced against it saying that nature will never bless such a selfish creation. Malfurion Stormrage stands as both prophet and savior to his people and his word stood above all others. But to replenish his powers after the events of the Second Invasion of the Burning Legion, Malfurion returned to the spirit realm known as the Emerald Dream. Shortly before the beginning of the World of Warcraft timeline, something went wrong with Malfurion's dreamstate. As the timeline currently stands, he is trapped somewhere within the dream beyond the reach of the green dragons, whose realm it is.
With Malfurion missing, Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm took over the leadership of the druids, convincing the Circle of Ancients in Darkshore that it was time for the elves to rebuild, and that it was time for them to regain their immortality. With the approval of the Circle, Staghelm and the most powerful druids grew Teldrassil, the new World Tree. However, this new World Tree was not given the blessing of the Aspects(Alexstrazsa, Ysera, and Nozdormu). Moreover, the creation of Teldrassil was motivated solely by the Night Elves' self-serving goal of regaining their immortality, rather than the benefit of Azeroth as a whole; this has caused the growth of Teldrassil to be fundamentally flawed and has allowed corruption to take root in the Tree itself. Thus, many of the remaining night elves- while still faithful to their new home- now search the world of Azeroth in hopes of finding their lost leader.
Recently, new light had been shed on the state of the Emerald Dream, now known as the Emerald Nightmare. Four dragons of Ysera's brood have entered Azeroth and stand guard at the four Great Trees. Upon the defeat of one of the mighty dragons, a nightmare-shrouded object was discovered and taken to Remulos, a Keeper of the Grove and son of the demigod Cenarius. When purified in the waters of Lake Elune'ara, a startling and unexpected vision of Malfurion appeared.
During their conversation, Malfurion revealed to Remulos that there was a terrible new evil seeking entry to Azeroth through the Emerald Dream. This ancient foe was causing the Nightmare that is slowly destroying the Green dragonflight. The druid also mentioned that Cenarius was with him, fighting alongside him against the growing threat, and that his brother Illidan had lost all vestiges of his sanity because of his defeat at Arthas' hands. As the vision faded, Malfurion asked that his love be sent to Tyrande, and promised that he would return.
[edit] External links
- Malfurion Stormrage, The Warcraft Encyclopedia
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