Races in the Warcraft universe
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This is an alphabetical list with the major and minor races in the Warcraft universe — a fictional universe in which a series of games and books are set. Although some of the races and creatures have been featured in earlier Warcraft games, most make their first appearance in the MMORPG World of Warcraft.
[edit] Beasts
These non-humanoid creatures are present over most of Azeroth. They are common mobs you will encounter early in World of Warcraft.
[edit] Animals
Various kinds of animals inhabit Azeroth. Most of them only appear in World of Warcraft, though some (such as bears, wolves, horses and spiders) appear in earlier Warcraft games too. Some of them are tameable by the Hunter character class in World of Warcraft while others are used as mounts.
[edit] Bats
![A bat as depicted in World of Warcraft](../../../upload/thumb/0/00/Warcraft_Bat.jpg/150px-Warcraft_Bat.jpg)
Unlike their earthly counterparts, the bats of Azeroth are large, herbivorous flying mammals, primarily found in dark places inhabited by undead, such as Tirisfal Glades, and the Eastern and Western Plaguelands. Tameable as a Hunter's pet, they have the special ability called Screech that temporarily stuns opponents. They are also used as the Horde's main flying mount for the Eastern Kingdoms continent. In Warcraft III, Orcs have a flying siege unit called Troll Batrider.
- Featured In: World of Warcraft
- Habitat: Temperate Forests, Subterranean Lairs
- Subspecies: Bloodseeker, Frenzied Bloodseeker, Greater Kraul, Kraul, Noxious, Shrike, Vile
- Tameable: Yes
- Type: Horde Flying Mount, Mob - Aggressive
- Range: Duskwood, Tirisfal Glades, and the Western and Eastern Plaguelands.
[edit] Basilisks
These six-legged giant reptiles can stun their enemies with their gaze. They are found in warm regions of Azeroth, such as Stonetalon Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale and Tanaris. They're not tameable by Hunters despite their similarities to the crocolisk. Most basilisks have a stun ability, and many will occasionally reflect magic.
[edit] Bears
Large omnivorous mammals, dwelling in temperate forests and mountains of both continents. Bears are tameable by Hunters and can be found in Ashenvale, Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, The Arathi Highlands, The Stonetalon Mountains, Hillsbrad Foothills, Darkshore, and the Western Plaguelands . Some of them have the Claw ability, dealing extra damage. A notorious Mok'nathal, Rexxar the beastmaster, summons Misha in the Orc bonus campaign in Warcraft III.
[edit] Beetles
Beetles, based upon real-life beetles, come in two varieties in World of Warcraft. Critter Beetles, which are small and harmless and merely add ambience, and actual, larger opponent beetles which can be fought. Despite appearances they are not Silithid, although some Silithid look like beetles.
[edit] Fire Beetles
A critter, the Fire Beetle is a special breed of beetle which dwells in the volcanic regions of the Eastern Kingdoms, the Searing Gorge and the Burning Steppes. It is bright red in color, and not only survives, but thrives in the extreme high heat.
[edit] Boars
These tusked pigs are wide-spread omnivores. Preferring mountainous or forest terrains they can be found in Loch Modan, Elwynn Forest, The Redridge Mountains, Dun Morogh, Westfall, and Durotar. The Quillboar train boars for battle, using them as armoured shock troops. As a Hunter's pet, they have the Boar Charge skill.
[edit] Canines
Wolves and worgs are some of the most common carnivores in Azeroth. Wolves are often tamed and used as mounts by Orcs. As a Hunter's pet, they have the Furious Howl skill. In Warcraft III, Raiders and Far Seers ride wargs.
[edit] Carrion Birds
These carnivorous birds look like vultures with long caudal feathers. They are often found in Westfall, The Badlands, Loch Modan and The Barrens. They can be tamed by hunters. They have the dive attack. There are some varieties of carrion birds in Outland that have two heads, but are otherwise identical to Azerothian vultures.
[edit] Chickens
Chickens are neutral level 1 critters found in many areas of Azeroth. Little different from real-life chickens, they are particularly numerous near human settlements in the Hillsbrad Foothills, Westfall and Duskwood.
There is a little-known Easter Egg quest in which player can get a pet Prairie Chicken. A player has to target a chicken, and then perform the chicken emote (in which the player does the chicken dance), over and over again. Eventually the chicken talks to the player by writing in the dirt, and asks them to get chicken feed from a the human farmer Saldeen in Westfall. If the player does this, the Chicken lays an egg, which the players can take and use to summon and dismiss a pet chicken.
[edit] Cockroaches
A cockroach is a small, brown, disgusting insect little different from the real-life cockroach that can be found skittering about in the dankest corners of Azeroth. Since they can take no damage, it is assumed they are capable of surviving in the most uninhabitable of conditions.
Horde players can buy them as pets from a vendor in Undercity who can be found sitting under a stairwell in the center of the Trade District. Both factions can also buy them at Stormspire, a town in Netherstorm, for 50 silver coins.
[edit] Core Hounds
A Core hound is a giant, fiery, two-headed, quadrapedal, hound-like lava monster that originates in the Molten Core instance, with that being their primary (if not only) location. The largest is known is Magmadar, and Golemagg the Incinerator seems to treat them as pets. There is also a small captured one in upper Blackrock Spire known as The Beast, who has swallowed gnome explorer Finkle Einhorn. The leather of these beasts, Core Leather, is greatly prized by players with the leatherworking skill for making high-end items.
It is likely that Core Hounds originated from the Firelands in the Elemental Plane.
In the recent Burning Crusade expansion pack, during the event which precede the Expansion's release, the Opening of the Dark Portal, creatures which were of the demon type but had the same models as Core Hounds known as Portal Hounds and Infernal Hounds appeared. They have since disappeared.
[edit] Couatls
Found on Azeroth and in the Emerald Dream, Couatls are Large bird-like creature with serpentine features used by the Naga for aerial support. Very little is known about them, save that they are trained from the Shrine of Azshara, hinting that the Sirens might have something to do with their taming. It is also not known how a race that lives underwater can tame a flying creature, which implies that the couatl can swim.
(The Couatl was proably inspired by Maya and Aztec legend, as the word itself comes from those languages- it is the last sylablle of "Quetzalcoatl" the god who was represented by a Feathered Serpent- the Couatl does make a serpentine sound in the game.)
Couatls are from Warcraft III. They do not appear in World of Warcraft.
[edit] Cows
A cow is a placid type of critter (a creature type in World of Warcraft; are low level, harmless, non-aggressive and die in one hit) found ingame. There doesn't seem to be any difference between them and real-life cows. They are common in Elwynn Forest and other pastoral areas, most commonly near farms.
[edit] Crawlers
These omnivorous giant crabs inhabit the shores of many parts of Azeroth. Most are neutral mobs that do not attack adventurers unless provoked and they are the only tameable creature in World of Warcraft that does not have a rare-spawning mob.
[edit] Crocolisks
Crocodile-like carnivorous reptiles, found in rivers and lakes. They are six to twelve feet long and have six legs. Crocolisks are slightly related to Basilisks. Crocolisks can be most commonly found in Loch Modan, The Wetlands, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Feralas or Dustwallow Marsh. They have yet to gain their species skill, although it is hoped to happen in a future patch.
Although Crocolisks can be tamed by a hunter, they are not a common hunter pet, mostly due to the incredibly annoying noises they are fond of making at inappropriate times.
[edit] Deer
Deer are neutral level 1-5 critters found in many forested parts of the world, such as Elwynn Forest, Teldrassil, and the Moonglade. They are little in difference to real-life deer. Deer are skinnable. A larger, antlered, more dangerous version of the Deer that is an opponent than can properly be fought is the Stag (see below).
[edit] Devilsaurs
A huge, two-legged dinosaur found in small numbers only in Un'Goro Crater, and one of the most recognizable and unique creatures found in the World of Warcraft. They resemble a Tyrannosaurus Rex with three spikes coming from their backs. The creatures are particularly famous and popular among WoW players both due to their T-rexxish, Jurassic Park homage, and because of the way they are a fate of many unsuspecting players in Un'Goro; despite their enormous size, they strangely do not make any sound as they approach, a player in Un'Goro, not knowing they are in a Devilsaur path, often has one sneak up behind them, and kill them in one hit before they even know what has happened. Some have likened them to giant Rogues.
Devilsaurs are all elite, and range from lvl 54-60, the largest being King Mosh. All members of the devilsaur family are a deadly threat to the unlucky person they come across. They can be skinned for Devilsaur Leather, used in the popular Devilsaur Set Tribal Leather Armor.
Several types of Devilsaurs exist:
- 'Devilsaur' - Normal Devilsaur, nothing special about them. They perform a knockback attack.
- Tyrant Devilsaur - Ferocious Devilsaur, they deal more damage than normal. They fear players that attempt to fight them, which is often very dangerous when the player ends up being feared into new enemies to fend off on top of the Devilsaur.
- Ironhide Devilsaur - Armored Devilsaur, they take less damage than normal.
- King Mosh - A rare spawn Devilsaur, strongest of the lot. Usually takes several people to bring down.
[edit] Diemetradons
These six-legged reptiles are similar to crocolisks, but they have a large sail-like webbing on their back. They are found mostly in Un'goro Crater and deep in Maraudon. They are not tameable by Hunters.
They are based on the prehistoric creature, Dimetrodon.
[edit] Elekks
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. Elekks are elephant-like creatures native to Outland. They are hunted for their great tusks and the thrill of engaging such powerful creatures. They resemble a magical, almost demonic, though benign elephant, only they are smaller and less long than an elephant, and in addition to large tusks, they also have a pair of horns that stick up to form the shape of a lyre. They also lack the large ears of an elephant, and have shorter trunks.
Elekks take a great deal of damage before collapsing, though they aren't an extremely high DPS foe to defeat. The best place to hunt Elekks is in southwestern Nagrand, where wild Elekks are seen in moderate numbers. When trying to befriend the Consortium, this is a wise task because the wild Elekks drop tusks that the Consortium is interested in acquiring.
The Draenei and Kurenai races use Elekks as mounts, both in Outland and beyond. Several Elekks have been bought to Azeroth on the Draenei's crashed dimensional ship; and have survived, and serve as the Draenei racial mount in World of Warcraft.
[edit] Felines
Lions and tigers, leopards and cougars. Cat-like carnivores can be found in any place of Azeroth. Night Elves have tamed a species called Nightsaber (Panther), now used as mount. In Warcraft III, the Priestess of the Moon rides a Frostsaber (White Tiger) and the Huntresses ride Nightsabers. As a Hunter's pet, they have Prowl skill which makes them invisible when not attacking. They are by far the most popular hunter pet, possibly due to their high damage output and easy availability.
- Featured In: Warcraft III, World of Warcraft
- Habitat: Plains, Savanna, Coastal Regions, Forests, Jungles, Mountains, Foothills
- Subspecies: Nightsaber, Moonstalker, Frostsaber, Savanna Hunter, Snow Leopard, Cougar, Tiger, Panther, Jaguar, Mountain Lion, Ridge Stalker
- Tameable: Yes
- Type: Mob - Aggressive
- Range: Teldrassil, Darkshore, Winterspring, The Barrens, Mulgore, Durotar, Stonetalon Mountains, Alterac Mountains, Hillsbrad Foothils, Dun Morogh, the Badlands, Stranglethorn Vale, Thousand Needles
[edit] Fleshbeasts
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. It is said that the sleep of reason produces monsters, that fantasy abandoned by sanity brings forth creatures of nightmare. For most, the horrors of their sleeping hours cannot follow them into the waking world; yet some are haunted by them even long after the veils of sleep have parted. The mindless fleshbeasts were brought into this world by Medivh, summoned from some unspeakable place beyond. Once, the wizard used the fleshbeasts in his clandestine experiments within the laboratories of Karazhan. Medivh is gone, but the slavering, hungering creatures of his twisted nightmares still remain, forever stalking the gloomy shadows of Karazhan. A few can also be found in Outland.
[edit] Frenzies
Small but dangerous and hostile piranha-like fish who dwell mostly in tropical regions, though not always. They are not caught with the fishing profession but actually are hostile beasts that reside in the water and may attack players when they are going for a swim. Depending upon the zone, their level can range from around 12 to 60 elite.
Players that win first place in the quest Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza can receive a trinket, the Hook of the Master Angler, which allows them to transform into a frenzy.
[edit] Frogs/Toads
There are many types of frogs and toads found in Azeroth. They are little in difference to real-life frogs and toads.
Some are merely critters, while others are small pets. Mechanical pet ones also exist.
[edit] Gazelles
Gazelles are small, hooved level 3 critters native to the Barrens. There is little difference between them and real-life gazelles. They often travel in herds. Gazelles are skinnable.
Some Sickly Gazelles have become poisoned by the corrupted waters of Dreadmist Peak, making them green and undead, and require the aid of a healing salve to restore them to normal.
[edit] Giant Moths
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. Resembling a gigantic moth, these creatures are usually peaceful, unless there is a major irritant in the area to provoke them. Though large in size, some of these Moths are kept safe more by their ability to emit some type of chemical that pacifies aggressors. Even under direct attack, enemies of the Moths are unable to strike for a modest time while these chemicals are emitted. During such occurrences, it is best to use non-damaging abilities to heal, avoid damage, or otherwise retreat from direct fighting until the effect wears off. Giant Moths can be found in the new Draenei race's starting zones, and in Outland. Despite their giant insectoid appearance, Giant Moths are supposedly unrelated to Aqir, Qiraji and Silithids.
[edit] Giraffes
Giraffes are neutral (non-aggressive) beasts that are common in the Barrens in central Kalimdor.
Giraffes are graceful herbivores with long necks. They eat the leaves from the tops of trees. Giraffes are docile herbivores, but defend themselves with their hooves if attacked. Giraffes in Warcraft have goat-like horns on their heads, but aside from this, there seems to be little difference from their real world counterpart giraffes.
[edit] Gorillas
These huge herbivorous apes live in the tropical regions of Azeroth. As a Hunter's pet, they have the Thunderstomp skill that deals additional damage to all nearby opponents. Despite this and their considerable toughness, Gorillas are not popular pets. This is primarily because of a lack of availability (the lowest level ones are about level 31) and their finicky diet of fruit and fungus.
- Featured In: World of Warcraft
- Habitat: Jungles, Mountains
- Subspecies: Mistvale, Stomper, Groddoc
- Tameable: Yes
- Type: Mob - Aggressive
- Range: Stranglethorn Vale, Un'Goro Crater, Feralas
[edit] Horses
Horses are used by Humans (and formerly by High Elves) as mounts and pack animals. They appear to be identical to real-world horses. Paladins can learn to summon a warhorse or a charger, which is a larger, armoured horse. Warlocks can also summon a burning demonic horse to ride as a mount.
The Forsaken ride on Skeletal horses, animated by dark magic. The same types of horses are also used by the Scourge's Death Knights.
On rare occasions you will find horses that are actually enemy mobs, the best example of this are the demonic fel steeds inside Shadowfang Keep. Furthermore, there are several skeletal horses in the Death Knight wing of Naxxramas.
In Warcraft III, Knights and Archmages ride horses, along with some enemies such as Dark Wizards and Bandit Lords.
[edit] Hydras
A hydra is a huge, aquatic, three-headed monster. They have long, bodies with webbed spines and fins, two legs at the front, and three serpentine heads. They are amphibious and each head has its own will. They are predominantly ocean-dwellers, found at the coasts of Darkshore, Ashenvale, Dustwallow Marsh, and Azshara, and in the Blackfathom Depths instance. Some are intelligent and might be the favoured pets or servants of the Old Gods. Hydras appear to live alongside Naga (whom are also associated with the Old Gods), being commonly found with them, and possibly serve as pets, servants and guardians to them.
Although hydras are usually uncategorized creatures, some hydras in Azshara were recategorized as beasts in patch 2.0.1, possibly to ease hunter tracking during the hunter quest Wavethrashing.
The most famous Hydra is probably Gahz'rilla, a boss in the Zul'Farak instance who's name is a play on Godzilla.
As Hydras in myth are usually multiheaded land dwellers, the Hydras in WoW being aquatic creatures hints that the word "Hydro" was in mind when they were thought of.
In the Burning Crusade: In the Burning Crusade expansion pack, another type of creature called a hydra can be found on Outland. They have segmented like appearance two of their heads are small and have horns growing out the sides, and several small eyes on each side. The middle head is larger and is notable for a single eye in the center of its face. They are commonly found in the pools of Zangarmarsh, and a famous specimen is Ghaz'an, a boss in the Underbog.
[edit] Hyenas
Although they drop items similar to those dropped by wolves, hyenas are a distinct species (more closely related to mongooses and meerkats in the real world) and cannot use Furious Howl as a hunter's pet. They have yet to receive a species ability, although it is hoped that it will be added in a future patch. Hyenas are sometimes used as guard animals by the Centaur as well as members of the Scarlet Crusade.
[edit] Kodo
Kodos are very big creatures that are hunted and respected by the Tauren. They are similar to historical synapsida, and bear a heavy resemblance to a Brontothere crossed with a dinosaur, though in terms of behaviour they are more reminiscent of elephants. Kodos travel Mulgore in packs of a Matriarch with her calves, and sometimes a bull or two. Interestingly, bulls usually travel on their own in the northern barrens, while they are usually seen in packs in the southern barrens. Tamed Kodo are used as pack animals in caravans to haul trade goods and to carry wardrums. A smaller breed has been used as mounts, mainly for the Tauren. The Tauren chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof gave the orcs, led by Thrall, a number of kodos as a reward for helping them fight the centaurs. Since then, the orcs adorn them with drums and ride them to war. Some fel orcs have been seen riding chaos kodo beasts in Outland, though it is unknown how they obtained these beasts. When Kodos are near death they migrate to the Kodo Graveyard in Desolace, bones in the Kodo Graveyard indicate that Kodo are able (or were once able to in the past) to grow to enormous sizes. This seems to be a reference to the legend of the Elephant's graveyard.
It is possible the name comes from the Japanese word kodo, meaning drum. It is also possible that the name is derived from Komodo Dragon.
[edit] Mana Wyrms
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. Resembling shining blue serpents with translucent fins, glittering scales and wreathed in magical energy, they float in the air and are drawn to strong sources of mana from which they derive their strength. They can be found in the Blood Elven (see below) territory of Eversong Woods, and in areas of Outland that are heavy in mana. Being drinkers of mana, they are a menace to the magically addicted Blood Elves, and in World of Warcraft, numerous starter quests of the new Blood Elven player race involve killing Mana Wyrms.
[edit] Nether Rays
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. A creature native to Outland that floats through the air much like a Mana Wyrm (see above) or Floating Eye. It has a body much like a stingray's (thus the name), with a long tail and what appears to be two feathery plumes. It appears to have crystalline growths and striped running down its body, and all types are brightly colored.
Whilst not especially big as a whole, at least one titanic specimen has been allegedly spotted by adventurers in Zangamarsh, dubbing it "Count" Ungula. The Cenarion Expedition would be interested in proof of the creature's existence.
Nether Rays have been found in Netherstorm and Zangarmarsh (it is important to be careful of the Nether Rays in Zagarmarsh, as they look quite similar to the neutral Spore Bats (see below), and can easily be mistaken for one if their shape is not carefully looked at, and then a player risks getting knocked off their mount and killed by one if they can't tell the difference and pass too close, thinking that they wont be aggroed), and are tameable as Hunter pets. However, all members of this pet family found in Netherstorm and Zangarmarsh feature caster stats, making them abnormally weak and fragile. The Fen Ray from the Underbog instance is the only-non caster of this creature
[edit] Owls
Hunters of the night, these birds inhabit Teldrassil, Ashenvale forest Felwood Winterspring and Feralas. Night Elves sometimes tame them and use them as scouts. In Warcraft III, the Priestess of the Moon can summon Owl Scouts. They also have the Screech ability.
[edit] Pig
A Pig is a domesticated version of a boar. There is little difference between them and real-life pigs. Pigs are much smaller, less hairy, and much less vicious and ugly than their wild cousins and are considered critters. They are often raised by Orcs for meat. A few pigs may, in fact, be polymorphed creatures. Unfamiliar pigs in unlikely habitats should be viewed with suspicion! It is possible to obtain a pig for a pet during Children's Week in May.
[edit] Prairie Dogs
Prairie Dogs are neutral level 1 critters found throughout Mulgore, the Barrens, Westfall, and the Arathi Highlands. They are a small, brown and cute burrowing rodent, little in difference from real-life prairie dogs.
[edit] Pterrodaxes
Pterrordax are level 50-52 dinosaur beasts found in Un'Goro Crater. They are large, primitive flying reptiles that move around in quick nervous stretches of flight, followed by slower gliding. There are two related species of pterrordax: Fledgling Pterrordax and Frenzied Pterrordax. Pterrordax cannot be tamed by hunters, but are skinnable.
Pterrordax have a scream attack that cause fear in those hearing it.
They are also known as pteradons. A Pteradon Skeleton hangs in the Library in Ironforge with the note: "This intact pteradon skeleton was recovered from the remote Un'Goro Crater. Based on the skeletal structure, it is clear that this specific genus has not yet been encountered. This skeleton could have been preserved for any number of centuries beneath the region's rich soil."
Pterrodaxes are based on the similar prehistoric flying reptile order, Pterosaur
[edit] Rabbits
A small, fluffy Critter, little in difference from the real-life rabbit, that is a common fixture in almost any wooded area. It is a favorite target of predators. Some rabbits can be bought as vanity pets: The squashed carcasses of these unfortunate animals are often found within the folds of the skin of various Thunder Lizards around Durotar.
[edit] Rams
These herbivores are commonly found in Dun Morogh and Loch Modan in the central Eastern Kingdoms. They are often tamed by Dwarves, and are their primary racial mount. The Stormpike dwarves in Alterac Valley also use them in battle. In WarCraft III, The Frozen Throne, the great arch-druid Malfurion Stormrage was riding a mount looking much like a ram, but probably was a sort of deer.
[edit] Rats
Rats are small critters, found in many places, including Booty Bay, The Barrens, and the Deeprun Tram. Usually only take one normal attack to kill, since they are all Level 1, and have less than 10 Hit Points. They are little in difference to real-life rats.
These omnivorous rodents thrive almost anywhere. Rats usually run away. They bite only as a last resort.
Rats are oddly edible. Nipsy (who cooks them) and Monty (who captures them) of the Deeprun Tram operate a business in which they make Deeprun Rat Kabobs. Dig Rats inhabit Bael Modan in the Barrens and can be made into tasty Dig Rat Stew.
[edit] Ravagers
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. These predatory beasts are found all across Outland, often lurking behind rocky clusters and towering escarpments, waiting to pounce on any prey foolhardy enough to wander within striking range of their blindingly fast, razor-sharp claws. Whether or not these creatures were mutated by the volatile energies unleashed when Ner'zhul's multiple portals ripped Outland apart is still a source of speculation. One thing, however, is for certain: these vicious carnivores are not to be trifled with.
Ravagers have a crescent shaped body with a spiked, fanged mouth at one end and many spines coming from their back, and are supported by four somewhat crustacean legs at the other end. They are usually earthy shades such as red or orange or brown, but varieties with more strange colors such as green and purple also exist. The creatures come in two distinct models, one with more spikes and glowing eyes. Ravagers can be found in Hellfire Peninsula and Blade's Edge Mountains.
Also, it appears the Draenei's dimensional ship the Exodar carried some native Outland creatures with it to Azeroth (such as the Ravagers). When the Exodar crashed, it resulted in the unfortunate escape of these fierce beasts into Azuremyst Isle and Bloodmyst Isle, causing a disruption of the native flora and fauna there.
Ravagers can be tamed by hunters.
The appearance of Ravagers somewhat pays homage to the Scrabs from the Oddworld universe.
[edit] Salamanders
Salamanders are very similar to Thunder Lizards in appearance, though they have red or blue scales instead of green. Instead of lightning, salamanders spit fire. Salamanders are commonly tamed by Draenei (Broken) as first seen in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne when they help Illidan Stormrage defeat the Fel Orcs that served Magtheridon.
[edit] Scorpids
These carnivores look like giant scorpions, except for their chelicerae changed to arms and two-eyed face instead of simple/compound eyes system of a real scorpion. They also, if one looks closely, have only 6 legs; actual Scorpions are arachnids who have 8. As a Hunter's pet, they have the Scorpid Poison skill. Preferring arid desert climates they are most commonly encountered in Durotar, Desolace, The Badlands, Tanaris, and Silithus. They are related to the insect-like Silithids and therefore also related to the arachnid Nerubians of Northrend.
[edit] Sharks
A large aquatic fish-like beast. They are elite and patrol the coastlines of several zones. Their out-of-the-way locations mean they are rarely encountered and even more rarely killed.
These carnivorous fish are aggressive and liable to make unprovoked attacks against anything that approaches them. Smaller sharks are from 5 to 8 feet long and not usually dangerous to creatures other than their prey. Large sharks can reach around 15 feet in length and are a serious threat. Huge sharks are true monsters, like great whites, that can exceed 20 feet in length. Sharks circle and observe potential prey, then dart in and bite with their powerful jaws.
Sharks, like all exclusively aquatic creatures such as Frenzies and Threshadons, cannot be tamed by hunters.
[edit] Sheep
Sheep are woolly critters similar to a goat, but smaller than a cow. They are commonly found wandering in pastoral areas of Elwynn Forest, Loch Modan, the Redridge Mountains, and the Hillsbrad Foothills. Most sheep are little different from real-life sheep. However, not all sheep are what they seem.
Sheep are docile herbivores. Both black and white varieties exist, and they are prized for their wool. Some mages are infamous for polymorphing their opponents into sheep. Sheep flee rather than attack. Rumors of them exploding spontaneously are unsubstantiated.
Additional notes:
- Killing and skinning some sheep will yield Wool Cloth.
- Some sheep polymorph into nasty mobs when hit.
- Engineers are capable of making mechanical Explosive Sheep. (a nod towards exploding sheep).
- Sheep is sometimes used as a verb meaning "to transform into a sheep (via the Polymorph spell)".
In Warcraft III, if a flying unit was polymorphed in lands where sheep were common, they became flying sheep.
[edit] Silithids
A race previously unknown to those of Lordaeron, Azeroth, and Kalimdor, little information is available on the Silithid. They appear as gigantic insectoids of several sizes and shapes. They exist in large numbers in Silithus, southern Kalimdor, but also have hives in Tanaris, Un'Goro Crater and Feralas. They are directly related to the Nerubians' overlords, the Qiraji. There is an ancient wall in southern Silithus named The Scarab Wall, behind which lies the Qiraji and their Silithid minions inside two instances: The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (40-man) and Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (20-man).
The Night Elves, under Archdruid Fandral Staghelm, fought a war against the Silithids many years prior to the emergence of the first humans. The Night Elves were on the edge of defeat, losing their outpost of Southwind Village and Staghelm's son in the process, and retreating westward, when they discovered that the Silithids were hesitant to go past Fire Plume Ridge in Un'goro Crater. Staghelm took this respite to attempt to enlist the help of the dragonflights. However, they only agreed when the Silithids brazenly attacked the Caverns of Time, the home of the Bronze Dragonflight. With the sacrifice of the children of the red, blue, and green aspects, Staghelm and the Bronze Dragonflight were able to seal the Silithids behind the Scarab Wall. Anachronos, as the representative of the Bronze Dragonflight, offered Staghelm the Scepter of the Shifting Sands, the artifact required to reopen the gate to Ahn'Qiraj, but he refused it, instead hurling it at the wall, shattering it.
[edit] Spiders
![An early evolution spider as depicted in World of Warcraft](../../../upload/e/e8/Warcraft_spider.jpg)
Unlike their relatives in the real world, spiders of Azeroth are large, savage eight-legged carnivores. They exist in varying sizes, from roughly the size of a basketball to monstrosities that are as large as a house. Spiders can be separated in two different groups. First is an early evolution with primary arthropod development, allowing them to run fast over ground and spit poison to their preys or in self-defence (Forest, Lava, Giant, etc.). Second is a latter evolution mostly examined in the Eastern Kingdoms, which consists of weakened arthropods due to the web spit ability. Unlike the early evolutions, these spiders prefer to wait for the prey to come into their lairs (Pygmy Web, Night Web, Venom Web, Mine, etc.). Spiders are tamable by Hunters and usually prefer temperate forests or subterranean lairs but some varieties prefer volcanic environments.
- Featured In: World of Warcraft
- Habitat: Temperate Forests, Subterranean Lairs, Lava Fields
- Subspecies: Darkfang, Darkmist, Forest, Webwood, Glassweb, Greater Lava, Mine, Night Web, Venom Web, Searing Lava, Spire
- Tameable: Yes
- Type: Mob - Aggressive (there are a few rare non-aggressive spiders)
- Range: Elwynn Forest, Duskwood, The Wetlands, The Alterac Mountains, The Stonetalon Mountains, Teldrassil, Tirisfal Glades, The Redridge Mountains, Loch Modan, The Searing Gorge, and the Western and Eastern Plaguelands.
[edit] Spore Bats
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. The deadly spore bats are a more highly evolved sub-species of the Spore Walkers (see below). Like their walker cousins, the spore bats draw ingredients from the environment and combine them to form virulent toxins used in subduing the spore bats' prey. Unlike the walkers, however, the spore bats have the added advantage of flight in their arsenal. No corner of Zangarmarsh is safe as long as these silently gliding death-dealers are on the prowl.
Despite the lore suggesting they are dangerous and aggressive, Spore Bats are actually not as hostile as some of the other creatures in Zangarmarsh, with most of them being in fact neutral and only attacking if attacked. Therefore, their threat is limited to those who intentionally spark a fight. When killed, Spore Bats release spores which grant a variety of beneficial buffs to the player who killed them, so therefore killing one every now and then is useful.
Of further danger, however, is how Spore Bats closely resemble the non-neutral (will attack on sight) Nether Rays who also dwell in Zangarmarsh, and if one doesn't look closely at the shape, they can be mistaken for them. A player might go near a Nether Ray thinking it to be a harmless Spore Bat, and will hence spark a fight.
[edit] Spore Walkers
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. It is believed that the spore walkers evolved over time from the simple organisms that dwell within the depths of Zangarmarsh into the more efficient hunting, killing and eating machines that they are today. Utilizing their environment, the spore walkers are able to derive toxins from the spores and fungi of the marsh, which they in turn use to stun or immobilize their prey. When traveling through the marsh, adventurers would be wise to steer clear of these highly accomplished predators.
Though impressive to look at, Spore Walkers can be a pain for players to fight. By turning spores from the marsh into poison, they can cause all kinds of annoying harmful effects; health and mana draining definitely among them. Anything a player can do to disrupt this is worth the effort.
The Spore Bats (see above) are a more evolved form of the Spore Walkers, having a more compact form and the ability to fly.
[edit] Squirrels
Small, furry rodents, usually with a large puffy tail. Little in difference from real-life squirrels. Usually found wandering in woodland areas.
Clever engineers in World of Warcraft can create mechanical squirrels as pets.
[edit] Stags
Stags are beasts, very similar to deer. They are larger animals, taller than humans, and they have antlers. Most stags are neutral when approached. Stags are skinnable. They cannot be tamed by hunters as pets.
Stags are common in forested areas throughout Azeroth. They are targets for humanoid hunters and natural predators like wolves, but their mighty antlers and ferocity make them difficult prey. Stags avoid conflict, but can be aggressive in larger groups or when startled. They are particularly aggressive during mating season in the fall, and only at this time are they commonly found with females. All in all, there is little difference between Warcraft Stags and real-life stags.
Stag Meat when cooked becomes Lean Venison.
[edit] Tallstriders
![A tallstrider as depicted in World of Warcraft](../../../upload/thumb/b/b7/Warcraft_Tallstrider.jpg/150px-Warcraft_Tallstrider.jpg)
Tallstriders are flightless omnivorous birds, with long necks and legs and heavy crested beaks. They bear a striking resemblance to emus or ostriches, and the prehistoric terror birds. They are only found in Kalimdor. Although it is possible for a hunter to tame a tallstrider, they are not often seen as a pet due to their lacklustre abilities and finicky diet. One particularly fierce tallstrider, Mazzaranche, can be found in Mulgore. With his comical flamingo-like appearance, he is the most popular of the tallstriders to use as a pet. The Blood Elf mount, the "Hawkstrider" (formally called a Cockatrice) has a similar look to a tallstrider, although the Hawkstrider is much more colorful. The Gnomes ride Mechano-striders, that are robots with an appearance similar to Tallstriders.
- Featured In: World of Warcraft
- Habitat: Plains, Savanna, Coastal Regions
- Subspecies: Plainstrider, Tallstrider, Forestrider, Ornery Strider
- Tameable: Yes
- Type: Mob - Passive (Some are Aggressive)
- Range: The Barrens, Darkshore, Mulgore, Silvermyst Isles (Burning Crusade only)
[edit] Threshadons
A Threshadon (aka Thresher) is a large, long-necked aquatic plesiosaur-like dinosaur that can only swim, it can't go on land. Found in Darkshore, the Wailing Caverns, Loch Modan, Lake Everstill and more. These beasts are anywhere from lvl 13 to lvl 49. Threshadons resemble a plesiosaur, with a long neck and tail, a four-limbed body with two hump-like dorsal fins, and a head with a teethy mouth and a crest.
The most famous threshadon is an inaccessible boss named Nessy hiding in the underwater section of the Deeprun Tram.
In Blackfathom Deeps, there is a threshadon mini-boss named Old Serra'kis that you can defeat.
The creature's appearance, the boss named Nessy, and their appearance in the Loch Modan zone, implies they are based upon the Loch Ness Monster
[edit] Thunder Lizards
Probably related to the kodo (or the possible ancestors of), thunder lizards are giant reptiles with an appearance of a cross between a rhinoceros and a stegosaur, complete with thagomizer-like spikes. They are wide spread in The Barrens as well as Desolace and Stonetalon Mountains, although the biggest population known is in Thunder Ridge, in Durotar. Despite their horns and spikes, which can also be used as lethal weapons, thunder lizards use their magical or natural power in combat, this ability allows them to emit deadly bolts of lightning from their mouth. The largest thunder lizards are called Storm Wyrms. In Warcraft III, Beastmasters are able to summon stampedes of thunder lizards.
[edit] Turtles
Huge omnivorous reptiles living in wet areas. As a Hunter's pet, they have the Shell Shield skill. Naga use the large Dragon Turtles as tanks in the Warcraft III expansion. Giant sea turtles were also bred and trained by the Horde during the second war Warcraft II to combat Gnomish Submarines. One of the most common creatures in Azeroth, turtles can be found in The Redridge Mountains, The Barrens, Stranglethorn Vale, The Alterac Mountains, The Hinterlands, Dustwallow Marsh, The Shimmering Flats, Blackfathom Deeps, and Tanaris. They tend to be docile in nature. Aggressive and very defensive when attacked, they are not creatures to be trifled with. Because of their thick armor and high stamina, they prove formidable opponents for even the deadliest of foes.
[edit] Warp Stalkers
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. Warp stalkers are crafty, predatory hunters indigenous to Draenor that have been corrupted by the Burning Legion. Some reports even suggest that Legion officers employ the stalkers as mounts, utilizing the creatures’ uncanny abilities to phase in and out of the physical and astral dimensions at will. Unbound by the constraints of physical reality, these powerful, mystical creatures often range far and wide: almost no realm is out of reach. The creatures resemble something of a cat crossed with a crocodile. They are lanky and agile, but heavily armored, and have many horns and spikes on their back, head and tail.
Warp Stalkers can be found in Terokkar Forest and Netherstorm. Apparently their constant teleporting around disturbs magical energy, making them an annoyance to magic-users.
Warp Stalkers can be tamed by hunters.
[edit] Wind Serpents
These rare omnivorous reptile creatures are a result of long mutation process started with ordinary snakes. Their reptilian wings allowing them to silently fly over to their prey and attack it from behind. They are common throughout The Barrens, Feralas, and Thousand Needles. As a Hunter's pet, they are easily obtained, have a fairly easy-to-manage diet, and possess the Lightning Breath skill.
They are related to the Troll blood god, Hakkar, and are believed to be his avatars or "sons".
[edit] Worms
Worms in Warcraft come in two varieties. The first variety are generally known as Dredge Worms or Earthborers. They are rather snake-like, only segmented, and with a pair of tiny tunneling limbs near its faces. Almost all worms of this type are found inside cave-themed instances such as Maraudon or Ragefire Chasm, implying that they are burrowing, underground-dwelling creatures. A few very large varieties known as Dredge Worms dwell in the Silithus desert, above land.
The other variety is generally known as Carrion Worms or Maggots. Resembling enormous grubs with a sucking mouth at one end, they dwell within the Eastern Plaguelands, and are the only manner of beast unaffected by the ravages of the Plague. They are not very aggressive and attack only to defend themself. The biggest Carrion Worm ever seen is called Borelgore. While rather bland in taste, the meat of these worms can easily be preserved to last for months. These worms are notable for rarely dropping Larval Acid.
Another variety of worm is a tiny type that lives inside Zombies.
Strangely, some species of worms are skinnable, while others are not.
[edit] Zhevras
![A zhevra as depicted in World of Warcraft](../../../upload/thumb/2/22/Warcraft_Zhevra.png/150px-Warcraft_Zhevra.png)
These herbivores bear the black and white stripes of a zebra (as can be told by the name). However, a significant difference is a horn situated on their foreheads which looks a lot like that of unicorns. The only place in the Warcraft universe they can be found is on plains of The Barrens.
- Featured In: World of Warcraft
- Habitat: Plains, Savanna
- Subspecies: Charger, Courser, Runner
- Tameable: No
- Type: Mob - Passive
- Range: The Barrens
[edit] Chimaeras
Two-headed, winged beasts, native to Kalimdor. Possible ancestors to Wyverns. They use their terrible breath and ability to spit poison at the enemy to fight anyone who would defile their lands. In Warcraft III, they fight on the side of the Night Elves. Surely based on Chimeras. Similar to wyverns.
[edit] Gryphons
![A Gryphon as depicted in World of Warcraft](../../../upload/thumb/5/5e/Warcraft_Gryphon.jpg/150px-Warcraft_Gryphon.jpg)
Wild animals with the body of lions and the head and front legs of eagles. The savage creatures are native to Aerie Peaks and are employed as mounts by the brave Dwarves of the Wildhammer Clan, who have developed a close bond with the mighty beasts. During the Second War (Warcraft II), Gryphon Riders became the flying warriors of the Alliance, often facing the Horde's enslaved Red Dragons. In the World of Warcraft MMORPG, they are the main flying mount for the Alliance on the Eastern Kingdoms.
Wild Gryphons which are hostile to horde players can be found in the Hinterlands. When attacked by Horde players, Gryphon Masters will summon enraged Gryphons to their aid.
[edit] Hippogryphs
Hippogryphs are ancient, magical beasts who resemble Gryphons in build. Their name is derived from Hippogriff, a mythical creature that was supposedly the offspring off a Griffon and a mare. But Hippogryphs in WoW have the hind quarters of a horse, the front part of a raven, and the antlers of a stag, hence they appear to be more inspired by the Peryton than the Griffon-Horse crossbreed of myth. They patrol the skies above Kalimdor and viciously attack any enemies that they encounter. The intelligent hippogryphs have given their allegiance to the Night Elves in honour of Cenarius, a demigod who stood as the protector of nature and all of its creatures. In the MMORPG, World of Warcraft, they are the main Alliance flying mount on Kalimdor. In Warcraft III, Night Elf Archers have the Mount Hippogryph ability.
[edit] Raptors
With huge claws, sharp teeth, and a savage nature, these bipedal, velociraptor-based dinosaurs seem to be the top predators in some regions of Azeroth. They are found in Durotar, The Barrens, the Arathi Highlands, and other places across both continents. Trolls use larger, tamed raptors as mounts.
Raptors in Warcraft are actually sentient animals, much like gnolls or furbolgs. However, they're not as advanced as a civilization as a whole. Raptors live in tribes with the strongest female and male being the alpha leaders. Raptors decorate themselves with primitive jewellery made from feathers and bones. They're on par with the Wyverns in terms of having a society. However, where the Wyverns value honour and nobility Raptors value the hunt and savagery. This is most likely why the Trolls domesticated them.
The most intelligent Raptors are those in the Barrens (with the said intelligence supposedly coming from their possibly magical nose horns). Here, there is an area where they dwell almost like a village in huts decorated with bone ornaments.
[edit] Wyverns
These flying creatures are based on Manticores, having the body of a lion, the wings of a bat and the tail of a scorpion. They are indigenous to the Stonetalon Mountains and Thousand Needles on the continent of Kalimdor and are tamed by the Taurens at Freewind Post to be used as transportation for members of the Horde. In the World of Warcraft MMORPG, they are the main flying mount for the Horde on Kalimdor.
Wyverns are actually sentient animals much like quilboars and furbolgs. However, they are much less advanced as a society. They value honour and nobility. In Warcraft III, they were rescued from a tribe of harpies by the Orcs. In gratitude, they let the Orcs ride them into battle against the Humans whom they thought would disturb their homelands.
[edit] Demonic Races
These races are the minions of the Burning Legion, and were otherwise corrupted. Also known as the Eredar.
[edit] Darkhounds
A species of demonic dog, with pointed ears, fiendish faces and shaggy manes growing down their spines. Found in Tirisfal Glades, the Eastern Plaguelands, and Blackrock Depths. The dwarves of Blackrock Depths use a variety of Darkhound called a Bloodhound that easily sniffs out intruders hiding in stealth.
Darkhounds often drop wolf meat when killed.
Although classified as Demons, Darkhounds seem to be more a product of the plague than the Twisting Nether, and seem to be more associated with Undead than Demons.
[edit] Doom Guards
See main article Doom Guards.
![A Doom Guard as depicted in World of Warcraft.](../../../upload/thumb/5/5e/Warcraft_Doom_Guard.jpg/150px-Warcraft_Doom_Guard.jpg)
Doom Guards were the elite guard of Archimonde, the Defiler, a combination of destructive magic and brute force. After their master's death, it is believed that some of the Doom Guards broke from the fold and are working more akin to mercenaries. However, they are probably in the minority, as there are still many Doom Guards at the Burning Legion's beck and call.
In the World of Warcraft game, Warlocks at level 60 can summon a Doom Guard through use of either the Ritual of Doom or the Curse of Doom spell.
Curse of Doom deals 3200 damage after 60 seconds. If this damage kills the creature, it has a small chance of summoning a doomguard directly on top of the warlock, which it begins to attack. It must be enslaved using the Enslave Demon spell, which consumes a soul shard even if it is resisted. The curse cannot be cast on players.
Ritual of doom requires a Demonic Figurine and a full group to summon. When it is finished channeling, it consumes the reagent and a random party member's life. It may even kill the summoning warlock, so this is the least preferred method. This method also requires the Enslave Demon spell.
Considering the random "drop time" of the Enslave Demon spell (the spell could last 5 seconds or the full five minutes, but that is highly unlikely considering this demon), and factoring in the costly summoning requirements, they are considered an undesirable pet for the Warlock to summon, revisions were slated for patch 1.9. The pet is still undesirable post-patch.
It was said by a Blizzard GM that these as well as Infernals will probably remain, indefinitely, undesirable. Although Infernals have some uses in PvP and specific, but limited roles in PvE, they're not a commonly used pet. Due to the outstanding strength and durability of these pets compared to the Warlock's other pets, they will most likely not become a permanent pet.
[edit] Eredar
The Eredar are an ancient race of Demons. For some time it was believed they came from the Twisting Nether, but now it is known that they originally came from a world known as Argus and before being corrupted by Sargeras into their demonic form, they were the same race as the Draenei. They are skilled sorcerers and warlocks, the most powerful of the Eredar were Kil'jaeden the Deceiver and Archimonde the Defiler, chosen by Sargeras the fallen Titan to be his lieutenants.
Originally, Blizzard lore writer Chris Metzen said that Sargeras defeated the demonic Eredar when he was still a Titan fighting for justice and order, but their evil shocked and depressed him, as did the Nathrezim, eventually becoming the core reason of why Sargeras wants to destroy all life. However, this has changed. Metzen now says that Sargeras came across the mortal Eredar when he already became evil, offering them power in return for eternal service to him. Two of their three leaders, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, accepted the offer on behalf of their entire race. Sargeras then changed the Eredar into powerful and immortal demons. Metzen realized his mistake thanks to Warcraft fans pointing it out. He has apologized profusely on the Blizzard forum for the continuity error, but also said that the new Eredar origin must still be considered canon.
While Kil'jaeden appeared as a demon in Warcraft II, the Eredar came back with a greatly expanded background in Warcraft III. While not entirely playable, one can purchase a few Eredar to fight for them from mercenary camps.
Until Blizzard released the details of the expansion pack, Eredar were widely believed to be the new Alliance race in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. At E3 2006, Blizzard announced the Draenei as the new Alliance race. Although the Draenei shown look very similar to the Eredar, they look nothing like the Draenei in Warcraft III. It is revealed that the Draenei were originally a group of noble Eredar (led by the third Eredar leader, Velen) that fled Argus with the help of the Naaru when their race joined Sargeras and his Burning Legion. The Draenei seen in Warcraft III were only a subset of Draenei who were mutated by the fel magics of the Orcs. Most Draenei actually look like the original Eredar.
The word Draenei means "Exiled Ones" in Eredun, and the Eredar have no love for the Draenei, who they feel betrayed them by not joining Sargeras. The Eredar desire to destroy the Draenei, and have pursued them across many worlds.
[edit] Felhounds
Also known as Felbeasts, Felhunters, Felslayers and Manahounds. Felhounds are demon hounds used by the Pit Lords to sniff out sources of magic wherever they may be found. They resemble ugly, brownish-orange hounds with teethed, beak-like mouths, two large curving horns coming from their front shoulders, sharp and pointed hooves, and two claw-tipped tentacles, used to drain magic from victims, coming from their backs. Felhounds, who feed upon magic itself, are fond of draining the energies of hapless wizards and then ripping their bodies to shreds.
In World of Warcraft, Warlocks can summon a Felhunter demon pet, which is basically the same thing as a Felhound, and is a good spellbreaker. Warlocks gain this pet at level 30, through means of a quest that can be found at the Warlock trainer.
[edit] Fel Guards
The Fel Guard made up the bulk of the Burning Legion's forces during the first invasion of Azeroth. They are large, brutish demons, similar in appearance to Orcs but much taller. They are most easily recognized by the fact that they wield great axes or swords, and their lack of armor protecting their highly muscled chests. They are also used as guards of many of the demonic places in Azeroth, although they have many disadvantages compared to Doom Guards or Infernals. Warlocks can now summon Fel Guards as pets by putting the proper talents into the demonology talent tree, since the 2.0.1 patch released on 12/5/06.
[edit] Felsteed
A type of demonic horse from the Twisting nether. Warlocks can learn to summon them as a mount at level 40. A larger and faster version exists, known as a Dreadsteed which they may summon at level 60. Demonic horses are rarely seen, but there are a few. In Searing Gorge there is a Felsteed named Shleipnarr roaming around. The word "Shleipnarr" probably comes from "Sleipner", the name of the eight-legged horse of Odin in Norse mythology. There are also three Felsteeds in Shadowfang Keep in Silverpine Forest.
[edit] Gargoyles
The dreaded gargoyles of Northrend are voracious flying creatures who revel in slaughter and mayhem. The Lich King, leader of the undead Scourge, brought them under his control to fight for him. They have rough, crystalline hides which protect them from many attacks, and in case this is not enough, in times of danger gargoyles can condense their hides into a stone-like surface. They are also able to regenerate while in this stone form.
[edit] Grells
A small type of demon, grells are very similar in appearance to imps, but are generally larger in size, lack the characteristic horns, and have brighter coloration. Grells come in both melee and spellcaster variants. They are common to Shadowglen and Fel Rock in Teldrassil, and Bashal'Aran in Darkshore.
Grells are also known as sprites, although this term is shared with the more benign faerie dragons and wisps.
Not all grells are demonic, as such examples of wild grell exist. Wild grell live near Vile Sprites to which they are likely related.
[edit] Helboars
The helboar, is a type of boar-like demon with flaming manes and spines coming from its back. It comes in a variety of looks, possibly related to the amount of exposure it has had to the demonic energies of the Twisting Nether. In Azeroth, the helboar can be found in the Blasted Lands. In Outland in the Burning Crusade expansion pack, they can be found in Hellfire Peninsula. A variety of them is called Felboar, and dwells in Shadowmoon Valley.
The Draenor (Outland) variety shows far larger signs of demonic blood. Their hides are brightly colored and twisted into a vile parody of a boar. It is said that Rexxar would often test the sharpness of his blades by killing such Helboar with a single stroke.
[edit] Imps
While there are many variants of the Imp, and it is available to the Warlock to be summoned at level 1 in the World of Warcraft MMORPG (after a small quest. However the quest is very hard to complete alone until level two), its origins and details are very little, other than it and most of its variants are servants/creatures of the Burning Legion. Some variants of the Imp in World of Warcraft have been listed as Humanoids as well, such as the Vile Familiars in the Valley of Trials, Durotar, although these Vile Familiars still serve the Burning Legion.
The imp is the only Warlock pet in World of Warcraft that does not require a soul shard or other reagent to summon.
[edit] Infernals
![Infernal as depicted in World of Warcraft](../../../upload/thumb/e/ef/WoW-Infernal.jpg/150px-WoW-Infernal.jpg)
Infernals are giant golem-like demons, made of dark stone and green demonic flame, which can be summoned by powerful warlocks. They are fairly low in intelligence, and instead simply smash virtually any enemy before it. In the Warcraft novels, Infernals seem to be easiest taken down by the dwarves, whose hard stone-like skin can withstand even the most brutal hit. They exist only to destroy every living thing in their paths and take pleasure in tearing all mortals they encounter limb from limb. Fast-moving and enveloped in flame (granting them immunity to fire), they are some of the deadliest creatures to face in the Warcraft universe, second in ferocity only to the large dragons.
In World of Warcraft, Warlocks can learn to summon Infernals at level 50 through a quest in Felwood, but due to the Infernals power and destructive nature they will break free from the warlock over time.
In Warcraft III and WarCraft III The Frozen Throne Infernals can only be summoned by Dreadlords or by using an item.
[edit] Mo'arg
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. The mo'arg are a demonic race within the ranks of the Burning Legion. Tall and broad in stature, they are particularly proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Many mo'arg are tinkerers, scientists, blacksmiths and engineers among the ranks of the Legion and have 'improved' their own bodies with bionic parts. Some have gone so far with their enhancements that they resemble the abominations of the Scourge, with the only difference of their undead counterparts being that they are actually very clever (as well as very alive...). Nevertheless, other mo'arg are far less intelligent and used as front line soldiers. These grunts are commonly termed 'felguard'.
The gan'arg subrace bears little resemblance to the mo'arg mother race, being stunted and weak to the point that they seem far more similar to kobolds than they do the gargantuan demons of the Burning Legion. However, they are often just as intelligent and cunning as their mo'arg masters and should not be underestimated.
Some mo'arg seem to serve their own agenda, and are not hostile to players.
"Brutish though they seem, these iron-stitched horrors are exceedingly brilliant engineers and forge-smiths. Their black iron constructs have sown death across a thousand worlds." - Exodar Holographic Emitter in the Vault of Lights
[edit] Nathrezim
The Nathrezim, or Dreadlords, are vampiric winged demons allied with the Burning Legion. While they had existed in Warcraft lore for some time, it was not until Warcraft III that they were introduced into the game. They were tasked by Kil'jaeden to keep watch over his unwilling puppet, the Lich King Ner'zhul. Many prominent Dreadlords played parts in the events of the Third War, notably Tichondrius, Anetheron, Mephistroth, Balnazzar, Varimathras, Detheroc, and Mal'ganis. Mal'ganis was killed by Arthas at the behest of Ner'zhul. Later, Arthas (now driven mad and acting as the right hand of Ner'zhul) manipulated Illidan Stormrage into consuming the Skull of Gul'dan and killing Tichondrius. Anetheron was slain at the Battle of Mt. Hyjal, while Mephistroth's current whereabouts are unknown. Arthas intended to kill Balnazzar, Varimathras, and Detheroc when Illidan Stormrage and his cohorts threatened the Lich King's existence, forcing Arthas to withdraw to Northrend. Sylvanas Windrunner then took Varimathras captive, offering that he become her slave or die. Together they killed the other two, despite Varimathras's insistence that it was forbidden for the Nathrezim to kill one another. It would appear that Balnazzar's death was a ruse, however, as he has been sighted in the headquarters of the Scarlet Crusade, leading many to believe that he was in charge of the entire operation, and that Varimathras may not be as loyal to Sylvanas Windrunner as he seems, others suggest however, that Balnazzar faked his death and is targeting Varimathras for revenge.
For more information see Dreadlord.
[edit] Pit Lords
- Main article: Pit lord
Pit Lords are powerful creatures that wield chaotic and brutal magic from the Twisting Nether, and were conscripted into the Burning Legion by Kil'jaden. The Pit Lords who served under Mannoroth the Destructor are some of the most cruel, barbarous butchers to ever roam the trackless wastes of the Twisting Nether. These hulking engines of hate and death live only to kill and bring sorrow to all living creatures. Fanatically loyal to Mannoroth, the Pit Lords will stop at nothing to see the will of the Burning Legion upheld. Their current leader is Azgalor.
[edit] Satyrs
Former Highborne who practiced demon magic prior to the destruction of the Well of Eternity. They left the Night Elf civilization and have since developed goat-like features such as hooves and horns. While Highborne, they were the greatest spell casters in all of Night Elven civilization before their corruption. Lord Xavius was the first Satyr, dying as a Night Elf to Malfurion Stormrage, only to be brought back to life by Sargeras. Hiding in the darkest corners of Ashenvale forest, Satyrs awaited the return of the Burning Legion to unleash their vengeance on the Night Elves, joining with the corrupted Treants and Ancients. After the defeat of Archimonde at the battle of Mount Hyjal, the Satyrs still battled with the Night Elves and aided Illidan when he attempted to escape from Ashenvale Forest by attacking Maiev's forces.
[edit] Shivarra
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. Shivarra (singular: Shivan) are 6 armed, extremely tall, purple-bluish-skinned female demons, inspired by Hindu deities. Currently not much is known about these dangerous and beautiful demons except the small excerpt of information stored on the holographic projector on The Exodar.
Shivarra serve the Burning Legion as priestesses and military chaplains. They are devout and charismatic and as such are a driving force behind the Burning Legion as all their efforts are bent on bringing Sargeras' vision into being.
Varieties of Shivarra in-game:
- Deathwhisperer
- Mistress of Doom
- Lady of Pain
- Malicious instructor
[edit] Succubi
A race of female vampire-like demons, similar to the Nathrezim but smaller and with much less clothing, Succubi are one of the races enslaved by the Burning Legion. While significantly less powerful than their masters, Succubi still possess deadly magical powers. Ruled by 'the Mistress of Pain', Succubi are part of the forces of the Pit Lord Magtheridon and plague regions of Outland. In the MMORPG, World of Warcraft, warlocks can summon a Succubus at level 20, after a chain of quests leading to the learning of the Summon Succubus skill. The Succubus is a direct-damage dealer and "crowd-controller", meaning that it has skills to temporarily subdue one enemy in order to ease pressure on a player when outnumbered.
It was earlier believed that the Succubi are the females of the Dreadlord race, due to both having very similar physical qualities. The holographic simulator in Exodar, however, says they are in truth part of the Sayaad race.
[edit] Void Terrors
A void terror is a huge and extremely powerful two-headed demon. Resembling some gigantic reptile crossed with a monstrous demonic hound, they have two heads each with numerous short stubby horns and a single eye, and dozens of eyestalks above their heads on their backs with other eyes. This beast possess a nearly unlimited source of demonic energy.
Originally, the only Void Terror in the game was Immol'thar within the Dire Maul instance on Kalimdor. In the Burning Crusade expansion pack, however, numerous Void Terrors have been added on Outland, guarding certain regions of the Blade's Edge Mountains and prowling the Netherstorm.
[edit] Voidwalkers
Voidwalkers are wraith-like demonic creatures with a blue body, somewhat resembling an elemental. Like Succubbi, Voidwalkers are another of the demon races enslaved by the Burning Legion and are under the command of the Pit Lord Magtheridon. They are made purely from shadows, and can absorb shadows around them to "mend" any wounds they receive in combat. However, being made from shadow means that they cannot hit too hard. They underwent a phase change from Warcraft III to World of Warcraft, from spiky demons to round, elemental-like shapes.
Voidwalkers are the Warlock's main 'tank' minion in the game World of Warcraft. The spell is learned at level 10 as part of a short quest chain (but can be considered replaced with the stronger hitting Felguard of the Demonology talent tree).
Further contributing to their similarity to elementals, their death animation is similar to that of an elemental. (The body disappears, leaving empty shackles behind.)
Until recently, most speculated that since demonic races are races corrupted by demonic energy, it is possible that voidwalkers are corrupted elementals. However, new information from the holograms of the Exodar revealed that voidwalkers are actually created from the "death" of a Naaru. A "dead" Naaru causes a rift in dimensions that slow creates new voidwalkers until a sufficient amount of holy energy is infused into the Naaru and becomes revived.
[edit] Dragons
[edit] Chromatic Dragons
The chromatic dragons are a mixture of Red and Black dragons, created in Black Wing Lair. They are coloured purple/pinkish. They serve under the Black Dragon Flight and have powers of all the other types of dragons. They can be found in Black Wing Lair and Blackrock Spire. Warchief Rend can be seen riding one (Gyth) when you fight him.
[edit] Dragonspawn
The dragonflights of Azeroth are not without retainers and assistants. Noble humanoids serve the dragons with absolute loyalty, acting as footmen, soldiers, assistants, and companions. They are endowed with many of the dragon's mystic abilities and virtuous qualities.
The Dragonspawn (also known as Wyrmkin and Scalebane) are semi-humanoid dragon-like creatures. They're somewhat similar in concept to a Centaur - from the waist up, they're humanoid lizards. From the waist down, they have the body of a dragon. They walk on their four dragon legs, and use their arms to carry their weapons. They usually wear armor. The largest, most powerful Dragonspawn (ie: General Drakkisath in UBRS) have wings as well, though most don't. They don't seem to be able to actually fly though.
Exactly how they came into being is a guarded secret of the flights. Though they have dragon-like qualities, these creatures are not descended from dragons. Instead, they are distant kinfolk, descended from humanoids who spent their lives so close to the dragons that they took on the qualities of their masters after generations of service. They are gifted with unique advantages of their dragon blood and heritage, including immunity to their dragonflight's breath weapon. They have the same alignment and goals as their patron dragonflight. (In short, five species, one for each flight, colors match- blue serve Malygos, Green serve Ysera, etc.
In World of Warcraft, Dragonspawn can be found just about anywhere where there are dragons, typically assisting them in the guarding of a place or thing, such as Grim Batol or the Sunken Temple.
Noteworthy Dragonspawn:
- General Drakkisath
- Overlord Wyrmthalak
- Razorgore the Untamed
Dragonspawn closely resemble and likely pay homage to Dracotaurs from the Dungeons & Dragons universe.
[edit] Drakeadons
Not truly Dragons, but a related creature. Drakeadons very much resemble the Core Hound (see above), resembling enormous two-headed hounds, but instead of fire and lava being the overtone, Drakeadons have a dragon overtone. Instead of magma, they have scales. Instead of fiery dog's heads, they have dragon's heads.
The most famous Drakeadon is Chromaggus, a boss in the Blackwing Lair 40 man raid instance.
[edit] Frost Wyrms
Dying Dragons traditionally fly to the land of Northrend to die. When Ner'zhul the Lich King took control of Northrend, he used his powers to raise the residents of the vast Dragon graveyards to do his bidding. They possess breath as cold as the bitter winds of Northrend. In this new age, the Scourge plans to kill all the dragons in the world with their plague and turn them into Frost Wyrms. In World of Warcraft, the frost wyrm Sapphiron resides in Naxxramas.
[edit] Black Dragons and Dragonspawn
![From the top: Black, Red, Blue, Bronze and Green dragons as they are depicted in World of Warcraft](../../../upload/thumb/7/72/Warcraft_Dragons.jpg/150px-Warcraft_Dragons.jpg)
Khaz'goroth, the Titan shaper and forger of the world, bestowed some of his vast power upon the mighty black wyrm, Neltharion. The great-hearted Neltharion, known afterwards as the Earth-Warder, was given dominion over the earth and the deep places of the world. He embodied the strength of the world and served as Alexstrasza's greatest supporter. Black dragons breath consists of blasts of molten lava rather than pure fire.
Neltharion used to be allied with the other Dragons, but an artifact he took from the Old Gods (the Demon Soul) drove him mad through its arcane magic. He came to be known as "Deathwing the Destroyer" and tricked the Aspects into giving some of their powers to the Demon Soul to help battle the demons; however when the Demons where driven back, he turned on the Aspects and began to fight against them as well. Eventually the Demon Soul was destroyed by a human sorcerer named Rhonin while Deathwing attempted to steal Alexastraza's (the Aspect of Life and mother of the Red Dragon Flight) eggs, and Deathwing was driven away by the other Aspects.
Led by this mad leviathan, the Black Dragons plan to destroy the Burning Legion, the Scourge, all other races and and all other Dragons so that they may rule the world with their view of perfection. Unfortunately, in his zeal for victory, Deathwing has destroyed almost all of his flight.
[edit] Red Dragons and Dragonspawn
The Red Dragons were devastated by Neltharion's betrayal. Deathwing led an orc to the Demon Soul, because he couldn't use it himself when the other Aspects (flight leaders) cast a spell on him. The Orcs used it to trap the Dragonqueen Alexstrasza the Life-Giver and steal her eggs to give a new force to the Horde. The Red Dragons refuse to forgive the Horde for this, not even the redeemed Horde. The Red Dragons can breath fire.
Eonar, the Titan patron of all life, gave a portion of her power to the red leviathan, Alexstrasza. Ever after, Alexstrasza would be known as the Life-Binder, and she would work to safeguard all living creatures within the world. Due to her supreme wisdom and limitless compassion for all living things, Alexstrasza was crowned the Dragonqueen and given dominion over her kind. Some speculate that Alexstrasza is the "Earth Mother" that the Tauren speak of.
[edit] Blue Dragons and Dragonspawn
All the Blue Dragons, aside from Malygos the Spell-Weaver and a hand-full of dragon whelps, were killed in the War of the Ancients, but when Alextrasza was freed from the Orcs after the Second War, she gave the maddened Malygos some of her eggs to revive his flight. Some eggs were also preserved from the times of the War of the Ancients by Nozdormu at the request of Krasus when he was sent back in time, kept safe until after Malygos regained his sanity.
The breath of blue dragons is freezing cold rather than the usual fire.
Norgannon, the Titan lore keeper and master-magician, granted the blue dragon, Malygos, a portion of his vast power. From then on, Malygos would be known as the Spell-Weaver, the guardian of magic and hidden arcanum.
[edit] Bronze Dragons and Dragonspawn
Nozdormu, the Timeless, rules over the Caverns of Time, the realm of the Bronze Dragons. He was also maddened by Deathwing's betrayal and decided to keep a collection of important artifacts. He claimed that even Deathwing will one day become part of his collection. Like Malygos, he has regained his sanity.
Bronze Dragons have a breath of lightning, as well as a rapid-aging sand.
Aman'Thul, the Highfather of the Pantheon, bestowed a portion of his cosmic power upon the massive bronze dragon, Nozdormu. The Highfather empowered Nozdormu to guard time itself and police the ever-spinning pathways of fate and destiny. The stoic, honourable Nozdormu became known as the Timeless One. The Titan also revealed to Nozdormu the exact time and nature of his death, so as to show him both the power and the dangers of knowing all of time.
[edit] Green Dragons and Dragonspawn
Eonar also blessed Alexstrasza's younger sister, the lithe green dragon Ysera, with a portion of nature's influence. Ysera fell into an eternal trance, bound to the waking Dream of Creation. Known as The Dreamer, she would watch over the growing wilds of the world from her verdant realm, the Emerald Dream. As a result, Green Dragons live in both the waking world and The Emerald Dream, the eldest ones flying about with their eyes closed, mind traveling the Dream.
Green Dragons have a breath of acid rather than fire.
Ysera gave all the Night Elves a kinship with nature when she gave her gift to Nordrassil, the World Tree, and allowed them to walk the Emerald Dream in their druidic studies. The Night Elf and the Tauren Druids travel through the Emerald Dream while hibernating, leading to a close relationship between these races.
More recently, the Emerald Dream has fallen into turmoil, and a foul taint has spread inside. This taint twists all life it touches, including those of the Green Flight. Many of Ysera's most trusted kin have felt the touch of corruption, and now fight all who venture close. Below is a listing of the twisted dragons:
- Once one of Ysera's most trusted lieutenants, Ysondre has now gone rogue, sowing terror and chaos across the land of Azeroth. Her formerly beneficent healing powers have given way to dark magics, enabling her to cast smouldering lightning waves and summon the aid of fiendish, corrupted druids. Ysondre and her kin also possess the ability to induce sleep, sending her unfortunate mortal foes to the realm of their most terrifying nightmares.
- Lethon's exposure to the aberration within the Emerald Dream not only darkened the hue of the mighty dragon's scales, but also empowered him with the ability to extract malevolent shades from his enemies. Once joined with their master, the shades imbue the dragon with healing energies. It should come as no surprise, then, that Lethon is considered to be among the most formidable of Ysera's wayward lieutenants.
- A mysterious dark power within the Emerald Dream has transformed the once-majestic Emeriss into a rotting, diseased monstrosity. Reports from the few who have survived encounters with the dragon have told horrifying tales of putrid mushrooms erupting from the corpses of their dead companions. Emeriss is truly the most gruesome and appalling of Ysera's estranged green dragons.
- Taerar was perhaps the most affected of Ysera's rogue lieutenants. His interaction with the dark force within the Emerald Dream shattered Taerar's sanity as well as his corporeal form. The dragon now exists as a spectre with the ability to split into multiple entities, each of which possesses destructive magical powers. Taerar is a cunning and relentless foe who is intent on turning the madness of his existence into reality for the inhabitants of Azeroth.
[edit] Sprite Dragons and Faerie Dragons
![A Faerie Dragon as depicted in World of Warcraft](../../../upload/thumb/d/dd/Warcraft_Faerie_Dragon.jpg/150px-Warcraft_Faerie_Dragon.jpg)
Though not actual Dragons, they police the Emerald Dream for misuse of magic. They are immune to magic and when out of the Emerald Dream, have the ability to phase into it for a short duration, evading damage. They resemble small, non-aggressive, brightly colored lizards with wings. They can be found near the moonwells of Ashenvale and there is one rare spawn in the Wailing Caverns.
[edit] Nether Dragons
Near the end of the Second War, the black dragon Deathwing travelled through the Dark Portal to Draenor. Believing the world to be a relatively safe haven for his offspring, he secreted away a cache of black dragon eggs. Following the war, Ner'zhul recklessly opened multiple portals on Draenor, and the magical stress tore the planet apart. The energies released in this catastrophe altered Deathwing's eggs, resulting in the Nether Drakes partially corporeal and partially ethereal dragons who possess the ability to shift between the astral and physical planes. Without Deathwing's guidance, these otherworldly nether drakes are just now finding their own way among the blasted ruins of Outland. They are black, somewhat translucent, and have a glowing aura around them.
[edit] Elementals
![From top left: Fire, Earth, Water and Corrupted Water elemental as depicted in World of Warcraft.](../../../upload/thumb/0/05/Warcraft_Elementals.jpg/150px-Warcraft_Elementals.jpg)
Elementals were the first creatures to appear on Azeroth. Azeroth was created by a sect of "Old Gods". Chaotic and destructive, they worshiped the Old Gods, but the gods were defeated by the Titans. The Titans took Azeroth because of a deep hatred for anything evil, and the Old Gods were described as "unimaginable evil." When they took rule, the Titans brought order and prosperity to a new Azeroth, where countless races and creatures were able to come into existence.
There are about 6 kinds of elementals. Earth elementals which are made up of floating bits of stone, and sometimes used as minions for some centaur and the Kirin Tor. Fire elementals have burning bodies and are able to attack from a distance with fire, and are extremely hard to kill by physical attacks, because fire is hardly tangible. There are Water Elementals which are commonly summoned by mages and wizards, and can cast Ice spells. While not pictured, Wind Elementals appear as small funnel clouds, they tend to have slashing abilities, and exist throughout the Arathi Highlands, Desolace and Silithus. Molten Elementals are based on lava with shale bodies, appearing similar, but not quite like earth elementals, and use fiery attacks; they can be seen in ex-Redridge Mountains, including Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes, and Molten Core. 'Arcane' Elementals can be seen in Dire Maul. These elementals of Twisting Nether can easily destroy mana-based classes like mages by burning mana, and of course, are immune to arcane magic.
They are ruled by the Elemental Lieutenants: Ragnaros the Firelord (fire elemental), (the only one that can be currently fought in World of Warcraft) Therazane the Stonemother (earth elemental), rumored to be the Earthmother the Tauren worship) Al'Akir the Windlord (air elemental), (apparently the elemental Lieutenant with the least amount of story) Neptulon the Tidehunter (water elemental). (Stated to be the most evil of the elemental Lieutenants)
One thing to note is that these elementals are in fact not a part of the Burning Legion. Though demons can be controlled by Warlocks, elementals can't be controlled by players; however they are also used as minions of NPCs. Elementals will fight the demons of the Burning Legion as well as the beings that inhabit Azeroth. They are merely trying to restore their masters (the old gods) to power and to free their elemental lieutenants (mentioned above) so these can once again rule the world.
Water Elementals seem to be a bit more passive, and players can get quests from certain ones, these quests generally involve attacking fire elementals, however generally water elementals, along with all elementals are hostile to players of either faction.
The different elementals seem to be at war with each other, the most obvious version is the "pure" water elementals and their attempts to defeat the "hated" fire elementals.
Additionally, the saga to get the legendary weapon Thunderfury, Blade of the Blessed Windseeker tells the story that Ragnaros the Firelord imprisoned Thunderann who was a wind elemental lord.
In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, Water Elementals can be controlled by Mages who specialize in frost talents (41 points minimum).
[edit] Other Elementals and related creatures
There are some other creatures in World of Warcraft that are categorized as elementals, these include tree ancients, bog beasts, golems, etc. but the wind water earth and fire elementals are the only ones to have served the old gods. Also, some, thought not categorized as Elementals, are clearly associated with them.
[edit] Bog Beasts
As the name suggests, bog beasts are large, ugly, shambling monsters that are half plant and half beast, resembling hunched humanoids made out of rotting vegetation and sludge. Little is known about these secretive lords of the swamp and forest except that they are territorial and quite aggressive. Explorers have recorded stories of their great strength and resilience to harm. Unlike animals, they reproduce by seeds. They are elementals of nature. In some ways they reflect the natural order of plants and animals.
When roused to anger, they fight with great power and fury, using their strength to slam into their enemies, crushing opponents' defenses with their fists and whatever large objects they can throw at them.
You can find Bog Beasts in Teldrassil (Timberlings), Wetlands (Fen Dwellers and Fen Creepers), Tanaris (Thistleshrubs), Swamp of Sorrows (Swampwalkers, Mire Lords and Tangled Horrors), and Un'goro Crater (Tar beasts).
The bog beasts of Teldrassil, called timberlings, are also reflect the natural order of plants and animals on the great tree. So it is disturbing to see how angry the timberlings have become. Another symptom of the timberling's disease are tumors within their bodies, filled with a poison. Two notable timberlings of Teldrassil are Oakenscowl and Blackmoss the Fetid
Note that in lore Bog Beasts are not elementals at all, but a type of large plant, application of elemental ingame is for game mechanics.
Bog Beasts pay homage to the Shambling Mounds from the Dungeons & Dragons universe.
[edit] Elemental Conglomerates
Because the Elemental Plane is a single location encompassing all four elemental forces in a single area, some of the plane's creatures have adapted to more than one region. To do this, they have taken on the aspects of one more more such areas. These creatures are known as "conglomerates". Each kind shares two or more aspects of the basic elemental types.
If a creature shares two elemental aspects they are known as "dual elemental"-type. If a creature shares three elemental aspects it is known as a "triumvirate elemental"-type. If a creature shares all four elemental aspects it is known as a "complete" or "primal elemental"-type. Known Types
Dual Elementals
- Dust Elemental (Air, Earth)
Dust Elementals are a conglomerate of Air and Earth elementals. Dust Elementals may be found in Westfall in the form of Dust Devils.
- Ice Elemental (Air, Water)
Ice Elementals are conglomerate water and air elementals from Frostland of the Abyssal Maw.
- Spark Elemental (Air, Fire)
Spark Elementals are a conglomerate of Air and Fire elementals.
- Lava Elemental (Earth, Fire)
Lava Elementals are a conglomerate of Fire and Earth elementals. The most powerful Lava Elemental currently in World of Warcraft is Garr.
- Mud Elemental (Earth, Water)
Mud Elementals are a conglomerate of Water and Earth elementals.
- Steam Elemental (Fire, Water)
Steam Elementals are a conglomerate of Water and Fire elementals.
- Tar Beast (Earth, Water)
Tar Beasts are a conglomerate of Earth and Water element types.
Triumvirate Elementals
- Geyser Elemental (Air, Fire, Water)
Geyser Elementals are a conglomerate of Water, Fire and Air elementals.
- Pyroclastic Elemental (Air, Earth, Fire)
Pyroclastic Elementals are a conglomerate of Earth, Fire and Air elementals.
- Sandstorm Elemental (Air, Earth, Water)
Sandstorm Elementals are a conglomerate of Earth, Water and Air elementals.
- Volcanic Elemental (Earth, Fire, Water)
Volcanic Elementals are a conglomerate of Earth, Water and Fire elementals.
Complete Elementals
- Primal Elemental (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)
Noteworthy Conglomerate Elementals:
- Lokholar the Ice Lord ("ice" elementals are a conglomerate of water and air elementals from Frostland).
- Lord Roccor (Roccor is a Lava Elemental in Blackrock Depths, and a minion of Ragnaros, like Garr)
- Garr (Garr is a type of Lava Elemental an elemental conglomerate of fire and earth types)
[edit] Primordial Aspects
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. The Primordial Aspects are probally a group of elementals that instead on focusing on the things like fire and air, focus on unique aspects of nature like the night and poison. The only one in game is Murmur, the Primordial Aspect of sound, a boss in the Shadow Labyrinth wing of the Auchindoun instance.
Note that they may not be elementals but in fact elemental-like beings. Murmur is listed as an elemental for game mechanics.
[edit] Revenants
Revenants are minor elemental creatures who once served as foot soldiers for the malefic Old Gods when the world was young. When the titans defeated the Old Gods and chained them beneath the earth, the wicked revenants and their greater elemental cousins were banished to the Elemental Plane. Locked away from the world they once ruled, the fire of the elementals' hatred of the titans and their creations burned with increasing intensity. As the millennia passed, reckless mortal wizards began to summon elementals back into the physical world. Free at last, many revenants struck out against the mortals that had summoned them and set out to forge their own destiny among their native elements in the world. These evil beings exist only to inflict strife and sow elemental chaos. Though they have limited intelligence, their sheer hatred and will to destroy make them fearful opponents when encountered in the wilds of the world.
Revenants appear as undead Elemental creatures with the ability to cast elemental magics according to their type. Although appearing undead, Revenants have no affiliation with the Scourge as they have some sort of innate immunity to Ner'Zhul's psychic control over undead. They remain neutral in the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance. Many live on the Elemental Plane. They have not appeared in World of Warcraft but were featured in Warcraft III and The Frozen Throne, and the Warcraft RPG. They look similar to floating suits of armor, bound by elemental energy according to their elemental type. They also wield large maces and carry giant shields.
Types of Revenants:
- Death Revenant
- Fire Revenant
- Frost Revenant
- Ice Revenant
- Lightning Revenant
- Revenant of the Tides
- Revenant of the Seas
- Revenant of the Depths
- Deeplord Revenant
[edit] Humanoid Races
The humanoid races are the more human looking races. Unlike beasts, they will likely run from battle when they realize they are near death or in danger. Humanoids typically wield clubs, swords, and other kinds of weapons although some humanoids specialize in hand-to-hand or magical combat. Forsaken players can use the cannibalize ability on most humanoids.
[edit] Anubisaths
A giant being of living stone, physically resembling the ancient Egyptian god of the dead, Anubis. The Qiraji created them as their minions. They inhabit Ahn'Qiraj and Silithus. The Anubisath are constructed from obsidian, and enchanted to serve as the guardians of the Qiraji capital of Ahn'Qiraj.
On rare occasions, Anubisath may be blessed by the god C'Thun and become the immensely powerful Horusath.
History: The trolls were the first mortal race to face the ancient, insidious Aqir and survive against their might. After thousands of years the trolls succeeded in splitting the insect empire in half, sending them fleeing to the northern and southern reaches of Kalimdor.
Over time the mighty troll empires collapsed, while in Silithus the aqir slowly evolved into a new, terrifying race - the Qiraji.
According to legend, in the aftermath of the war the Twin Emperors Vek'lor and Vek'nilash acknowledged a need for loyal soldiers of great strength to stand against any future opposition. It is said that the Emperors themselves oversaw the construction of the first Anubisaths in the ever-burning fires beneath Ahn'Qiraj - even so the massive warriors were not completed for millennia. When the Well of Eternity was destroyed in the War of the Ancients, the few remaining mortal tales of the once-fearsome aqir were lost, yet still the Qiraji waited, biding their time to strike at an unprepared world.
And so it was that a thousand years ago the Emperors once again commanded an assault to conquer Kalimdor. This time their newest weapons of war were ready, and the mighty Qiraji demonstrated their strength against the prolific night elves, a lone Anubisath often smashing through an entire unit of sentinels.
Though imbued with minimal intelligence, the colossal warriors proved to be highly effective killing machines. While the strongest of these constructs served as elite shock troops, General Rajaxx placed most of the Anubisaths on the front line, knowing that the massive warriors would strike fear in the hearts of the elves.
During the war, as the elves faced impending defeat, the Arch-Druid Fandral Staghelm persuaded the Bronze Dragonflight to join the fray. Amid the frenzied battle outside Ahn'Qiraj the dragons directed their wrath at the Anubisath constructs.
The few Anubisaths capable of casting spells were far from the front lines, and so the dragons were able to concentrate their attacks on the giants with little threat of being countered. Nearly every Anubisath was destroyed in the initial assault, but among them one in particular would prove to be more resourceful than all others combined... Ossirian the Unscarred. He was blessed with the hawkoid form of Horusath, and is now a boss in the Ahn'Qiraj instance.
[edit] Aqir
Hardly anything is known about this race. According to limited lore, they were created by the Old God C'thun as avatars in his own image inspired by the insectoid Silithids* (see below), and eventually descended into the Qiraji (whom now rule the Silithid from C'Thun's city of Ahn'Qiraj) and Nerubian races. No Aqir appear to any longer exist, having all descended into the Qiraji and Nerubians, and nothing else much is known about them.
- There are some who think that the Aqir ARE/WERE Silithids, and not a different race at all. This is commonly debated however, and generally passed off as just a theory, and not many players are familiar with it.
[edit] Arakkoa
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. The Arakkoa are a race of humanoid birds native to Outland. They have brightly feathered bodies in a veritable rainbow of colors, hooked beaks, clawed hands, taloned feet, and an erectile crest of feathers on their heads. They wear ragged cloaks about their bodies. Arakkoa appear to also have "sage" (with ornate shoulder and head ornaments) and "warrior" (with a metal helm and mail epaulets) classes.
They have great magical power over the arcane, and are also as "smart as any gnome you ever met", according to Gremni Longbeard in Hellfire Peninsula. Most are aggressive to both Alliance and Horde, although there are friendly members of the Arakkoa to be found.
Arakkoa breed a species of owl called "Kaliri", which have valuable feathers. They also use several types of ravens and owls as guards.
Arakkoa likely pay homage to the Aarakocra from the Dungeons & Dragons universe. The Arakkoa are also likely to pay homage to the Skeksis from The Dark Crystal by Jim Henson. In Terrokar you break the Dark Crystal as seen in the movie.
[edit] Centaurs
The natural enemies of the Tauren, the centaur are a race of brutal, barbaric raiders indigenous to Kalimdor. In appearance they have the body of a horse and the torso of a human where the neck and head should be. Legends say they are the bastard offspring of Cenarius, a Night Elf demigod who also fathered the Keepers of the Grove and dryads. Whether or not this is true, it is certain that they are a vicious and war-like people, constantly raiding and terrorizing the cities of The Barrens and attacking any travellers foolish enough to cross their path. The centaur have a savage and bloodthirsty nature and are wary of any person that is not a centaur; they especially hate the Tauren, and by extension, the Orcs.
These horse-men hail from Desolace in western-central Kalimdor, but tribes of them are spread throughout much of central Kalimdor, including: The Barrens, Thousand Needles and Durotar. In the past they have ceaselessly terrorized the villages of the indigenous peoples, and have now extended their hatred to include the Orcs and Trolls of the Horde. The Tauren claim that the centaur have always existed to scourge the land. Legend holds that Zaetar, immortal son of Cenarius and the earth elemental princess, Theradras, sired the misbegotten centaur race. It is said that upon their emergence, the barbaric centaur turned on their father and killed him. Some believe that Theradras, in her grief, trapped Zaetar's spirit within the winding caverns of Maraudon - using its energies for some malign purpose. The subterranean tunnels are populated by the vicious, long-dead ghosts of the Centaur Khans, as well as Theradras' own raging, elemental minions.
[edit] Draenei
The Draenei are one of the three primary races that inhabited Draenor before the coming of the Burning Crusade. (The other races being the Orcs and the Ogres.) They once populated much of the planet, but were slaughtered by the Orcs shortly after their corruption by the Warlock Gul'dan. Draenei means "exiled ones" in their native language: They left their old homeworld to escape the Burning Legion. The Draenei are the fifth playable race for the alliance in The Burning Crusade expansion pack. Their ship, the Exodar, crashed while traveling to Azeroth. The Draenei have now made Azuremyst Isle their home in Azeroth.
[edit] Dryads
Half deer and half-night elf in appearance, Dryads are the frolicking daughters of Cenarius. Like their Keeper brothers, Dryads are protectors of the Ashenvale forest and have joined the Sentinels to defend nature from those who dare to defile it. Weaker than Keepers, Dryads are nonetheless immune to magic; however in World of Warcraft they are not immune for "balancing" reasons.
[edit] Dwarves
- Main article: Dwarves (Warcraft)
The 'Earthen', one of the races created by the Titans when they shaped Azeroth, was greatly affected when the Well of Eternity exploded. They locked themselves into their underground chambers and went into a comatose state, refusing contact with the outside world. One group, however, woke up early for a reason as yet unknown, and they lost their stone skin and power over rock and earth. They called themselves the Dwarves (Originally a deragetory Night Elf term) and built the city of Ironforge. Up to the War of the Three Hammers, the three clans - the Bronzebeards, Wildhammers and Dark Irons - lived relatively peacefully in Ironforge until King Anvilmar died, leaving no heir. This began a civil war of enormous proportions, all three attempting to take the throne of Ironforge as their own. Eventually the Bronzebeards won, forcing the other clans out of the kingdom.
The Wildhammers recovered from this and built their own city of Grim Batol in the Wetlands. The Dark Irons did not recover quite so well, however, and resolved to destroy both the Bronzebeards and the Wildhammers in a single, two pronged attack. Though Grim Batol suffered heavy casualties and the death of its king, both forces of Dark Irons were repelled and brought to the edge of destruction in an ambush, the survivors fleeing to the Redridge Mountains. The warlock queen of the Dark Iron dwarves who went to grim batol was killed, but her evil magic cursed Grim Batol, forcing the Wildhammer Dwarves to leave. They were not finished yet, however, and attempted to bring back a powerful being to aid them in their cause - Ragnaros. Though they succeeded in summoning the evil monster, their leader and many others died in the aftermath, burned to a cinder by Ragnaros' power or enslaved to do his bidding. When Ragnaros was summoned a large crater was carved in the once peaceful Redridge Mountains, creating Searing Gorge on one side and Burning Steppes on the other side, and in the middle of it was Blackrock Mountain, in which the Dark Iron dwarves created a large fortress. The land around them became a burned wasteland rather reminiscent of the land of Mordor in Lord of the Rings. The Wildhammer clan, fearing that Grim Batol was irrevocably cursed, left the Wetlands for Lordaeron, where they built Aerie Peak above ground on the mountains of the Hinterlands, refusing to have anything else to do with the underground lairs of their brethren and forefathers.
And so the Bronzebeards claimed the entirety of Khaz Modan as their own, though still trading with the Wildhammers, with whom they attempted to mend their relationship. During the Second War, the Humans were able to convince the Bronzebeard Dwarves of Khaz Modan to aid them in the war effort. The Horde overran Khaz Modan, but the Alliance was able to liberate it once again. It was then that King Magni Bronzebeard vowed that the Ironforge Dwarves would forever owe a debt to the Alliance.
[edit] Elves
One of the oldest races in the world, they were once the dominant race on Azeroth, but they have since been supplanted by the more competitive Humans and Dwarves. It is rumored that elves are in fact descendants of ancient Trolls who were magically transformed by the power emanating from the Well of Eternity. To this day lesser magic wells called Moonwells play a prominent role in the culture and religion of the elves. There are three Elven types on Azeroth, the Night Elves, High Elves and Blood Elves. They all have pointed ears and are graceful in appearance.
[edit] Night Elves
Night Elves are one of the oldest races on Azeroth. They have deep lavender skin, glowing eyes, long ears, and blue, purple, silver, or green hair and long eyebrows. In their own language, they are called the Kaldorei ("children of the stars"). The elves originated on the continent Kalimdor. Satyrs, Harpies, Naga, and the High Elves descended from them. They were the first race to awaken in the World of Warcraft. These shadowy, immortal beings were the first to study magic and let it loose throughout the world nearly ten thousand years before Warcraft I. The Night Elves' reckless use of magic drew the Burning Legion into the world and led to a catastrophic war between the two titanic races. The Night Elves barely managed to banish the Legion from the world, but their wondrous homeland was shattered and drowned by the sea. Until recently, the Night Elves closed themselves off from the rest of the world and remained hidden atop their holy mountain of Hyjal for many thousands of years. The Legion's invasion brought the Night Elves out of their long period of slumber. They now have renewed interest in shaping the world, and for the first time are allying themselves with other races to insure the continued survival of Azeroth. As a race, Night Elves are typically honorable and just, but they are very distrusting of the 'lesser races' of the world. They are nocturnal by nature and their shadowy powers often elicit the same distrust that they have for their mortal neighbors.
The Night Elves now aid the Human (and Dwarven and Gnomish and Draenei) Alliance against the Horde and reside in their capital of Darnassus and some of northern Kalimdor in World of Warcraft
[edit] High/Blood Elves
Night Elves with an addiction to arcane magic became the offshoot known as the High Elves. Known in their native tongue as Quel'dorei ("children of the sun" / "highborne"), they were originally followers of Queen Azshara and helped her in her research of magic and demons. Azshara, feeling they were inherently superior to her subjects who did not practice magic, named her followers "Quel'dorei," meaning "Highborne." Azshara and the Highborne were responsible for the invasion of the Burning Legion and for the destruction of the Well of Eternity, a highly magical and sacred lake which once stood in the centre of Ancient Kalimdor. The Highborne, obsessed with magic and seeing that their dreams of magical power could never be realized under the rule of their magic-hating brethren, went into self-imposed exile to create a new, magical civilization for themselves. They found such a place across the sea, on the continent of Lordaeron. Travelling the continent for centuries, the Highborne slowly began to look less and less like the other Night Elves on Kalimdor, owing to their separation from the World Tree. They finally settled in the North, and were responsible for the destruction of the great Troll empire. Upon the introduction of Humans from the south, the High Elves (as they were now called) joined forces with the Humans, and welcomed them to their kingdom of Quel'Thalas.
After Arthas, the traitorous human prince, had been corrupted through picking up the cursed runeblade Frostmourne, he set out on a campaign to erase all the forces who might oppose the Burning Legion before it was summoned. When erasing the nation of the High Elves he managed to kill two birds with one stone; he defeated one of the nations mighty enough to repel the Burning Legion and he got to use the High Elves Sunwell, from which they got their magical abilities, to raise the Lich Kel'Thuzad.
A sizable number (estimated to be 20%) of High Elves survived the destruction of their homeland and a very small number joined Jaina Proudmoore's expedition to Kalimdor and currently live on Theramore Isle. They are able to satisfy their addiction to magic there with the Night Elf Moon Wells. Most however became the so-called "Blood Elves", who turned to darker sources in their quest to satiate their thirst for magic and restore their people to the glory they once enjoyed.
These Blood Elves ("Sin'dorei" in their own tongue) adopted the name in memory of their fallen brethren, and turned to corrupted magic that drew upon demonic forces to avenge their lost kingdom. Most of them were left in charge of the defense of Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas to drive out the Undead, led by Prince Kael'thas. The racist Human general in charge of the force, Lord Garithos, despised the Elves. He finally recalled all Human and Dwarven units to the front line, leaving only the meager Elf forces to defend against the rampaging Scourge. With no other options, the Blood Elves were forced to ally with the Naga, an action Garithos had specifically forbidden. He subsequently had them imprisoned in the ruins of Dalaran, where they were eventually freed by the Naga. Upon escape, they agreed to travel with the Naga to Outland, where they hoped to find the Naga's master, Illidan Stormrage, to ask his help in finding a cure for their racial addiction to magic. Other High Elves, those that survived Quel'Thalas's destruction and didn't fall to the primal rage that fuelled the Blood Elves' descent into dark magic, now consider the Blood Elves to be not only traitors to the Grand Alliance, but also a stain upon the memory of their fallen brethren.
They are the new Horde race in The Burning Crusade expansion pack, and they reside mainly in Quel'Thalas, where they are regenerating to their old strength. The only true friends the Blood Elves are presented with are the Undead Forsaken, who share in their ultimate fate against the Undead Scourge.
Within the current World of Warcraft timeline, the Blood Elves have largely been successful in retaking Silvermoon City and its surrounding areas from the Scourge forces, however the land still bears the scar of the battles fought. In addition to outlying towns within the contested Ghostlands, the Blood Elves maintain a number of outposts, towns and bases of operation within the realm of Outland.
While the overwhelming majority of the survivors followed in their leader's stead and ultimately severed their ties with the Alliance, a small segment of the High Elf population elected to remain loyal to the Alliance as a result of varying motivations. High Elves can currently be seen living alongside humans and dwarves within the port city of Theramore, maintaining a variety of hunting lodges throughout northern Lordaeron and also amongst the recently reunited Outland Expeditionary forces. This smaller faction also feels the effect of the Sunwell's loss upon their people, but abhor the selfish, arcane-driven practices of their Sin'dorei cousins.
It should also be noted that while a rarity, true light-embracing Quel'dorei Paladins do exist within the ranks of the Alliance as opposed to the Sin'dorei Blood Knights who have obtained their powers through the enslavement of a creature of light, the Naaru. As High Elves are not available as a playable race within World of Warcraft, such characters exist solely as NPC's.
[edit] Ethereals
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. Treading the chaotic spaces between worlds, the ethereals are astral travelers who dwell within the Twisting Nether. They are known to be collectors and traders of arcane items and artifacts. Now drawn to Outland, many ethereals are seeking to track down its treasures and steal them back into the Twisting Nether. They are liars and scoundrels who will stop at nothing to pursue their mysterious aims. The ethereals have no care at all for the Burning Crusade. They would even play both sides of the conflict against each other if doing so would serve to further their own goals.
[edit] Faceless Ones
In Warcraft 3: the Frozen Throne, Arthas and the Crypt Lord, Anub'arak, trekked to Icecrown to defend the Lich King from Illidan and the army of Naga he had amassed. As they worked their way through the underground kingdom of the Nerubian, Azjol-Nerub they encountered still living Nerubian freedom fighters and dwarves left over from Arthas' previous trip to Northrend. As they entered even deeper into the caverns, they also encounter what the Dwarf leader Baelgun referred to as "horrors" that had been released by Illidan's recently caused earthquakes. Humanoid creatures with tentacled arms and faces called the Faceless Ones were found as well as one massive creature of which we only see its giant tentacles, similar to various creatures from the books of H.P. Lovecraft.
Faceless ones are also aided by The Unbroken, pink versions of the Faceless ones.
Anub'arak's statements during this adventure suggest that there is some ancient and forgotten race that was buried underground, of whom only myths reached the Nerubian people. The Nerubians are descended from the ancient Aqir people; the prospect of an even earlier race raises many questions. This is the only time they have appeared in the Warcraft universe and thus little is known about them.
Hakkar the Soulflayer, an immense Blood God worshiped by a group of trolls in the Swamp of Sorrows, is often called a "Faceless One", however there is no evidence about Hakkar and the Faceless Ones being related at all, except that Hakkar sometimes drops, in World of Warcraft, a dagger by the name of "Fang of the Faceless".
[edit] Floating Eyes
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. Floating Eyes are only seen in specific locations, and that is probably a good thing; many adventurers are struck with fear at the sight of such odd and malevolent beings. They resemble an orb of pale green flesh floating in the air, with a toothy mouth, numerous eyes, and a few short tentacles hanging down. The most famous Floating Eye is a boss from the Blood Furnace wing of Hellfire Citadel. Other than that, only a few lesser Eyes have been seen in Netherstorm. Whatever created these abominations is still unknown.
Floating Eyes fairly undoubtedly pay homage to the Beholders from the Dungeons & Dragons universe. Many players who are unfamiliar with the name "Floating Eye" call them Beholders.
[edit] Fungal Giants
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. The unique gases and nutrient-enriched soil of Zangarmarsh have given rise to a wondrous, diverse wetland ecology. The marsh's fungal giants stand as a prime example of the habitat's remarkable fauna. Though relatively non-aggressive, these lumbering behemoths are savagely efficient at dispatching their adversaries when provoked. They feed on other native swamp creatures, as well as any Lost Ones unlucky enough to stray too close to the giants' beloved hideaways.
Recently, the Fungal Giants have come into conflict with Sporeggar, and are now no less than their mortal enemies. Driven by starvation due to the continuous sapping of the marsh's resource by the naga, they have begun to roam the spawning glen, preying on sporeling young. Members of the Cenarion Expedition are looking for a peaceful solution to allow the two species to cohabitate the marsh.
Being composed of plants and fungi, Fungal Giants, when killed, can be salvaged by players that have the herbalism skill for ingredients.
Fungal giants are considered giants in-game, showing the subclass "giant" under their names.
Notable Fungal Giants
- Quagmirran, final boss of the Slave Pens.
- Hungarfen, first boss of the Underbog.
[edit] Furbolgs
Furbolgs are ursine humanoids. They reside in tribes, and were peaceful allies of the Night Elves until the coming of the Burning Legion, when many were affected by the corruption they brought and turned evil. The Timbermaw tribe were supposedly the only tribe to escape the corruption. Their tribe now has been forced into hostility due to an increasing show of violence towards them as they are mistaken for corrupted. Around 10,000 years before Warcraft: Orcs and Humans the Furbolg race fought the Burning Legion alongside the Night Elves, Tauren and Earthen. The Ursa Warriors are the Furbolg elites.
Other tribes than the Timbermaw is the Blackwood tribe and the Deadwood tribe. These names were probably made after the Furbolgs in the tribes became corrupted.
[edit] Goblins
- Main article: Goblin (Warcraft)
The Goblins are a neutral race in World of Warcraft and tend to do everything for profit. However prior to that, during the great wars they sided with the Horde and still currently favour the Horde. They are green-skinned and the same height as Gnomes. Most goblins are engineering geniuses, but appear to have an insane side to their personality as well as unusual names. Goblins are not always neutral; many are employed by the Black dragonflight and were responsible for welding plates onto the scales of Deathwing. More recently, they assisted Nefarian in his creation of the Chromatic dragonflight.
[edit] Golems
Golems are magical or mechanical constructs of materials such as rock or mud resembling humanoid giants. Due to their tremendous strength, immunity to magic, and lack of a need to sleep, Golems are employed by wizards to guard special locations from intruders. Golems are often used by the Dark Iron Dwarves within the Burning Steppes and Blackrock Depths. Golems come in many shapes and sizes some of the different kinds are. Mud golems, Rock golems, Granite golems, Flesh golems and more. Several of the Golems are capable of throwing large rocks at enemies dealing damage and stunning them all of the earth based Golems special attacks are rock based.
[edit] Gnolls
One of the younger races of the world, Gnolls inhabit much of Lordaeron. Although somewhat intelligent, the hyena-like humanoids often spend their time fighting with each other over things such as "whose shadow is larger." It has been said that if the Gnolls were able to stop fighting each other and organize an army, they would be quite a fearsome race.
Gnolls are commonly found as members of various mercenary and pirate organizations across the world. There is one tribe serving the Scourge, (these are an undead variety called "Rot Hides") two other tribes serving humans and many Gnolls serve Goblins. However, as yet there are no known organizations of Gnolls serving the Alliance or Horde. While native to Lordaeron, there are a couple Gnoll tribes in western Kalimdor. It is currently unknown how the Gnolls have spread to these far reaches.
Some Gnolls wield clubs while others arm themselves with crossbows. Many Gnolls know how to use magic too, mostly shadow-magic. Gnolls often come in small groups.
[edit] Gnomes
- Main article: Gnomes (Warcraft)
The Gnomes are the super-advanced race of Warcraft. Though the Dwarves, who live near the Gnomes' former home of Gnomeregan, also have some advanced technology, the Gnomes provided them with some of the more critical designs for Dwarven weapons and tanks. They provided the Alliance with some of their inventions and personnel during the Second War, but in the Third war they did not send any actual personnel to fight. Only after the war did the rest of the Alliance discover that the Gnomes had been under attack by an enemy called the Troggs. Not wanting to further burden the other races during the Third War, they fought alone. Ultimately, they could not drive the Troggs from their home and released large amounts of radiation as an attempt to kill the Troggs and evacuated the city. This left about half of the Gnomish population alive to flee to Ironforge, the kingdom of the Dwarves.
Gnomes are famous for having a love for engineering and to create different mechanics and devices which are supposed to make life easier and gain the user avantages in combat. However, Gnomish Engineering is also famous for not always working as it is intended to do. For example, a Gnomish Shrink Ray may as well turn the user smaller and decrease his/her power rather than make the target smaller and decrease its power (as the user of the ray planned). In more extreme cases, such an item-malfunction may give the user and sometimes the group the user is playing with larger problems.
[edit] Gronn
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack, the Gronn are monstrous, Cyclopean creatures that reside Outland, the immortal demigods of the Ogre race. Some say the Gronn gave rise to the lesser Ogres, yet if so, they show little inclination toward liking them, given that they are tyrannical rulers. According to canon, there is rumoured to only be seven Gronn in existence, and they are not famed for their intelligence.
Gronn resemble massive Ogres, hulking and tremendously muscular, with bony, rocky, blood-red bodies covered with hard lumps and spikes. They are also covered with painted runes and symbols. They have only one eye, and are likely inspired by the Cyclops. They always carry huge clubs, truncheons, or rocks for hurling at foes.
These Ogre demigods were first mentioned in the Burning Crusade trailer at BlizzCon. Their image was also shown, but not identified until the release of the bestiary, several months later.
Two of the known Gronn are in Nagrand. The other—nicknamed The Hungerer—is an extremely potent foe.
Farther north, in the Blade's Edge Mountains, more Gronn have been seen. Canon legends tell of a lair (the Gruul's Lair instance) in that area where the greatest of these Gronn (Gruul [see below]) may be located.
Known Gronn:
- Gruul the Dragonkiller, the raid boss in Gruul's Lair is supposedly the father of the Gronn, and the most famous of the Gronn themselves. The greatest of the Gronn mentioned above is Gruul.
- The 5 known sons of Gruul: Goc, Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater, Grulloc, Maggoc in the Blade's Edge Mountains and Durn the Hungerer in Nagrand.
- Given that it is said there are only 7 Gronn known to exist, two remain after Gruul's sons; Nath is speculated to be the final Gronn.
- There are a few elite monsters in Nagrand, called Mountain Gronns, that are walking around near Warmaul Hill and will fight with Ogres. These are probably lesser Gronns, or a step between Ogre Lords and Gronn.
- At The Circle of Blood in Blade's Edge Mountains there is a NPC, Baron Sablemane that has this to say: "My loathing of interruptions is overshadowed only by my hatred of Gruul the Dragonkiller and his seven sons!" So we can safely assume that Gruul doesn't count amongst the 7.
Speculation: Given that both Durn and Maggoc are described as Gruul's sons, Gruul may be the first Gronn, or else the being who created them (if this is the case, then Gruul might not count towards the total of seven). Given the use of the term "demigod," it's logical to assume that Gronn are comparable in power to the Azerothian variety, such as Malorne, Cenarius, or Aviana.
But, among the demigods of Azeroth, there are huge differences in power. There are the mightiest demigods, such as Malorne, Cenarius, Aviana, Agamaggan, Ursol and Ursoc, but then there are the lesser ones, such as the little guy with the sickle, the six-legged wolverine, the tiny fox among others.
It is most probably so, that the seven Gronn are demigods, but that there are differences in power amongst them, just as with their Azerothian counterparts. Gruul the dragonkiller is the mightiest one; as mighty as Cenarius, Malorne or Aviana, albeit in a different way, while the other Gronn, Durn, Maggoc, Nath, and the patrolling ones are lesser demigods, akin to the lesser Azerothian demigods.
[edit] Harpies
Harpies have the head and torso of a woman, but instead of arms and legs they have wings and bird feet with sharp talons. They nest on high peaks, or in basket structures hanging from trees. They are the descendants of Highbourne who were cursed into their present form by Azshara.
Harpies lack any males in their race, and thus in order to reproduce they must capture a male of another race and force it to mate with them, after which they kill and eat the captive. If a harpy is unable to find a male, then they are also capable of laying unfertilized eggs which later hatch into clones of them.[citation needed]
[edit] Horusaths
Horusaths are huge, powerful constructs of living stone, created by the Qiraji. The only known Horisath is Ossirian the Unscarred.
Warcraft canon now states that Ossirian is actually an Anubisath that was granted this new form after slaying the dragon Grakkarond.
Horusath look like the ancient Egyptian god Horus, who appeared as a man with the head of a falcon.
[edit] Humans
- Main article: Human (Warcraft)
Humans have typically been the "good guys" in the Warcraft saga, being constantly thrown into battle with the savage orcs in the first two games. However, in Warcraft III, with the orcs as a "good" race, and the addition of the night elves (also "good") and the Scourge (whose living members are largely drawn from corrupted humans), their distinction as the "noble humans" has been blurred.
Though humans have only recently risen to power relative to the age of the world, they have existed in primitive tribes since even before the Great Sundering, and were often at conflict with various troll tribes. Roughly around the time of the High Elves' initial conflict with the Amani Trolls, a tribe of humans known as the Arathi saw that the trolls were becoming too great a threat. The Arathi set out on a campaign to conquer as many competing tribes as possible, offering those that lost peace and equality among the Arathi.
As a united nation, the humans developed a strong, optimistic culture. The Arathi warlords decided to construct a fortress-city to hold up against a Troll onslaught, and if need be, the High Elves as well. This city, named Strom, prospered and became the capital of the fledgling nation of Arathor, led by King Thoradin.
The humans also embraced the Light and, with few exceptions, were characterized by a strong faith and commitment to the divine force. Paladins and priests rose in their ranks, even as other humans learned the art of magic.
[edit] Keepers of the Grove
The Keepers of the Grove are among the offspring of Cenarius. Along with their sisters, the Dryads, they fought alongside the Night Elves against the Burning Legion when the latter invaded Azeroth. To this day, they keep watch over Kalimdor and stand vigilant against any other possible threats to Azeroth. It is not uncommon for Keepers of the Grove and their sisters to be collectively called Dryads. Especially since it doesn't appear that Keeper of the Grove refers to the race itself, but is rather a rank or title. In Warcraft III the same title is held by Malfurion Stormrage, a night elf.
[edit] Kobolds
Rat-like humanoids who infest tunnels and mines. They try to stay away from larger, more powerful races, as they are traditionally rather cowardly. Kobolds have a rather big obsession for mining and digging, and their religion mostly bases itself on the earth. The spellcasters of their race mostly focuses on Geomancy, and some Kobolds are known to craft Golems from dirt and rocks. As miners, Kobolds often wear candles on their head; they guard these jealously, often shouting "You no take candle!" at intruders.
Of all the things one can mine from the earth, Kobolds seem to like Gold the most. When Thrall, the leader of the Horde, entered a dungeon in Stonetalon Mountains to find the Oracle, he discovered and slew a gang of Kobolds, led by a Kobold "Mastermind", which shows that some Kobolds actually form gangs and syndicates of their own.
[edit] Magnataurs
Magnataurs the northern relatives of centaurs, with the torso of a neanderthal and the hindquarters and tusks of a woolly mammoth. They carry large spears.
[edit] Makrura
Also possibly known as "Lobstrok". Hostile lobster-like humanoids with limited intelligence that live in the oceans of Azeroth. Not much is known about them, although they may be an offshoot of the Aqir race, like the Qiraji and Nerubians. How much intelligence they have is unknown as they are deep sea creatures and mostly keep to themselves. it is likely the Makrura live much deeper underwater than is possible for the player to reach. The Warcraft RPG states that the Makrura live in the city of Mak'aru (which is described as being seemingly organic) and that the Makrura despise the Naga and are at war with them, although information from the Warcraft RPG may not necessarily be canon.
[edit] Mok'Nathal
The Mok'Nathal ("The Sons of Nath") are a clan of half-ogres, originally from the planet Draenor. They are a dying race, and apparently Rexxar is one of the only remaining left on Azeroth. They have a last remaining spot in Outland - in Mok'Nathal Village in eastern Blade's Edge Mountains. Chen Stormstout joined the Mok'Nathal after Rexxar helped him in Durotar.
It had been thought that Mok'nathal had been extinct on Azeroth, but after Rexxar's exploits on Azeroth, Mok'Nathal are showing up again. There is only a hundred or two that exist in the world.
Other named half-ogres who may or may not be Mok'Nathal include Mag Bearmaul, Tagar Bearclaw, Gorsh Talonfang, Maxx Rocmane, Gaz Boartusk, Mok Rocksnout, and Gish Eagle Eye. They are Beastmasters that can be hired from Mercenary camps in The Frozen Throne. Since Rexxar's model was identical to that of the other beastmasters, it's assumed that they are also half-ogres or Mok'Nathal.
How the Mok'Nathal came to Azeroth at all is unknown. It isn't likely that they were brought by Gul'dan. Some might have been in the ranks of the Old Horde but were not in large numbers so went unnoticed.
The novel Cycle of Hatred refers to the Mok'Nathal as a clan and states during a description of Rexxar "Born of orc and ogre blood both, as most of his now-defunct clan...". This implies that while Rexxar may be the last of the Mok'Nathal clan, he may not be the last half-ogre. The Burning Crusade seems to support this as well, see Mok'Nathal Clan Ring.
The Horde Player's Guide implies that "mok'nathal"(lower-case) is the Orcish term and honorific for "half-ogre", while half-ogre is the Common name for the race.
Physically, Mok'Nathal more closely resemble small ogres, and more rarely, massive orcs
[edit] Moonkin
Bear like humanoids with the heads and wings of owls, and antlers (also called Wildkin or Owlbears). Generally peaceful, but if roused are very powerful. They were created by Elune to guard her most sacred places. Druids are able to transform into moonkin to increase their strength in nature and arcane power.
[edit] Mountain Giants
Created by the Titans during their visit to Azeroth, Mountain Giants are gentle, gigantic humanoids of rock, and possess almost limitless strength as well as immunity to magic. Awakened from their slumber by Malfurion Stormrage after the invasion of the Burning Legion, they now protect the forests of Kalimdor.
Mountain Giants continue to grow from the day they are born until they become too heavy to bear their own weight. At this point, they will settle down and over time, become mountains.
[edit] Murlocs
- Main article: Murloc
Murlocs resemble bipedal, amphibious fish, that can be found residing on many shorelines in Azeroth. They are one of the older races of Azeroth, though new to Lordaeron. Their intelligence is hard to truly tell, as their gurgling speech is near impossible to decipher, but the fact that they use weaponry and build huts and homes implies that they may be more intelligent than many think. Some murlocs have begun moving into other territories such as the Elwynn Forest, due to being driven out of their home, The Swamps Of Sorrow, by the newly arrived Draenei.
For some reason many murloc-leaders are the targets of "Wanted Dead!"-quests. Such a quest is found in Darkshore, Westfall and Wetlands (all Alliance quests). Most likely this is because of murlocs' attempts to invade new territories, sometimes of the Horde and the Alliance.
[edit] Naaru
The Naaru are a race of energy beings from the Warcraft Universe of which little is known. From what we have been told, they are the race that saved a portion of the Eredar (now called the Draenei) from destruction at the hands of the Burning Legion. They are known in the lore of the Humans, Dwarves, and Draenei. The Naaru are a force for good in the universe and do not wish to see it eradicated by Sargeras's Burning Crusade. One of the Naaru was kidnapped by the Blood Elves and forced to provide power for the Blood Elves' Blood Knight paladins. Since the Naaru are the source of the light which paladins often refer to, they are the teachers and inspiration for the paladin class. The Naaru contacted Velen, the leader of a small group of Eredar, (who had renamed themselves "Draenei" - Exiles in the Eredar language) through the Ata'mal crystal. They formed a vessel for a group of the newly christened Draenei to seek safety in the world of azeroth. In the book Rise of the Horde by Christie Golden it is said that the first Naaru's name was K'ure. K'ure helped the Prophet Velen to escape their former world.
[edit] Naga
- Main article: Naga (Warcraft)
The Naga are snake-like humanoids that inhabit a region of the Great Sea known as the Maelstrom. They were once Highborne, Night Elf mages, that allied themselves with Queen Azshara and the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients. When the Well of Eternity imploded and swallowed vast portions of Kalimdor, including the Night Elf capital of Zin-Azshari, many of the Highborne were swept under the waves. Azshara, in desperation, made a pact with the Old Gods that transformed her and her followers into the Naga. A large number of naga, led by Lady Vashj, allied with Illidan's forces and reside in Outland, the remnants of the original home of the orcs. These Naga seem to be rogues of their race, working with Illidan. There was no official pact between the Nazjatar (the home city of the Naga, under the sea) and Illidan, and thus they are not officially sanctioned.
[edit] Nerubians
Nerubians are a race of sentient spider-like people that inhabit the continent of Northrend. They once had a great underground empire, Azjol-Nerub, that occupied most of the continent, and they may also have had holdings above-ground. However, with the coming of the Lich King it was only a matter of time before they were destroyed, although they were at first immune to the scourge. When they attacked the Lich King's citadel, the majority of Nerubians were wiped out and resurrected by him, with only a few pockets of resistance remaining. Although he almost annihilated the entire race, the Lich King was impressed by their bravery and battle prowess and, to honor them, adopted their distinctive architectural style as the basis for his future army, the Scourge. He also resurrected most of the Nerubians he had killed, turning them into Crypt Fiends and Crypt Lords. They were once the same race as the Aqir but their kingdom divided thousands of years ago to become Azjol-Nerub in the northeast, home of the Nerubians, and Ahn'Qiraj in the southwest, home of the Qiraji. Anub'Arak was their king, before being enslaved by the Lich King against his own free will. Some Nerubians are rumored to still live in Northrend, with the hopes of one day rebuilding their ancient kingdom.
The Nerubians were formerly considered one of the most likely races to join the horde in a Northrend expansion, however considering the shape of their bodies and the fact they posses six legs this would present numerous technical difficulties, as well as the amount of time for Blizzard to make skin files for players would be rather large, also note that they may react violently to the forsaken, who were once part of the scourge. (Although both groups have an intense hatred of the scourge as well.)
Live Nerubians have not yet been seen in World of Warcraft, although their undead counterparts have.
It is presumed that if the Nerubians do not become a playable race they will become a faction one can raise or lose reputation with.
[edit] Crypt Fiends
![A Crypt Fiend as depicted in World of Warcraft](../../../upload/thumb/e/e4/Warcraft_Crypt_Fiend.png/150px-Warcraft_Crypt_Fiend.png)
These are large, mummified creatures in the Warcraft universe that look like a mix between humans and spiders, and are members of the Nerubian spiders. Their lower bodies are supported by six spindly arachnid limbs and their heavily bandaged torsos are vaguely humanoid in form, though their heads are more generally spider-like. The Crypt Fiends were once the dwellers of the ancient spider kingdom of Azjol-Nerub that spanned the entirety of Northrend in ancient times. However, the Nerubians' power base was destroyed by the Lich King, Ner'zhul, when he and his undead Scourge took control of the frozen continent. The former Nerubians, revived in undeath and now known as Crypt Fiends, command their spider underlings for the sake of their master, Ner'zhul. These aberrant creatures are capable of summoning swarms of vile insects and projecting web-like strands to incapacitate and harm their enemies.
When Sylvannas broke free of the Lich King's control and freed a large number of undead this apparently did not include any crypt fiends (and crypt lords for that matter) since they aren't seen in any of the Forsaken settlements in World of Warcraft. No explanation is given, but it is possible that the Lich King simply has more control over the hive-minded Nerubians than over more free-willed Humans, or that most humans were turned into scourge troops through plague, while the Nerubians were raised through necromancy.
[edit] Crypt Lords
In the fictional Warcraft universe, the Crypt Lords were once the leaders of the Nerubian people. When it was evident that Azjol-Nerub could not stand for long against the Scourge, some of the Nerubian rulers lost themselves to despair and vily betrayed their people to please Ner'zhul so that they could spare their own lives. Now, they enjoy the full powers of undeath and serve as the guardians of Ice Crown Glacier, the Lich King's residence. The character of Anubiros is an Undead Crypt Lord.
Crypt Lord is a hero unit introduced in the Warcraft III expansion pack, The Frozen Throne. The Crypt Lord has high hit points and attack, but low Mana and agility. Like all other heroes, they have four learned abilities that they can utilize in combat. they are as follows:
- Impale (Spell) - Shoots tendrils from the ground that deal damage and throw units in the air.
- Spiked Carapace (Passive) - Gains bonus armor and returns a percentage of melee damage.
- Carrion Beetle (Auto-cast Spell) - Generates a permanent beetle from a target corpse. No more than 5 at a time can be controlled.
- Locust Swarm (Ultimate) - Summons a swarm that drains the life of nearby enemies and uses it to heal the Crypt Lord.
[edit] Obsidian Destroyers
Egyptian-inspired creatures made out of solid obsidian created by the Qiraji (see below) as guardians and servants.
Physical Description:Obsidian destroyers are made entirely out of glossy, black obsidian. When an Obsidian Destroyer stands still, it fools people into believing it is nothing more than a large obsidian statue. They have a centauroid form; It has a lower body of a powerfully-built horse crossed with a panther, with a pair of great black wings, and its upper body is humanoid, with a shriveled, lich-like face. It wields a pair of unusual ebon morningstars in its foremost limbs. An Obsidian Destroyer enjoys wearing crowns and other ostentatious headdresses. Though not a precise flyer, an Obsidian Destroyer attacks from the air when possible.
History: The combined forces of the night elves had proven themselves a formidable enemy to the Qiraji, but during the War of the Shifting Sands it was the Bronze Dragonflight that first taught the insect race the meaning of fear.
As the dragons slaughtered wave after wave of silithid, losing few of their own in the process, the Twin Emperors realized their forces were ill-equipped to deal with such powerful creatures of magic.
To combat this shortcoming, Emperor Vek'lor focused his efforts on designing a mechanism capable of fighting the ancient wyrms. These preliminary efforts, however, were wrought with failure.
Aided by whisperings from his ancient master, Vek'lor pressed on and developed a new kind of construct. Though pleased with his progress, even the Qiraji emperor could not guess what dark purpose lay in store for the machines.
Little is known about how the first Obsidian Destroyers were created, but legends speak of Vek'lor himself hammering out the first statue in a molten forge beneath the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. To Vek'lor's surprise, his inert creations were quickly imbued with limited sentience by his shadowy overseer, as well as a mysterious power - the ability to drain the magical energies of living creatures. In addition these energies could be stored and then released in a tremendous burst of incendiary mana, making Vek'lor's latest creations among the deadliest in the Qiraji arsenal.
The first Destroyers proved extremely effective; the dragons were not accustomed to fighting enemies that were capable of retaliating from a distance, and they never found an effective way to counter the mana-draining powers of these obsidian statues. And so Anachronos, child of Nozdormu, sought the aid of the remaining dragonflights and history tells us that the Qiraji were sealed behind the Scarab Wall shortly thereafter.
Those dragons who survived the war still dread the return of these magic-stealing monstrosities.
In World of Warcraft: Obsidian Destroyers are found only in the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj instances. The stratedgy to defeat them is quite simple: let the tank get some aggro on the destroyer before starting dps, but classes with manadrain abilities should start manadraining as soon as the destroyer is initiated. Just have your druids heal the MT (who should not take that much damage) and the destroyer goes down easily.
[edit] Ogres
- Main article: Ogres (Warcraft)
Ogres are a savage race from Draenor. They are huge and strong, but tend to be stupid and slow. Many have two heads, especially casters. They followed the Orcs through the Dark Portal into the world of Azeroth. During the First War, they were little more than destructive brutes, hazards to both sides. But between the First and Second War, the Ogres were recruited into the Orcish Horde by the Warlock Gul'dan to replace the now-disbanded Wolf Riders as heavy cavalry. It is as this point, due to Gul'dan's experiments, that the Ogre Magi appeared — the powerful body of an Ogre with the power ursurped by the Elven Runestone. The Ogres left the Horde after they lost the war, and decided to leave peacefully. Most became traders as many also made their own clans.
Note: Many NPCs (like Goblins and sometimes Gnomes) in World of Warcraft have an Ogre as "bodyguard".
[edit] Ogre Lords
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. It is believed that the massive, cyclopean Gronn are the ancient ancestors of the ogres. If so, the ogre lords of Outland are the only ogres known to retain some of the physical traits of their gronn progenitors, such as the bony, calcified protrusions on their head and back, as well as a portion of the gronn's immense size and strength. Other unique characteristics possessed by the ogre lords are their intelligence and reasoning abilities, which are more acute than those of their ogre cousins. This combination of brute strength and increased intellect make the ogre lords worthy of both respect... and fear.
These creatures are Ogres more closely related to the Ogre demigods, the Gronn (see above); a step between the two creatures. Like the Gronns (and unlike the Ogres), the Ogre Lords have only one eye, and flappy, triangular ears. It is possible that heads of the Ogre Lords (or their unknown, immediate descendants) were used in the process of creation of Two-headed Ogres (since the second head looks very similar to that of an Ogre Lord)
One such Ogre Lord can be found in Nagrand, after a tedious questline. He resides within Warmaul Hill, to the far west of Nagrand, and is called Cho'war the Pillager. He is a level 67 elite and the Chieftain of the Warmaul Ogre Tribe.
[edit] Orcs
The Orcs are a savage, but noble, race from the planet Draenor who became corrupted by a demonic force known as the Burning Legion. Under the legion's influence, the Orcish Horde slaughtered the Draenei, another race inhabiting Draenor, and then were led to the world of Azeroth. After two devastating wars, the Orcs were finally defeated on Azeroth, and rounded up into internment camps, until a young Orc named Thrall rallied them together, and finally broke the Horde free from demonic influence and helped them return to their shamanistic roots.
[edit] Pandaren
- Main article: Pandaren
Pandaren are humanoids that resemble Giant Pandas. Their homeland is Pandaria, an isolated and well-hidden island off the coast of Kalimdor. Pandaren are generally isolationists, and very few ever leave the island. Those that do are strong warriors with a mastery of martial arts techniques; the typical Pandaren fighting style in our universe would be a mix of Zui Quan (drunken boxing) and Shaolin staff techniques. Pandaren also have an extreme fondness for alcoholic beverages (both creating and consuming them); those that do leave the island are often Brewmasters, wandering the world in search of new and exotic ingredients in their ale creations. The Pandaren are a shamanistic race very similar to the Tauren in this regard. They strive to remain neutral in those rare dealings they may have with outside races.
The origin of the name Pandaren is unknown, but it is worth noting that the Chinese word for man is "ren", thus making the name "Panda-man" if taken literally in Chinese.
The conceptual origins of the Pandaren race can be traced to an April Fools joke [1] announcing the Pandaren as a new playable race in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. However, the overwhelming and positive fan response to the joke caused it to take on a life of its own, and eventually Blizzard retconned the Pandaren race into the Warcraft story. The Pandaren race made its debut in Frozen Throne as a neutral hero, the Pandaren Brewmaster. Blizzard later provided background information on the Pandaren in the Alliance and Horde Compendium sourcebook for Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game.
Pandaren would later be featured in a second April Fools joke in World of Warcraft, announcing a take-out Chinese cuisine service called Pandaren Xpress (based on the real-life Panda Express) which could be accessed from inside the game. This was a parody of EverQuest II's /pizza command, which would open a web browser to order pizza. The Pandaren were long believed to be the fifth Alliance race in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, until the announcement on May 10, 2006 that the fifth Alliance race would be the Draenei.
[edit] Qiraji
The Qiraji are an ancient in lore (though appearing quite recently) humanoid insectoid race that dwell in southern Silithus.
History: At the ancient continent Kalimdor's center was a mysterious lake of incandescent energies, the Well of Eternity. It was the true heart of the world's magic and natural power. From this magical ether the Silithid (see below) were born. As the fallen Old God C'Thun recognized their appearance, he attempted to sunder the world that he once held in his unmerciful grasp. The Old God created avatars from the Silithid in his own image. These avatars were were to be known as Aqir (see above). The Aqir later split into the Qiraji and the Nerubians. While the Nerubians were driven by the Trolls into Northrend, the Qiraji stayed in Silithus in service of C'Thun. Sentient and with purpose, the Qiraji worked feverishly to build a force capable of laying waste to the world that would betray their god, with the Silithids as their minions. The great fortress city of Ahn'Qiraj was created in southern Silithus to house their growing armies and prepare for the coming of C'Thun. The Qiraji spent the next thousands of years building an army capable of exacting revenge upon the whole of Kalimdor.
Only the night elves, who once inhabited Silithus, stood in their way. The War of the Shifting Sands rages for long, agonizing months. The night elves were always on the defensive, always outnumbered, always being driven back. The whole of Silithus was soon engulfed by the Silithid and their Qiraji hosts. The night elf army was pushed back through Un'Goro, to the borders of the Tanaris desert. Out of desperation the night elven leader Fandral Staghelm sought the aid of the elusive bronze dragonflight. Their initial refusal to interfere was reversed when the brazen Qiraji attacked the Caverns of Time, home and province of Nozdormu the Timeless One. Nozdormu's heir, Anachronos, agreed to enlist the bronze dragonflight against the marauding Qiraji. Every able-bodied night elf joined the cause, and together they forged a campaign to retake Silithus. Even with the might of the dragons backing them, however, the sheer numbers of the Qiraji and silithid proved overwhelming. And so Anachronos called upon the progeny of the remaining flights. Even so, it seemed that the numbers of Qiraji and silithid were never-ending. So the dragons and Fandral hatched their final, desperate plan: to contain the Qiraji within the city, to erect a barrier that would confine them until a more hopeful stratagem could be devised. With the blessing of Elune the barrier was erected before their eyes, rock and stone and roots from beneath the sands emerging to create an impenetrable wall. Even the winged soldiers who attempted to fly over the barrier met with an invisible obstruction that they could not pass. The Qiraji who remained outside the wall were quickly slain. The dragon told Fandral that should any mortal ever wish to pass the magical barrier and access the ancient city, they need only strike the scepter against the gong and the gates would open. He then handed the scepter to the Arch-Druid.
Now the unmentionable Old God slowly awakens from his slumber beneath Ahn'Qiraj. The terrible fate that awaits Azeroth could come in days or years; time has no meaning for beings of his power. Both the Alliance and the Horde work together to reopen the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj and to face the Qiraji once more
Society: The capital city and main concentration of Qiraj is Ahn'Qiraj in Silithus, which in World of Warcraft is two instances. Different types of Qiraji are referred to as castes with a life-long occupation and responsibility in society. It seemes to be that every caste has a leader, who in turn are under the command of the Twin Emperor rulers of Ahn'Qiraj, Vek'nilash and Vek'lor, who in turn are under the command of C'Thun.
The three most notable castes are the humanoid fly-like Battleguards, led by Battleguard Sartura, the humanoid scorpion-like Gladiators, led by General Rajaxx and the humanoid cockroach-like Prophets, led by The Prophet Skeram.
The Qiraji are able to create servants of living obsidian stone, the Obsidian Destroyer, the Anubisaths, and the Horusaths.
The Silithid race, from which the Qiraji are supposedly descended from via the Aqir, is apparently inferior to the more humanoid and intelligent Qiraji. The Qiraji are apparently the Silithids' rulers. Silithids live alongside the Qiraji in Ahn'Qiraj, and serve their place in the Qiraji military; however, the Silithids appear to be treated more like fodder and servants than friends and equals. The truly respected members of the Qiraji military are the Gladiators, and Silithids seem to be little more than front-line, overwhelming battle-fodder. Although the Silithid hives not in Silithus and Ahn'Qiraj are devoid of Qiraji and seem to work independently from them, there are communication crystals in them from which they appear to take orders from the Qiraji.
Culture: Qiraji culture, judging from their capital city of Ahn'Qiraj, is roughly based upon real-life Egyptian and middle-eastern cultures, only with a strange, evil, twisted, insectile overtone. The Qiraji and their servants wield items made with the rarest and finest materials: bones from gargantuan ancient creatures, gems from the depths of the earth, metals pure and strong. The most powerful Qiraji wield items of such might they'd give pause even to a dragon. The rings worn by the Qiraji lieutenants are rumored to grant them formidable abilities. The corrupted gems that adorn them could, in theory, be swapped out with more pure materials to create uncorrupted versions of the rings. It seems to be that female Qiraji must constantly keep their face covered. Obelisks, Scarab Beetles and Temples seem to be popular aspects of Qiraji architecture.
[edit] Quilboars
Quilboars are creatures that resemble bipedal boars. They posed a problem to the orcs who had settled in perpetual war. The Quilboar of Razorfen Downs, the Razormane tribe, have considered an alliance with the undead Scourge though the current status of their pact in the story is unknown. The other Quilboar tribe, the Bristlebacks, are at war with them. Quilboars have shamanistic societies, and many of them are skilled geomancers and hunters.
Note: In World of Warcraft, there is a sword called X'caliboar used by one of the Razormane leaders, Ragglesnout. This name (on the sword) apparently comes from the legenday sword Excalibur in the tale of King Arthur of Camelot.
[edit] Rock Flayers
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. Rock flayers are one of Outland's indigenous species. Many careless wanderers have been killed by the primitive humanoids who roam the slopes and peaks of the Blade's Edge Mountains in murderous packs. Though they primarily hunt smaller mountain animals, they are not afraid of stalking potential prey that is much bigger than they are. There are accounts of packs of rock flayers taking down even mighty elekk that had wandered into the rock flayers' territory. Their vicious blade scythes and climbing claws are so sharp they can even cut through sheer rock, enabling the rock flayers to climb the most difficult overhangs with ease. Even for a predatory species, they are extremely fast and very aggressive.
Rock Flayers are humanoid, but have four arms which instead of ending in hands, end in huge curving blades with hooks on the ends. They have feral, fiendish, teethed heads, and walked with a hunched posture. They have thin, string-like tails with a barb on the end, and a mowhawk-like crest on their head and going down their backs.
Rock Flayers are an awful target for experience grinding. High health, considerable damage potential, and decent special abilities keep these from being even remotely soft targets. However, due to their highly cool and impressive models, many players kill them anyway purely for the experience of it.
Rock Flayers are found in Hellfire Peninsula, Blade's Edge Mountains, and the Netherstorm.
[edit] Sea Giants
Gentle, aquatic proto-beings created by the Titans to help them dredge out the seas and lift the land from the sea floor of Azeroth. They resemble giant humanoids, with turquoise-green scales instead of skin, green beards, webbed feet and hands, and clothed and equipped with the remains of sunken ships. They stand around 18 feet tall and weigh about 1,000 pounds.
Sea Giants seldom make their way to the surface world, instead preferring the isolation of the ocean bottom. They enjoy the worship of murlocs, but are the constant enemy of the naga. Of late, sea giants have taken to hunting out these corruptors, which has brought them closer and closer to the surface world.
Nomadic creatures, sea giants do not maintain lairs like others of their kind. Instead, they drag their belongings and wealth along with them in huge sacks crafted from the sails of sunken ships.
In World of Warcraft, Sea Giants can be found in the coasts of Desolace, Stranglethorn Vale, Feralas, Tanaris and Azshara.
[edit] Sporelings
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. The Sporelings are a mostly peaceful race of mushroom-like humanoids native to the Zangarmarsh in Outland, where they have their own town called Sporeggar. While fearful of travelers (especially those significantly larger than them), they are quick to welcome anyone to help them.
Sporelings have many natural enemies in their native Zangarmarsh, such as the fierce Spore Walkers and the massive Fungal Giants. As the Sporelings are very small, they are unable to cope fully with these enemies, and often enlist the help of passing adventurers; helping the Sporelings kill their enemies builds reputation with them.
Sporelings are totally unfamiliar with the concept of currency made from precious metals. Their currency takes the form of small, glowing mushrooms known as "Glowcaps".
Sporeling young are grown in balloon-like spore sacs that start out large and grow smaller as the air bubbles in the sac are compressed. These spore sacs are stored in large fields called spawning grounds. The young, once emerged, are often prayed upon by hungry Fungal Giants.
[edit] Tauren
- Main article: Tauren
The Tauren are a minotaur-like race with a fierce warrior tradition; in their own language they are called "Shu'halo." They are one of the most ancient races in the world of Azeroth, on par with the Night Elves, though their traditional culture emphasized simplicity and a nomadic lifestyle. Their principal goddess is the Earth Mother, and they participate in ancestor-worship. They are about twice as big as a man and when fighting prefer to wield totem poles nearing the size of an old oak tree stem or axes. The Tauren are known for their passion for nature and honour, and are traditional enemies of the marauding Centaur and Quillboar. Their culture is an amalgam of various Native American traditions, with an emphasis on the Plains cultures, however the inclusion of druids among their numbers has given a vaguely Celtic bent to them as well.
The Tauren are led by the great chieftain, Cairne Bloodhoof. Cairne allied with Thrall's Orcs when they came to Kalimdor; with the Orcs' aid, they defeated the Centaur and the previously nomadic Tauren finally claimed Mulgore as their own. They founded Thunder Bluff, the great Tauren city, where the Tauren now enjoy a relative tranquility.
The Tauren were introduced in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Originally there was only a hero (Tauren Chieftain) and a unit (Tauren). In the expansion, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the magical Spirit Walker was added. The Spirit Walkers are White Tauren, and as such they are believed to be the ill omen of a coming age, and are held in near reverence by their people, often becoming reclusive priests who wander the land in search of kindred spirits. The Tauren are also a playable race in the MMORPG World of Warcraft, serving as the only one of the five Horde races indigenous to Kalimdor.
[edit] Tigons
In World of Warcraft, the tigon is not a true race or species, but rather a term to describe the form of three bosses in the game, two of which are in Zul'Gurub, and the third in Karazhan. Therefore, whether they should be included on the race list is debatable.
High Priestess Arlokk is a troll who transforms into the female panther form. High Priest Thekal transforms into the male tiger form, and Roar uses a male lion form.
If one equips the two fist weapons Thekal's Grasp and Arlokk's Grasp to form the "Primal Blessing" set, it grants a small chance when ranged or melee damage is dealt to infuse the wielder with a blessing from the Primal Gods. Not only does the blessing transform your character into a tigon, but it increases ranged and melee attack power by 300 for 12 seconds.
The name 'tigon' comes from the model file of the two cat people.
[edit] Titans
The metallic-skinned gods who ordered the world and created all the life of Azeroth besides the elementals, who were there already. They also chained the evil "old gods" of the elementals under ground.
After creating Azeroth, they then proceeded to imbue certain powers to the five Dragonflights. The Titans, also known on Azeroth as "The Makers", made the Earthen. The Earthen evolve to either Dwarves or Trogg. An account of this action is documented on the Discs of Norgannon, named after the Titan of Lore Norgannon. The discs, along with a brief history and explanation, are located at the end of Uldaman, an instance in the MMORPG World of Warcraft.
Sargeras, the Dark Titan, is not a Titan of the Pantheon. He deserted the Pantheon after being driven mad by demons and the evil and corruption they possessed.
Although the Titans generally believe they are invincible, one was defeated in the battle against C'thun.
[edit] Treants
Treants are enormous enchanted beings whose bodies are born from the living trees of Kalimdor. They are tremendously strong and resilient to even the strongest blows. In times of great peril, they can be seen emerging from their shadowy forests to protect the land from evil corruption. Some, however, were tainted and corrupted by the Burning Legion ages ago. The corrupted Treants wish only to spread their corruption and hate for living things.
Treants can be summoned by Druids specializing in Balance magic.
[edit] Troggs
Troggs are primitive humanoids that inhabit Dun Morogh, Loch Modan and Gnomeregan among other places. They are often found living in caves and resemble cavemen.
When the Titans first came to Azeroth, they created a race of humanoids, the Earthen, to help them shape the world. After the creation of the Earthen, anomalies due to high-stress environments were discovered. These anomalies resulted in a degeneration of the Earthen into two forms - Troggs and Dwarves. The Troggs maintained the stamina and strength of their Earthen predecessors, but almost all their cognitive powers were lost in favor of force of will and strong cunning. Troggs will consume anything they can obtain, including stones and other Troggs. According to the Lorekeepers of Norgannon, due to these characteristics the Titans, when they return, will consider them abominations and destroy them.
Recently, Dwarven excavations of Titan ruins have awakened the Troggs, who have proceeded to invade Dwarven lands and even drive the Gnomes from their beloved capital of Gnomeregan.
[edit] Trolls
- Main article: Trolls (Warcraft)
In the current Warcraft universe, there are multiple types of trolls, each in their own tribe. It is speculated that a small group of Trolls are what were drawn to the Well of Eternity and evolved into Night Elves, although the Night Elves fiercely deny this. Trolls are thin, cunning and agile, with pointed features, rather than hulking brutes like traditional trolls. Before the time of multiple tribes of trolls, they were at one time united in the Gurubashi and Amani Empires that encompassed much of Azeroth. The Amani eventually attacked the Elven kingdom of Quel'thalas and seemed to almost destroy it. However, when the elves allied with the human state of Arathor, the combined might of the two armies destroyed the trolls, along with the Amani empire. It was this defeat that led to the division of the trolls into their particular tribes. The five types are:
[edit] Dark Trolls
Dark Trolls are dark purple in colour and live in Ashenvale forest. Although they appear extremely hostile to the Night Elves, a band of dark trolls assisted in fighting the Burning Legion on Mount Hyjal. This type of troll has yet to make an appearance in World of Warcraft. According to recent information released on troll tribes by Blizzard, Dark Trolls are not a tribe in of themselves but are acctually all from different tribes and seem to be outcasts of some sort. They were speculated to be the new Alliance race during the early stages of development on The Burning Crusade, but this rumor was debunked when the Draenei were announced as the new race instead.
[edit] Forest Trolls
Led by one of their greatest heroes, Zul'jin, they allied with the Orcs during the Second War. They were enemies with the High Elves, who took their land when they were exiled from Kalimdor and landed in Quel'thalas. Since the Elves were allied with Humans, an alliance between the Orcs and Trolls was logical. They are savage, and very much into ritual sacrifices and cannibalism. They are green in colour, and most do not still serve the Horde, especially since the Blood Elves would probably not join a faction containing one of their ancient enemies (who haven't changed), and in the tutorial campaign in Warcraft III (featuring the Orc race), Thrall and his orcs can find a group of Forest Troll creeps and fight them, with Thrall saying "Forest Trolls. It shames me to think they were ever a part of the Horde."
[edit] Ice Trolls
- Main article: Ice Trolls
The Ice Trolls are huge and light blue, adapted for life in extremely cold climates. They can be found in Northrend, as well as in cold, mountainous regions of Khaz Modan. They also practice cannibalism.
[edit] Jungle Trolls
Jungle Trolls are blue-skinned, and originate from Stranglethorn Vale, a jungle south of Azeroth. They practice voodoo, dark magic, and cannibalism. The Darkspear Tribe lived on an island in the great sea though were still considered Jungle trolls. After Thrall and his newly reformed Horde rescued the tribe from Murlocs and their sea witch leader (possibly a naga), during the conflict, their leader Sen'jin was killed but the tribe swore eternal allegiance to the Horde. First they settled on the Echo Isles, but after being driven out by the crazed troll witch doctor, Zalazane, they now reside with the Orcs in Durotar, off the coast parallel to the Echo Isles in the Sen'jin Village. Vol'jin (Sen'jin's son), a shadow hunter, is their leader. To appease the Orcs, the Darkspear Tribe changed some of their customs. They officially gave up cannibalism upon joining the Horde and practice voodoo with some discretion, though the Darkspear Voodoo priests still practice their Hexs and Shadow Magic. Aside from the Darkspears, the Skullsplitters among other tribes remaining in Stranglethorn Vale have re-united under the evil rule of the resurgent Blood God Hakkar the Soulflayer, who now resides in the ancient city of Zul'Gurub. Thus, the Gurubashi Empire has begun to reassemble itself at last, despite the fact that it is once again under the vicegrip rule of an evil god.
[edit] Sand Trolls
The Sand Trolls live in the desert region of Tanaris. They have pink skin tones and act as marauders. They live in a great temple in the desert called Zul'Farrak where they worship dark gods. They have a friendly relationship with the Jungle Trolls and Forest Trolls that worship Hakkar, however they are not themselves worshipers of this dark god.
[edit] Tuskarr
Humanoid walrus-like creatures who can be found in Northrend. They are a nomadic people who have little contact with the races of the warmer south. The Tuskarr typically live in tribes with a matriarch leading them. Their main source of food are penguin eggs, therefore they keep the creatures around for livestock.
[edit] Undead (The Forsaken)
- Main article: Undead (Warcraft)
- Main article: The Scourge (Warcraft)
- Main article: The Forsaken (Warcraft)
- See also : http://www.wowwiki.com/Undead
The horrifying Undead army called the Scourge consists of thousands of walking corpses, disembodied spirits, damned mortal men and insidious extra-dimensional entities. The Scourge was created by the Burning Legion for the sole purpose of sowing terror across the world in anticipation of the Legion's inevitable invasion. The Undead are ruled by Ner'zhul, the Lich King, who lords over the icy realm of Northrend from his frozen throne. Ner'zhul commands the terrible plague of undeath which he sends ever southward into the human lands. As the plague encroaches on the southlands, more and more humans fall prey to Ner'zhul's mental control and life-draining sickness every day. In this way, Ner'zhul has swelled the ranks of the already considerable Scourge. Though Ner'zhul and his Undead Scourge are bound to the will of the Burning Legion, the Lich King constantly strives to free himself and gain vengeance upon the demons for damning him so completely.
Having broken free from the tyrannical rule of the Lich King, a renegade group of undead seek to retain their own free will while destroying all those who oppose them. Known as the Forsaken, this group is dedicated to serving their leader, the banshee queen Sylvanas Windrunner. These dark warriors have established a secret stronghold beneath the ruins of Lordaeron's former capital city. Situated deep beneath the cursed Tirisfal Glades, the labyrinthine Undercity is a sprawling bastion of evil. Within its shadowy confines, Sylvanas' royal apothecaries scramble to develop a devastating new plague - one which will not only eradicate their hated Scourge rivals, but the rest of humanity as well. To further their dark aims, the Forsaken have entered into an alliance of convenience with the primitive, brutish races of the Horde. Holding no real loyalty for their newfound comrades, the Forsaken have duped them into fighting against their common enemy - the Lich King. Only time will tell how these disciples of doom will fare in their mission of vengeance.
[edit] Wendigos
Savage humanoids living in cold places Dun Morogh and Northrend. They look like giant apes with claws, curly horns, and white hair. Some shaman-Wendigos also know how to use "primitive" magic like healing. Their appearance is similar to that of the Yeti or Abominable Snowman. It's possible that the name is derived from the Windigo or Wendigo giant, found in the folklore of some Algonquian peoples.
[edit] Wisps
At the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the mortal races of Azeroth banded together in a desperate bid to stall the advance of the Burning Legion. The combined might of their armies fought valiantly against the demonic onslaught, but slowly, inexorably, they were pushed back. Even the massive force gathered at the base of the mountain could not stop the demons' climb. On the steep slopes of Mount Hyjal, Archimonde gave the world a taste of the true power of the Burning Legion's fury. The Defiler himself led the vanguard, crushing all who stood in his way, determined to reach the World Tree at the mountain's peak. In the end, only one power was strong enough to destroy the insidious Archimonde: the Wisps.
Just as the orcs, humans and night elves discarded their old hatreds and stood united against a common foe, so did nature herself rise up to banish the shadow forever. The Legion lost one of its leaders, and the mortal races of Azeroth won a brief respite. Yet as the unknown threats of Outland loom ever closer, and hushed whispers of a Burning Crusade can be heard in the darkest, most secret corners of the world, the night elven druids have once again sounded the Horn of Cenarius, summoning the ancient spirits of the forests to aid the Alliance in their hour of need. The wisps have long been deeply connected with the night elves, and will do all in their power to protect their now-mortal Kaldorei allies in this new and dangerous frontier beyond the Dark Portal.
Even though they are commonly believed to be purely benign spirits of the night elves' sacred forests, a part of the primal energy that was used to destroy the terrible eredar warlord slumbers in all wisps. Should a wisp decide that its time has come, it can unleash all its energy in one devastating detonation. Although this can potentially turn the tide of battle, the wisp's energies will dissipate beyond any hope of recovery; the wisp's detonate ability is the ultimate sacrifice. A heavy cost; but the wisps, the ancient guardians of nature, pay it gladly.
Wisps were featured in the 2006 April Fool's joke when Blizzard Entertainment announced that Wisps would be the new playable race for the Alliance side. This news was greeted with equal parts outrage and bemusement until Blizzard stated the obvious: it was just a joke. The obvious part comes from the fact that when Night Elves "die" in World of Warcraft, their spirit is a wisp, not a ghost. It is also noted that if one looks closely, you can see the face of a night elf in the center of the wisp's mass.
[edit] Worgen
![A black Worgen as depicted in World of Warcraft](../../../upload/thumb/4/4a/Warcraft_Worgen.jpg/150px-Warcraft_Worgen.jpg)
The creatures known as Worgen physically resemble folkloric werewolves. The Worgen are savage and animalistic, slaughtering all they encounter save for other Worgen. They appear to have some rudimentary intelligence, as displayed by their use of magic and primitive armor. But they are very paranoid and distrustful, making contact with them extremely dangerous and difficult.
They were first summoned into the world of Azeroth by a Night Elf known as Valinda Starsong, after discovering an artifact called the Scythe of Elune. With it she was shown the Worgen battling the Burning Legion on their home planet. They were somewhat primitive and certainly aggressive in their own world, so she called the Worgen into the world under her command. She used them to fight the corruption of the Burning Legion in Felwood, but, eventually, the Scythe worked on its own, calling more and more Worgen to Azeroth. Without the control of the scythe, the Worgen quickly overwhelmed Valinda and began lashing out at all but other Worgen. Valinda lost the Scythe, and it was eventually rediscovered in a cave called Roland's Doom, in Duskwood, by a Defias worker known as Jitters. This discovery summoned the Worgen into the area, creating one of the area's major troubles. Jitters also witnessed the butchering of Sven Yorgen's farming family by creatures known as Dark Riders, who are rumored to live and be controlled by a dark master in the ruined tower of Karazhan. This master is seeking the Scythe, no doubt to call forth an army of the Wolfmen.
A second influx of Worgen was summoned by the archmage Arugal during the beginnings of the Scourge in Lordaeron. Arugal intended to use the Worgen as a tool to fight the Scourge, which proved to be successful, for a time. Ultimately, Arugal's magic was far too weak to control the Worgen fully, causing them to break free and wildly kill his countrymen. Arugal's failure and guilt over the death of his friends led to madness, as he began to think of himself as the "father" of the Worgen. His most recent experimentation has lead to a town near to Shadowfang Keep to become infected with a curse that causes the human residents of the town to change into deadly Worgen at night. Even though they are human half the time, even these Worgen descend into animalistic savagery when transformed.
[edit] Wretched
Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. The Wretched are blood elves who have failed to control their magical addiction. The Wretched are currently scattered throughout Eversong Woods and lack any general leadership, but a few notable Wretched have stepped up and organized raids. The Wretched have infiltrated the Ruins of Silvermoon, the Sunsail Anchorage, and even the Falthrien Academy on Sunstrider Isle. Interestingly, their basic character model is that of the Forsaken (see above), not the blood elves. This new "kind" of blood elves is believed to be relatively new considering the fact it has to be after the corruption of the Sunwell.
Note that Wretched, regardless of in-game model, are the same species as blood elves and high elves.
Gershala Nightwhisper feared this transformation might occur before the events of the Burning Crusade. He even sent adventurers in Blackfathom Deeps to get corrupted brain stems from Naga and Satyr. The Wretched can be compared to both Naga and Satyr because their magical dependence caused them to undergo physiological changes. Unlike those two races, this transformation can occur in an instant (as soon as the Blood Elf succumbs to his or her thirst for magic) as Magistrix Elosai's transformation into the Wretched shows. However, the fact that she only stayed a Wretched for a short period might imply that the mutation is reversible or even curable.
[edit] Undead
In addition to the free-willed Forsaken Undead described in the humanoids section, many other, mindless, evil Undead in service of the dreaded Lich King Ner'Zhul and his scourge and others, are present in the warcraft universe. Numerous different types of these Undead creatures exist. Many of these are common staples in numerous fantasy-themed games.
[edit] Abominations
An abomination is an undead, ogre-like creature composed of multiple bodies gruesomely sewn together. They are composed of stretched and stitched skin, broken teeth, massive bloated stomachs, and are sporting a massive gash where their mixed entrails hang out. From their back they have an additional limb placed, and carry huge meat cleavers in all three of their hands. During the Third War, they served as heavy melee warriors for the Undead Scourge, however in the present the Forsaken have also utilized them as brutish guards in their cities. Many Abominations, aside from their extreme physical strength, also emit a noxious cloud of pestilence and disease from their rotting innards. This cloud can spread disease or physically weaken anyone who attacks an abomination. Almost all abominations lack any real intelligence, having an I.Q. closest to that of an ogre on average.
Abominations outwardly appear strangely joyful due to their absent-minded expressions and mannerisms, though this is most likely due to their low level of mental capacity. Like their undead cousins, abominations lust for flesh and are known to eat not only the living but the dead as well.
The abominations of the Third War were assembled in Slaughterhouses which can still be found in the Eastern Plaguelands. Opposing the Scourge, however, the Forsaken abominations are made in the Apothecarium of the Undercity and are composed of the parts of humans in captivity of the Forsaken. While for the Forsaken the abominations are primarily kept as guards, some have become highly regarded Forsaken representatives in the military, such as Lieutenant Murp of Alterac Valley.
Important Scourge abominations include Glutton, a constantly hungry abomination found in Razorfen Downs; Ramstein, the ruthless guardian of Baron Rivendare's slaughterhouse in Stratholme; and the titanic Patchwerk, whom Kel'Thuzad uses as his "Avatar of War."
Abominations strongly pay homage to Frankenstein's monster, particularly Patchwerk, who is more metal and machinery than flesh.
[edit] Banshees
Banshees were once elf women, returned to a horrible, spectral existence. When the Burning Legion and the kaldorei clashed in the War of the Ancients, 10,000 years ago, many night elf women fell. Their brutal murders returned them as banshees, and for millennia they wandered the world in lamentation, losing ever more of their dwindling sanity. Eventually, the Lich King, Ner'zhul, learned of their existence and recruited them into the Scourge. Banshees fought in the Third War alongside other undead, and when Arthas attacked Quel'Thalas, he found that he could make banshees of high elves as well. HPG 206
Banshees are undead spirits, many of them from High Elves who were taken and enslaved by the Lich King after his conquest of Quel'Thalas. While under Ner'zhul's control the banshees were kept just aware enough so that they could experience the pain, desperation and anguish of their existence, and were then filled with a desire to spread that pain among the living. Most known for their chilling and deafening screams, banshees can also cast a number of curses.
After the Third War, the Lich King lost control of some of the banshees, including their queen Sylvanas Windrunner. Not long after Arthas raised her as a banshee, she broke from his control, taking fellow banshees with her. She regained her physical body and established the Forsaken. This act gives many banshees hope, and a strong cadre of free banshees can now be seen serving with the Forsaken. Most banshees still remain enslaved to the Lich King's will though, and can be found throughout the Plaguelands. Many wild, unafilliated banshees exist as well. Physically, they appear as spectral elven women, with wild flowing hair and long talon-like hands. Banshees have the unsettling ability to force their way into the bodies of living creatures, thus replacing the creatures' spirits with their own. A banshee who does this, however, loses its original form.
It is thought that some banshees wandered Azeroth long before the Scourge, and were subjugated to the Lich King's will. This is supported by the presence of Banshees in ancient Kaldorei ruins throughout Kalimdor, like Dire Maul.
Relation to Dark Rangers: Sylvanas Windrunner, the first banshee ever created by the Scourge, later regained her physical form to become a Dark Ranger. It is not explained how exactly this occurs, but it is implied that it had to do with Sylvannas replacing former elven ranger druidic knowledge with necromancy.
Sylvanas' dark ranger form has been compared with dark elves by some fans, a race thought to have been the basis of her physical form, however this is unconfirmed. Though its partially implied in Horde Player's Guide, where dark rangers are considered cousins to high elves, and the idea of converting to "dark" is given. HPG 41 Dark elves do not exist in the Warcraft Universe as such, though Ul'haik Hadanot is an example that the potential for a similar race is possible.
Non-elven Banshees?: Although uncommon, it appears possible for human women to become banshees upon their undeath. Blind Mary and Nissa Agamand are examples of such. It is possible that these women have some elven blood dating several generations back, and that it is this that causes them to become banshees. Their undead model appears fully elven like other banshees. According to Alliance Player's Guide, descendants of half-elves from multiple generations are still half-elves, so this is unlikely. However, it may be just a matter of blizzard not making special in-game models for those characters, and they are in fact just ghosts.
[edit] Bone Golems
Created by the Lich King's necromancers, these golems are the necromancers' bodyguards.
Deadly undead constructs made entirely of bones, Bone Golems are one of the deadlier types of undead employed by the Scourge. Their long, scythe-like arms can cleave through the heaviest of armors. Fortunately, despite their strength, they seem to be rather rare, only appearing in large quantities in the basement of Scholomance.
They also spawned in large numbers and in unlikely places during the Scourge Invasion event, for instance in Silithus.
One notable Bone Golem is Rattlegore, a mini-boss in the Scholomance instance.
Bone Golems, instead of undead, could also be regarded as Elementals, or Constructs, or Miscellaneous.
[edit] Death Knights
Death knights are former paladins who have forsaken the Holy Light and entered the service of the Lich King.
The first of the Scourge's death knights was Prince Arthas Menethil of Lordaeron, who succumbed to madness and entered into the service of the Lich King at the beginning of the Third War, after his soul was stolen by the runeblade Frostmourne.
Other once-noble paladins would follow in Arthas' steps. During the fall of Lordaeron, the Order of the Silver Hand was disbanded, and its leader Uther Lightbringer slain. Some of the paladins traveled to the plague-ridden colonies, seeking to continue to help the people of the land. Though the Paladins were immune to disease of any kind, they were persecuted by the general populace who believed that they had been infected by the foul plague. Embittered by this rejection, a few traveled north to find the plague's source.
Much as Arthas had before them, these renegade paladins succumbed to bitter hatred over the course of their grueling quest. When they finally reached Ner'zhul's icy fortress in Northrend they had become dark and brooding. The Lich King offered them untold power in exchange for their services and loyalty. The weary, vengeful warriors accepted his dark pact, and although they retained their humanity, their twisted souls were bound to his evil will for all time. Bestowed with black runeblades and shadowy undead steeds, death knights serve as the Scourge's mightiest generals.
[edit] Flesh Giants
Flesh Giants would appear to be the next step up from the common Abomination. A horrific combination of flesh and machine, they just recently appeared for the first time in the halls of Naxxramas.
[edit] Flesh Titans
Flesh Titans are the most powerful constructs of the Scourge. What little knowledge there is points to the Flesh Titans as being far more intelligent than other constructs and possessing deadly electrical powers. The only known Flesh Titan is Thaddius, a boss in the Naxxramas Instance.
In the first days of the patch 1.11 PTRs, the Flesh Titan Thaddius could be heard howling in pain and begging to be put out of his misery. Judging from this, it would seem that his maker accomplished something extraordinary: creating what could possibly be the first sentient construct on Azeroth.
Flesh Titans are strongly inspired by Frankenstein's monster.
[edit] Fungal Monsters
Giant walking fungi creatures that embody the undeath plague and its contaminating effects. They are one of the newer creations of the scourge. They can be found in the Naxxramas instance.
[edit] Ghosts
Spectral spirits of the deceased. They resemble see-through, often bluish versions of who they were in life. Most ghosts are harmless reflections of what they were when they still lived, and are invisible to normal eyes. But this is not always the case. Ghosts who have a strong desire for revenge are often tied to the physical plane by that desire. Some ghosts are even forced to remain in the physical plane by an outside force. Such ghosts are generally hostile, and not only are capable of damaging fully corporeal/living creatures, but will attack and do so on sight.
Unlike wraiths and shades, it's easily possible to see which race a ghost belonged to while it was living because despite being bluish and see-through, there is little difference in their appearance as they were in life, and their race is clearly identifiable.
[edit] Ghouls
Ghouls are the shock troops of the Scourge. These lumbering, rotting corpses were once innocent townsfolk who have made the final transition into true undeath. Ghouls have great stamina and revel in combat with living beings. Ghouls are ravenous cannibals who can replenish their health by devouring the flesh of fallen warriors, friend and foe alike.
During the third war, ghouls were used as basic attack units, and also used to harvest lumber to build scourge structures.
Ghouls are found in several places throughout Azeroth, primarily the Eastern Kingdoms. Most notable are those who terrorize the Plaguelands as the front lines of the Scourge, heavy concentrations can also be found in Eversong Forest and Ghostlands. Mindless ghouls can also be found in Silverpine Forest and Duskwood.
Ghouls have the appearance of a bent, twisted humanoid figure. Much of their flesh has rotted away, exposing a fair amount of bone and twisting facial features until they are unrecognizable as human. As undeath progresses in a victim, it twists and corrupts the body, growing fangs and claws. The ghoul is the final stage of the process of undeath. Despite all this, Ghouls are not particularly intelligent, being mindless monsters with the intelligence of a creature such as an Ogre or Gnoll at best, and understand little aside from hobbling around and tearing apart any foe they see.
[edit] Liches
During his mortal life as the warchief of the orcish Horde of Draenor, Ner'zhul commanded a number of Orcish warlocks, shamans, and even some of Gul'dan's death knights. When these wicked sorcerers were captured by Kil'jaeden and the Burning Legion after the destruction of Draenor, they were transformed into twisted aberrations of their former selves. These liches possessed tremendous magical powers, yet their immortal, undead bodies were bound to the iron will of Ner'zhul. Since the liches showed unswerving loyalty to their master, Ner'zhul granted them control over the furious elements of the cold north. Now, the liches wield frost magic along with their own considerable necromantic spells. Other Lichs are raised important members of the Cult of the Damned (Kel'Thuzad is one such example).
Every lich has a physical object called a phylactery that contains its soul. As long as a lich's phylactery remains intact and undamaged, the lich will eventually regenerate its body and return to life. It's unclear if the phylacteries are common knowledge, and thus, liches thought dead may still return.
A lesser type of lich is known as a lichling. Many lichlings can be found in Azshara.
[edit] Shades
Shades are disembodied spirits and are similar to ghosts in that they are the spectral remains of a once-living person. They are far more chaotic and bestial than ghosts however, and more dark and spectral, with their original race being impossible to determine. These often restless spirits are mostly found in the Plaguelands, other undead-infested areas, and the village surrounding the mysterious tower of Karazhan. Because they do not have a real body, some shades are immune to physical damage.
Due to their invisibility, shades are employed by the Scourge as spies and scouts. They are created from the sacrifice of acolytes of the Cult of the Damned.
In World of Warcraft, they attack with shadow-based spells and melee attacks.
[edit] Skeletons
Skeletons are mindless animated skeletons created through necromancy. Most skeletons are raised from battlefields and thus are often seen still clothed in rotting garments and rusting armor. Some skeletons still fight with the weapons they died clutching. Others, specifically created only by the most advanced necromancers are able to cast magical spells. Whatever they attack with skeletons are basically mindless automatons who are either directly controlled, or made to follow a specific order from their creator. If sufficiently damaged, the magic holding their bones together will dissipate, and they will crumple lifelessly to the ground.
Some skeletons, however, actually seems to possess some kind of intelligence, like Mordresh Fire Eye Found in Razorfen Downs. He can be seen talking to and encouraging his brethren, holding a speech about how the undead Scourge will consume the whole of Kalimdor.
In addition to the skeletons described here, some others may be other types of undead that are simply very old and all their flesh has rotted away, leaving nothing but bones.
[edit] Undead Beasts
An Undead Beast resembles an Abomination, only fashioned entirely out of animal parts instead of human parts. Undead Beasts are one of the newer creations of the Scourge and are only found stalking the corridors of the dreaded Naxxramas. The most famous Undead Beast is Gluth.
[edit] Wights
Wights are an unusual species of undead used occasionally by the Scourge. They most closely resemble a zombie, but their bodies have grown to montrous sizes and are horridly deformed. It is unknown how this transformation occurred. They are mostly employed in places of importance: Magistrate Barthilas protects the key to the city of Stratholme, while two other wights act as the bodyguards of the flesh titan Thaddius. In addition, The Ravenian is one of the six bosses that must be defeated to summon Darkmaster Gandling in The Scholomance.
With their flat heads, and bolts implanted in their neck, they have a very similar design to Frankenstein's Monster. However, they are frequently quite intelligent, and seem to retain the mind that they had in life.
It is only assumed that these creatures are called "wights" due to the fact that their model is called a wight. They have only appeared so far in the form of named bosses, two of which were called wights in an article about the Thaddius fight.
"As your group falls into disarray and scatters, caught unaware and slaughtered one by one by the two gruesome wights that descended from platforms higher up in the room, you wonder to yourself what kind of twisted nightmare spawned this monster."
As with the Voidwalker, Shade and the Fire Elemental, Wights have the same attack animations, run animation, model layout, etc. as that of a Bog Beast.
[edit] Wraiths
Wraiths are spirit-beings, similar to ghosts, banshees and shades in that they are the spectral forms of a once-living person. Unlike banshees, who appear to be formed only from the souls of undead women, wraiths can be of either gender. They also appear to be of either elven or human origin most of the time. Some trolls in Zul'Gurub and the Sunken Temple manifest as wraiths before they die. Wraiths appear as partially see-through shapes with a roughly humanoid shape, although notably missing legs, and with a shapeless, incorporeal, unidentifiable head.
They are typically either bluish or purple, and turn into a little ball when destroyed.
[edit] Zombies
Zombies are one of the simplest and most common of undead. They are reanimated corpses who have not yet completed the transition into the "true" undeath form of Ghouls.
Like Ghouls, zombies were once men, peasants and warriors alike. They lack a lot of the intelligence their risen comrades do, even in comparison to Abominations. Slow moving and instinctual, you can find these creatures within the areas either once or still under Scourge control.
Zombies due to their lack of intelligence and their numbers are often used as fodder in the front lines of the Scourge. Most do not seem to be afflicted with any group and just mindlessly wander.
Some Zombies have managed to be part of the Forsaken and seem to have rational thought.
Zombies can be found most notably in Tirisfal Glades, the Western Plaguelands and the Eastern Plaguelands.
[edit] Miscellaneous
A few other creatures in the Warcraft universe could not really be considered animals or humanoids, and are either completely unique or belong to only very minor categories.
[edit] Lashers
A giant variety of carnivorous plant, able to move around, and often aggressive. A conical stalk serves as the main body, the bottom end of which is a mess of roots and vines which it can move about with like legs, and the top end of which is a flower with teethed petals. From the sides of the main-body stalk come two vine-like, thorny tentacles. Lashers can be found in the Wailing Caverns, Maraudon, the Un'Goro Crater (this is their primary location), and Dire Maul. Also, in the Burning Crusade expansion pack, additional Lashers can be found in Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst Isle, and the Botanica, some of which have slightly different models from the standard.
The Lashers in Un'Goro are known as Bloodpetals and grow in several different varieties. The Lashers in Un'Goro are also notable due to them not being aggressive, only attacking if attacked.
Some Lashers are categorized as Elementals, while others are not categorized at all.
[edit] Mechanicals
A type of creature or mob in the game which are composed of machinery and devices as distinguished from the fleshy type. This includes most constructed creatures except some Elementals (like Stone Golems) and Undead (like Flesh Golems).
Mechanicals are a relatively rare type of creature. Most mechanicals are found in Gnomeregan, and most can be controlled using the Gnomish Universal Remote. Not having blood as such, most Mechanicals are Immune to bleed type melee attacks: Rend, Garrote, etc.
Types of Mechanicals:
[edit] Alarm-O-Bots
Gnomes live underground, and the natural darkness and rugged terrain of their surroundings provide ideal conditions for enemies to hide. In an effort to catch prowling and skulking creatures of all types, gnomes developed the alarm-o-bot. The small robot looks like a child's toy with various wires and sensor arrays jutting out in all directions, and a police-siren light for a head, enabling it to "see" in the dark. When it detects a living creature or any sort of movement, it emits a high-pitched warning, "Intruder Alert!". The leper gnomes in Gnomeregan make heavy use of this device
In addition to the Gnomeregan Alarm-O-Bot, players with the Engineering skill (Gnomish Engineering) can create one of their own that sends out a pulse every 7 seconds which detects stealthed enemies
[edit] Bom Bots
Resembling a small robotic bomb with legs. Mekgineer Thermaplugg's obsession for explosives shows for whenever he is threatened the many bomb machines start up and begin producing explosive protectors, the Bom Bots or Walking Bombs, for their master. Be wary of these machines and deactivate them as soon as Thermaplugg starts them up with a bolt of electricity from his Mechanical Battle-Mount that he is never without. Be sure to close these machines by pressing the buttons located on the sides immediately.
These Bom Bots are bigger versions of the Goblin Engineer made Pet Bombling
Some players believe that the Bom Bots are a reference to the Bomb-ob enemies from the Mario games.
[edit] Bomblings
A small variety of Bom Bots. They are created as pets by Goblin Engineers. It is however just an inoffensive pet and will not explode.
[edit] Explosive Sheep
Explosive Sheep are created by players with an engineering skill of 150. Resembling a sheep with robotic heads, tails, legs and sides. Explosive Sheep will wander around for up to 3 minutes, charge at a nearby enemy within some range (?), and explode for 135 to 165 damage when it hits the enemy. Has only 1 charge
[edit] Gnomish Mechs
Gnomish Mechs are robots that have one eye and scissor-claw appendages, built to protect and help the Gnomish people. The most famous Gnomish Mechs are:
- 7:XT
- Arcane Nullifier X-21
- Crowd Pummeler 9-60
- Techbot
[edit] Harvest Watchers
The terrifying Harvest Watcher or Harvest Golems are mechanical constructs programmed to hunt down and terminate the Human inhabitants of Westfall. Though their origin is uncertain, some believe that only the wily Goblins could have created these mechanical monstrosities. Some speculate they were originally designed to help the denizens of Westfall, like keeping away wild beasts and harvesting crops, but the Defias Brotherhood sabotaged them, along with the help of their mercenary goblin allies. Others suggest that the Goblins built them in order of the Defias Brotherhood to scare off the local inhabitants of Westfall so that they could run their smuggling operations with greater impunity. Whatever the case may be, the Harvest Golems have done their jobs well - eliciting terror in anyone foolish enough to roam the fallow fields of Westfall alone. They resemble giant moving scarecrows with scythe-like claws instead of hands. A particular Harvest Reaper, the Foe Reaper 4000, may also sometimes be seen on the acres among the common robots. It is a possibility this is was an early prototype of the Super Reaper 6000 (see below) which is found in Stonetalon Mountains.
In addition to those in Westfall, players with the engineering skill can build a miniature one of their own. Some NPCs and enemies also have these pets.
[edit] Lifelike Mechanical Toads
The Lifelike Mechanical Toad item is created by Engineers. It summons and dismisses a Lifelike Mechanical Toad, a toad small pet that follows you around, meaning it is a non-combat pet and will not aid you in battle.
[edit] Mechanical Chickens
A mechanical fowl with remarkably lifelike movements. Oglethorpe Obnoticus, the master gnomish engineer, has created three larger metal chickens to explore Tanaris, Feralas, and the Hinterlands, but his strange inventions have gotten lost. If a player finds a beacon to lead them to the downed bird, they can escort the mechanical chicken to safety. If you save all three of his inventions, Oglethorpe Obnoticus gives you a gift: a pet mechanical chicken!
Also, Gnomish Battle Chickens, a more vicious sort of machine created by Engineering, are unusual items that protect their maker when used.
[edit] Mechanical Dragonlings
Small fighting dragonling guardian pets summonable via a trinket similar to dragon whelplings devised by Gnomes and constructed via engineering. Different varieties can be created by players with different levels of Engineering skill. Mechanical Dragonlings resemble robotic baby dragons.
[edit] Mechanical Greenches
A sort of Mechanical Yeti.
[edit] Mechanical Squirrels
The Mechanical Squirrel Box is an item created by Engineers. It summons and dismisses a Mechanical Squirrel, a squirrel small pet that follows you around, meaning it is a non-combat pet and will not aid you in battle. Being a popular pet in World of Warcraft, guilds like "Order of the Squirrel" and "Squirrel Squad" have been formed by players who want every member of their guild to carry such a pet for fun.
[edit] Mechanical Yetis
Resembling a robotic Yeti. A guardian pet obtained from the quest Are We There, Yeti? in Everlook, which is also the home of Umi Rumplesnicker, a Goblin who invented the mechanical yetis. The Mechanical Yeti has three charges and packs a powerful punch. If you don't need a guardian, you may prefer the Tranquil Mechanical Yeti that Umi Rumplesnicker may teach a Engineers to make.
[edit] Mechanized Guardians
A robotic guardian, controlled by a gone-mad Leper Gnome in Gnomeregan.
[edit] Mechanized Sentrys
A robotic gnome who is sitting on a Mechanostrider (see below). This mob is found in Gnomeregan.
[edit] Mechanostriders
Mechanostriders were first invented by Grizzspark Flegrubb, the pioneer of the Gnomish Flying Machine. They were made for long distance treks through Khaz Modan and for trade between Ironforge and Gnomeregan. They have since become a widespread multi-use vehicle for all Gnomes.
Mechanostriders resemble mechanical Emus or Ostritches (according to lore, they are based upon the Tallstriders [see above]). They have headlights for a face, and their tailfeathers are a set of exhaust pipes. In World of Warcraft, Mecahnostriders are the Gnomish racial mount, and are the siliest of all the racial mounts. The PvP version of this mount is the Black Battlestrider
Gnome or Dwarf characters can purchase mechanostriders at Steelgrill's Depot in Dun Morogh. Dwarves must be Exalted with Gnomeregan to buy a mechanostrider.
[edit] Shredders
Shredders are impressive goblin mechanical creatures, piloted by a goblin. Resembling a large, steam-powered robotic humanoid with a malevolent boiler face and a saw-blade and a pair of grasping claws for hands They're usually used for lumbering, but they can serve in war, because of the solid metal construction of the machine, and because of the great saws they wield. The crazed Leper Gnome in Gnomeregan, Mekgineer Sicco Thermaplugg who killed more than half the Gnomish race (more about this history on the Gnome main page) is also riding a giant-robot looking much like a Shredder. Also using walking bombs, (see above) he remind much of a Goblin. Dark Iron dwarfs have also been spotted deep within the ruined city, so what really happened is a mystery.
Horde members can get a quest to help steal a Shredder in The Barrens.
Sneed's Shredder is a boss in The Deadmines.
The Venture Co. has Shredders in Stonetalon Mountains and Stranglethorn Vale.
The shredders has kerrigan's face painted on their insides, if you look closely.
[edit] Spider Tanks
A spider-like pod driven by steam and piloted by a Gnome. No actual mobs in the game have the name "Spider Tank" and they are just dubbed this by players. Spider Tanks which can be fought are found in Gnomeregan, though others which just serve as scenery can be found elsewhere, such as in Dun Morogh.
Named Spider Tank Mobs:
- Electrocutioner 6000 - A boss in Gnomeregan, and a big Spider Tank.
- Mechano-Tank - Standard mob of this type.
- Mechano-Flamewalker - Flame-throwing mob of this type.
- Mechano-Frostwalker - Frost-spraying mob of this type.
[edit] Super Reaper 6000
The Venture Company built with the blueprints of Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle an enormous woodcutting machine called Super Reaper 6000. It resembles an enormous, three-storey tank with two enormous mechanical arms on the sides; one ending in a pair of grasping claws, and the other in a giant saw-blade. At its front is a set of giant cutting jaws and teeth.
The Super Reaper 6000 is found in the Stonetalon Mountains in an area called Windshear Crag; once a heavily forested glade, it has all but been destroyed by this machine, as well as the woodcutters, logging camps and general technological ravages of the Venture Company. There is a quest to stop further defiling of the area by sabotaging the Super Reaper.
[edit] Oozes
Oozes are living blobs of slime that consume all that they touch. Oozes inhabit many places in the world of Azeroth, from Ironbeard's Tomb in the Wetlands to Maraudon in Kalimdor.
One of the biggest theories on how they developed on Azeroth is the idea that oozes and slimes are tied to the creation of the planet, almost like they're a secretion of it. Another theory classifies oozes as magically-created beasts intended to keep empty dungeons and underground sewers free from rats, roaches and possible invaders - magicians would conjure oozes as guardians of such places. A third theory is that they are primitive lifeforms which later evolved into more advanted creatures. "Evolving Ectoplasm" may still be found underground Barrens, within the Wailing Caverns.
Oozes (other varieties are known as slimes, sludges, or Sludge Beasts) generally consume anything they move over. As such their bodies are usually peppered with items that they can not digest such as bones, arrow heads or the odd piece of armor. Though it is somewhat counter-intuitive, rogues can pickpocket oozes. Because oozes so readily absorb everything around them, they tend to closely reflect their environment. For instance, oozes and slimes that live in areas tainted by the Blight, often have the ability to pass on terrible diseases to those they attack. The most "pure" oozes that haven't soaked up too much foreign material are located in Un'Goro Crater.