Khaz Modan
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Khaz Modan as seen from the World of Warcraft.
Khaz Modan is a fictional place in the Warcraft Universe.
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
Khaz Modan is the Dwarven and Gnomish homeland. It is located in the north of the continent of Azeroth, and consists of the wintry peaks of Dun Morogh, the forested highlands of Loch Modan and the endless marshes of the Wetlands. It was invaded by the Horde during the Second War, though the Dwarven capital of Ironforge and the capital of the Gnomes, Gnomeregan, remained unbreached. Recently, an invasion of murderous Troggs from the Uldaman excavation destroyed Gnomeregan, forcing the Gnomes to seek the aid of their Dwarven cousins.
Khaz Modan is inhabited by a variety of creatures, from Murlocs and Orcs in the Wetlands to Troggs and Ice Trolls in the southern mountains.
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Azeroth | Draenor | Eastern Kingdoms | Gnomeregan | Kalimdor | Northrend | Lordaeron | Khaz Modan | Azeroth Kingdom | Quel'Thalas | Dalaran | Darnassus | The Exodar | Ironforge | Silvermoon | Stormwind | Orgrimmar | Shattrath City | Thunder Bluff | Undercity | Well of Eternity |
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