Gnome (Warcraft)
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The Gnomes are one of the races in the Warcraft Universe — a fictional universe where a set of games and books are set. They are designed after the well-known fictional race of Gnomes.
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[edit] Overview
In the Wacraft series Gnomes are native to a land called Dun Morogh. They are a technically and magically inclined race, producing technology that rivals that of the Goblins and is more inclined towards ingenious gizmos and gadgets instead of the explosive devices typical of goblin technology. This does not mean that gnomish inventions are not known to blow up on occasion. In fact, it is not rare to see a gnome stare in amazement at an invention that actually works. Despite this, they seem to have an at least basic understanding of Quantum Physics. The Gnomes have long been close allies of the Dwarves, their home city of Gnomeregan being only a few miles from Ironforge, and provide much of the technology used by the Dwarven Military.
The gnome racial mount is the mechanostrider, a mechanical tallstrider (ostrich/emu-like beast, referred to by many players as "Robot Chickens"). Dwarves can learn how to ride a mechanostrider if they achieve "exalted" status in game with the Gnomeregan Exiles.
[edit] Appearance
Gnomes are among the more colorful of races in World of Warcraft. Their hair colors range from normal human ones like blond, red, brown and white to the more exotic greens, pinks and light blue/gray. Gnomish males tend to have elaborate, almost comical facial hair while gnomish females have stylized hair-dos which reflect a childish quality. Gnomes tend to be three to three and a half feet tall, roughly coming up to about waist level on the average human. Gnomish skin hue varies from a dark tan to pasty white, presumably based on varying degrees of sunlight they are exposed to. Needless to say, most have a pale, creamy complexion.
[edit] History
Gnomes have only appeared in Warcraft II and World of Warcraft. Their absence in Warcraft III was the result of the invasion of Gnomeregan by the Troggs.
Little is known about the Gnomes' ancient history, though due to their close relation to dwarves (referring to each other as "cousins") as well as appearance, size, and global distribution, it is possible that they are an ethnic offshoot of the dwarves, presumably splitting off sometime before the War of Three Hammers (see Dwarf History.)
The first known point in their history is when they served in the Second War aboard flying machines and submarines. After the Second War, the Gnomes taught the Dwarves to build gyrocopters and firearms. The Gnomes served the Alliance well during the Second War, but strangely, they refused to send any personnel to aid their allies during the Burning Legion's invasion in the Third War. Though their designs helped turn the tide against the Legion, the Dwarves and Humans were shocked by the Gnomes' decision to withhold their courageous troops and pilots. Eventually it became known that during the outbreak of the Third War, a swarm of Troggs had attacked the city of Gnomeregan and the Gnomes were fighting to survive.
The battle for Gnomeregan lasted throughout most of the Third War until the High Tinker of Gnomeregan, Gelbin Mekkatorque, was convinced by his chief advisor, Mekgineer Sicco Thermaplugg, to use the radiation generated by many gnome machines against the Troggs by way of pumping the fumes through the air vents. Unfortunately, many Gnomes were trapped in the city and killed or irradiated by this strategy, wiping out nearly half of the Gnomish race and turning almost all of the survivors who had remained in the city into crazed lepers. The weapon had little effect on the Troggs, who simply absorbed the radiation, becoming even more dangerous. Thermaplugg was revealed to have gone insane and had planned this all along in a power-mad bid to rule all of Gnomeregan, and according to the Warcraft lore it's said that Thermaplugg had the help of the troggs.
The ragged Gnomes that survived fled to the safety of the Dwarven stronghold of Ironforge, where they attempt to rebuild their civilization. There, the High Tinker began a project to build a giant tram between Ironforge and the city Stormwind. This tram ran through an underground river called the Deeprun, and adopted that name. It was completed three years after the defeat of the Burning Legion on Kalimdor. Thermaplugg's betrayal and the pain of the Gnomes weighs heavily upon Mekkatorque's shoulders.
Committed once again to the Alliance's cause, the Gnomes spend their time devising strategies and weapons that will help them retake their ravaged city and build a brighter future for their people.
The Gnomish race are now widespread throughout the world. Many Gnomes travelled with their Dwarven allies on the search into the cloudy history of both races creation. Others, have settled in the cities of Stormwind and Ironforge, teaching players engineering (and alchemy in Ironforge). There are also many gnomes at the Mirage Raceway in the Shimmering Flats area of Thousand Needles, being one of the two teams competing in the races the track hosts, the other being Goblins.
[edit] Famous Gnomes
[edit] High Tinker Mekkatorque
The democratically elected leader of Gnomeregan, the High Tinker now holds his exiled court in Tinker Town in Ironforge. He stands atop his mighty throne wielding an Arclight Spanner and a shield, offering a level 35 quest to all those brave enough to enter Gnomeregan and slay the evil Mekgineer Thermaplugg. Mekkatorque, who, on Thermaplugg's advice, irradiated Gnomeregan and ordered its evacuation now carries the weight of his people on his shoulders and the shame of those killed in Gnomeregan. He is, however, credited with the construction of the Deeprun Tram, a fast running form of transportation between Ironforge and Stormwind built in the underground river "Deeprun".
[edit] Mekgineer Thermaplugg
Once High Tinker Mekkatorque's most trusted lieutenant, he coveted his position, and during the defence of Gnomeregan from the Troggs convinced Mekkatorque to irradiate the city, resulting in countless gnome deaths and its subsequent evacuation. It is theorised that he was behind the entire Trogg assault upon the city, and also that he is under Dark Iron influence (Dark Irons are at the very least, present within the irradiated Gnomeregan), though proof of either is difficult to find. One fact is certain: he intentionally sabotaged the city so that he could become High Tinker. He now lives permanently within a purpose built mechanical walker which makes him a most terrifying sight to behold, and considers himself to be the High Tinker of the shattered city.
[edit] Trivia
- Gnomes were the last playable race developed for the original release of World of Warcraft.
- Gnomes are the only race to not appear in either trailer. Trolls got their first brief appearance in the Burning Crusade trailer.
- After the above a gnome-enthousiast took the right into his own hands and created a remake of the Burning Crusade trailer with everything being a gnome. Link to the remake
- Gnome facial hair options have been altered the most, with 7 different forms having been added and or removed.
[edit] External links
- Gnomes, World of Warcraft Game Guide
- Gnome at WoWWiki, a World of Warcraft wiki
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