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Kijiji (Swahili for village) is a centralized network of online urban communities for posting local classified advertisements. It is a subsidiary of eBay and was launched in March 2005. Kijiji websites are currently available for more than 300 cities in Germany. Further Kijiji countries are France, Italy, Canada, India, Taiwan, Republic of China and Japan. The company does not offer its services in the United States, presumably due to the strength of Craigslist (in which eBay owns a 25% share).
In November 2004 eBay acquired, which offers a similar classifieds service in the Netherlands, holding a 80% market share. At that time had branched out into Spain, Germany, Turkey and Canada under the brandname Intoko. Intoko Spain merged with Loquo, Intoko Germany merged with Kijiji Germany. Intoko Canada merged with Kijiji Canada. Intoko Turkey is still operating under
In May 2005 eBay acquired Gumtree, which offers a similar service for cities in Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, as well as the Spanish company Loquo. One month later it acquired, another website offering online classifieds in Germany. In August 2006 Opusforum merged with Kijiji, which became the brand name for the German Speaking Area.