From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A kinin is any of various structurally related polypeptides, such as bradykinin and kallikrein. They are members of the autacoid family.[1]
They act locally to induce vasodilation and contraction of smooth muscle.[2][3]
It is a component of the kinin-kallikrein system.
Their precursors are kininogen.[4]
In botany, it refers to plant hormones which delay aging.[5]
[edit] References
- ^ MeSH Kinins
- ^ Dictionary at eMedicine Kinin
- ^ Dorlands/Elsevier k_03/12471072
- ^
- ^
[edit] External links
Kininogen (MHWK, LHWK) - Bradykinin (Kallidin) - Tachykinin - Urotensin 2
Angiotensin - Eicosanoid - Histamine - Kinin - Platelet-activating factor - Serotonin