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The Kreegan are a race of aliens that exists in the Might and Magic universe. They colonize space, traveling from planet to planet to wage war on the inhabitants and eventually claim the worlds for themselves. While appearing mainly in the sixth and seventh installment of the series, they are mentioned, but never encountered, in the eighth part. Also, a few spin-offs of the series such as Heroes Chronicles: The Sword of Frost and Heroes of Might and Magic IV have plots that involve the Kreegan race.
[edit] Background
More than a thousand years ago, the world in which MM6, 7 and 8 takes place was overseen by a mysterious people known as the Ancients. However, war between the Ancients and the Kreegan race caused the colony to lose contact with the rest of its civilization, and the planet fell into a state of barbarism referred to as The Silence. As time passed, and the planet began to rebuild, the people forgot about their origin.
1161 years after The Silence, the Kreegan appeared on the planet. They came using vessels much resembling Meteors glowing in the night sky. Due to this, their arrival has come to be known as the Night of Shooting Stars. The Kreegan fought the humans (and other races) that inhabited the planet, but were ultimately defeated upon the assassination of their leader, Zenofex (sometimes referred to as Xenofex).
[edit] Characteristics
By the common man, a Kreegan individual would be referred to as “Devil”, and indeed shares many traits with such. The Kreegan have small, peering eyes, bodies covered with scales and horns, and claws on both their hands and feet. The body shape is more or less humanoid, with unusually large hands, and arms long enough for them to touch the ground while standing upright; in MM7 (although not in MM6) Kreegan can move similar to gorillas. They appear in various different colors, and occasionally come with wings. Some also spread disease or have destructive powers of fire.