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Landquake is the name to two different characters in the Transformers universes, however one is portrayed as an upgrade to Energon Landmine by some sources, where other sources describe him as Landmine's brother.
[edit] Transformers: Energon (2005)
Transformers character | |
Landquake (Landmine Super Mode) | |
Allegiance | Autobot (Cybertron) |
Sub-Group | Ultra Vehicles |
Function | Energon Miner |
Motto | "Behind my sensitive exterior lives a hardened fist." |
Alternate mode | Semi-truck with plow and crane trailer. |
Series | Transformers: Energon |
Voiced by | Ward Perry (English) Kenta Miyake (Japanese). |
In the cartoon, Landmine was evolved by Primus into a new form. In Japan, this was an upgrade which was reflected in the show, where he was called Landmine Supermode. However, the U.S. release of this toy was named Landquake and was portrayed as a new character, Landmine's brother. In the Dreamwave comics fiction is Landquake is Landmine's brother as well.
(From the U.S. toy tech specs) This incredibly powerful Autobot possesses a physical design similar to his brother, Landmine. Unlike Landmine, Landquake does not enjoy one-to-one scrapes with Decepticon enemies. He believes that fighting is a waste of time. Instead, he prefers to help the Omnicons mine energon. During many excavations, Landquake has used his powerful fists to crack open energon-rich rock deposits in extreme climates like the Arctic. When there is a call to battle, however, he will not hesitate to use his brute strength to thwart an enemy attack. Many Decepticon have learned that angering this gentle giant can prove to be a ground-shaking error.
[edit] Dreamwave Productions
In the Energon comic series by Dreamwave comics Landquake was Landmine's brother. He appeared in issues 27-29 of the series.
Transformers: Energon #27 – On Cybertron Avalon offers words of encouragement to Jetfire when Prowl brings news of the Terrorcon invasion of Earth. A strike force is readied, including Beachcomber, Bulkhead, Cliffjumper, Downshift, Hoist, Landmine, Landquake, Prowl, Quickstrike, Red Alert, Rodimus, Scavenger, Thrust and Towline, lead by Jetfire. Perceptor also volunteers and they take the Space Bridge to Earth. Jetfire leads Bulkhead, Cliffjumper, Landquake, Perceptor and Tow Line to Los Angeles as the others travel to the other cities.
Transformers: Energon #28 – In Los Angeles the Autobots fight against the Insecticon clones. Rad and Alexis escape the Insecticons and try to get to Carlos at Alterenergy West Coast. In Toronto Hotshot leads Beachcomber, Red Alert, Rodimus and Thrust fight with the Divebomb clones. Hot Shot contacts Jetfire and they all agree they are losing when suddenly Megatron appears above Toronto.
Transformers: Energon #29 – In Toronto the Autobots and Thrust are shocked to find the new Megatron helping them against the Divebomb clones. Divebomb and his clones fall back. Megatron teleports himself to Tokyo where he helps Prowl, Downshift and Blurr against the Cruellock clones, killing dozens of Terrorcon clones until they retreat. Rad pilots the Energon Volant Accumulator into Los Angeles. Megatron turns back the Insecticon clones and tells Jetfire to look for Optimus Prime in the belly of the beast.
[edit] Transformers: Cybertron (2006)
Transformers character | |
![]() |
Landquake | |
Affiliation | Decepticon ![]() |
Sub-Group | Basic Vehicles Club Exclusives |
Motto | "Respect the power you wield and it will serve you well." |
Series | Transformers: Cybertron |
Unrelated to the Energon character of the same name, Landquake; 2006's Transformers Club exclusive toy is a Decepticon (a repaint of the Energon Destructicon tank Kickback/Blight) who is able to combine with others club exclusive figures (including the Autobot Skyfall) to form a larger robot.
Landquake has served Megatron since the very beginning of the Cybertronian Civil War. As an Energon flow analyst at the Kalis refineries, he had become obsessed with the idea that his destiny held a greater purpose. With the first attacks on Mini-Con settlements, he threw in his lot with Megatron, seeing in the Decepticon cause a means to achieve this greater destiny. Centuries of association with the Decepticons have proven to him that the movement he once believed in is little more than a vehicle for its leader's ego. He undertakes the missions he is assigned with less than total dedication. Preoccupied as he is with self-doubt, and desiring the rigid structure of a real army, he often finds his duties for Megatron almost as boring as his old refinery duties. Landquake is a terrifying opponent in battle. His EM pulse cannons can scramble the circuits of even hardened targets, and the blast from his Energon plasma weapon is formidable enough to destroy many small to medium-sized targets at close range. Rocket-assisted leaps and glides can offer a devastating surprise to an unwary enemy. His long exposure to raw Energon has given him Energon refinement and shaping capabilities superior even to the Omnicons. With a sufficient supply of raw Energon, he can create an array of formidable weapons.
Allegiance: Decepticon Warrior / Energon Specialist
Specialty: Energon refinement; Energon Plasma physics; Energon Structure Dynamics
Weapons: Smoke dispensers, twin heavy-repeater auto shotguns, independently targeted EM pulse cannons, jump jets, Energon Plasma Weapon.
Unique quality: Can refine and shape raw Energon in the same manner as an Omnicon