Talk:Leo von Caprivi
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Otto von Bismarck was a Pietist Lutheran PROTESTANT.
He was booted out of power in 1890 by a coalition of CATHOLICS and COMMUNISTS, the former angered by Bismarck's aggressive Protestant anti-Catholic Kultur Kampf, the latter by Bismarck's Old Right conservatism.
Leo of Caprivi was an Italian of CATHOLIC persuasion.
The "New Course" Caprivi the CATHOLIC set Germany -- to wit, the Lutherlands, the HEARTLANDS of PROTESTANTISM -- on led directly to WW1 and WW2...
which saw PROTESTANT Germany DISMANTLED hardcore, HARDCORE...
with CATHOLIC Hitler at the helm.
[edit] Slovenian or Italian
The article recently claimed his family was of Slovenian origin, from Koprivnik in Kocevski Rog, as do the Slovenian and German wiki. Now it claims he was of Italian origin. Which is correct?
- According to the Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (vol. 47, p. 445), his family was of Slovenian origin – from Carniola („Krain“) – and moved at the end of the 17th century to Silesia. --kh80 •?!• 2 July 2005 01:07 (UTC)
- Caprivi de Caprara de Montecuccoli- What about this name would give you the idea that he was ethnically Slovenian? Find me a full blooded Slovenian with the name Caprivi de Caprara de Montecuccoli or any parts of this name. He was an ethnic Italian from Slovenia, we don't call Oskar Schindler a Czech or Stalin a Russian. Even if his true family name is Kapriva how does that account for all the clearly Italian names after that?