List of Silat styles
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Silat refers to a family of martial arts native to South-East Asia (primarily Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Southern Philippines).
[edit] In Indonesia
[edit] Pentjak Silat Anak Sera(k)
A Brief History of the Style Now Known as Anakserak
The islands of Indonesia, Java in particular, have not been submerged in the last 20 million years. This has allowed for the development of one of the oldest known societies on the planet that has an unbroken line of succession. Some of the oldest known fossil records of early man exist on Java. The indigenous peoples became very attuned to the natural world around them, and over many centuries this led to the development of a mystical consciousness and way of living that fostered a respect and close interaction with the elemental powers of nature. From this beginning the art of Pentjak Silat was born. It is not really an "art," as the Indonesian language has no word for art. It is actually more of a form of living life. Art is not separated from life.
Pentjak Silat is the romanized form of the concept for "stylized lightning motion." At its roots are the preservation of the self through the harmonious movements of redirection and deflection of movement, force and energy. A true master of Pentjak Silat practices the ability to ward-off attack through the redirection of energy in and around his/her immediate environment. This takes a few years to develop and requires the help of a master. An apprentice is usually brought into the fold and taught as a member of the family. In this manner the information and training is passed on from generation to generation. Entire Pentjak Silat societies were formed and from these societies a culture was developed. It is accepted that the West Javanese Pentjak Silat style reached a level unsurpassed in the islands and became the model for other styles to mold themselves after.
In more recent times a gifted practitioner of West Javanese Pentjak Silat created a method of training enabling his students to rapidly advance in the theory and movements of Pentjak Silat. Because of his raspy voice his students nicknamed him "Pak Serak." "Pak" (respectful title for an elder) "Serak" (meaning: "one with a raspy voice"). "Pak Serak."
Pak Serak became widely recognized as a "wise person," a gifted teacher and healer. He took on two apprentices and educated each one in the finer points of "Pentjak Silat Pak Serak" until they acquired mastery. One was named, "Abang Djut." Abang Djut taught two apprentices, brothers named John and Ernest de Vries who also reached a level of mastery that satisfied the requirements of the style. These two, in turn, taught "Pentjak Silat Pak Serak" to their nephew Maurice de Thouars until he too fulfilled the requirements.
In February of 1999 Maurice de Thouars gave recognition to one of his students and conferred upon him the designation of full apprentice. Then in May of 2004 Maurice de Thouars gave Dr. Andre Knust-Graichen the title of "heir and successor" in Pentjak Silat Pak Serak. Because of the nature of the practice of Pentjak Silat Dr. Andre was assigned the task of making the art more available to those interested in learning this form of Pentjak Silat. Therefore with the approval and guidance of his teacher, Dr. Andre has formulated a teaching approach which is called "Anakserak" (anak means child of ). This new approach would allow those individuals who express a sincere desire to learn an opportunity to do so.
[edit] Silat Kalimah
One of the oldest Silat arts in Malaysia. It is believed to have been founded in 512 AH (Hijrah Year), which is 1118 AD. It is believed to have been taught to the Sultan of Kedah's family in the year 1556 AD, during the era of the 'Old Kedah Dynasty' (before Malacca). It was a secret art of the Sultan's family for centuries before it was finally open to the public by the late Pak Yahya Said in 1963. Its siblings Silat Kalimah Yahya Said, Silat Kalimah Malaysia, Silat Kalimah Panglima Tangkas and Silat Kalimah Amin are very similar in form and history. Other very closely related systems are Silat Cekak Hanafi, Silat Cekak Malaysia, Silat Panglima Tok Rashid, Silat Kalam and Silat Kuntau Tekpi.
[edit] Silat Tuo Minangkabau
--Traditional Dance, Healing & Martial Arts of Sumatra, Indonesia. Headed by Sh. Bapak Waleed of the International Silat Federation of America. Silat Tuo includes the silat styles of Seni Silat Haqq, Kumango Silat, Pauh Silat, Lintao Silat, Sterlak Silat, Harimau Silat, and Minangkabau Silat among others.
[edit] WaliSongo Silat
Traditional Indonesian Pencak Silat, combining comprehensive groundwork, strikes, grappling & weapons. The kembangan (flower dance) plays a central role in this system. Headed by Guru Ma Prem, and taught by Pendekar Steve Benitez in London.
[edit] Sindo
Also known as Silat Indonesia is a modern Indonesian Pencak Silat which has evolved from several martial arts combines traditional silat, practical self defence, combat skills and internal martial arts. Founded in 1999 and headed by Kak Jimmy Thaibsyah.
[edit] Kateda
Has a close relative of Sindo, which borrows from Karate, Tenaga Dalam and possibly the Chinese energy arts such as Qigong. Unknown founder but known lineage of Tagashi and Lionel Nasution, who studied alongside Kak Jimmy Thabsyah in the 1970's.
[edit] PSTD
Pencak Silat Tenaga Dasar was founded in 1987 and headed by Kak Jimmy Thaibsyah. Sponsored by Bpk Bambang Trihatmodjo and Bpk Rosano Barack within the Bimantara Group in Indonesia. Following Kak Jimmy's resignation in 1999, PSTD is now headed by Bpk Rosano Barack.
[edit] Tapak Suci - Putera Muhammadiyah
This is a well-known silat aliran. It's spreading over the world especially through Indonesian immigrants in Netherland or through Muhammadiyah branches all over the world. The typical style of Tapak Suci are red uniforms and Islamic way of philosophy. Nowadays, The Perguruan Tapak Suci is one of the biggest perguruan in Indonesia.
[edit] Persatuan Pencak Silat Inti Ombak
Indonesian Pencak Silat base on mataram and madura style teach internal and external aspect of human body by Guru Daniel Prasetya
[edit] Persatuan Gerak Badan
(also knows short as PGB or Bangau Putih) was founded in 1952 in Bogor and has branches in Europe, North America and the Middle East
[edit] Silek Tuo and Silek Harimau
traditional old styles from the Minangkabau people in West Sumatra meaning "Old Silek" and "Tiger Silek"
[edit] Pencak Silat Pertempuran
A silat style composed of Pencak Silat Pamur and Sterlak Silat primarily. Other Indo-Malay silat influences include: Seni Bela Diri Silat Jati Wisesa, and Raja Monyet Silat. It translates to Combat Silat.
[edit] Perguruan Pencak Silat Padjadjaran Nasional
Traditional west-javanese styles are combined in this aliran, the European branche is represented by Eric Bovelander.
[edit] Pencak Silat Sharaf
Muslim Silat, formerly known as Silat Mubai.
[edit] Silat Zulfikari
Martial practice of the Qadiri Rifai Tariqa
[edit] Pukulan Bongkot
a Silat style
Een andere bekende stijl is "*Pencak Silat Pukulan Bongkot". Dit is een nieuwe stijl die werd ontwikkeld door Kepala Aliran Harry de Thomis. Hij stelde deze stijl samen uit Serak, Cimande, Kuntow, Derosemo en Panca Bela. Er zijn nu afdelingen Pencak Silat Bongkot gevestigd in Oostenrijk, België, Nederland en Duitsland. Deze Pencak Silat Bongkot aliran is door het moederland Indonesië bestudeerd, getest en gescreend. Door Indonesië is zij toen via de [I.P.S.I.] (bond) als nieuwe onafhankelijke stijl (aliran) erkend en geregistreerd. Het onderzoeksteam van de I.P.S.I. heeft zelf die onafhankelijke status verleend. De technische adviseurs in deze aliran zijn Bapak Januarno (secretaris-generaal techniek) van de Internationale Pencak Silat Federatie en Bapak Junaidi voormalig vice-voorzitter van I.P.S.I. Zij hebben samen deze stijl de naam "BONGKOT" toegekend. De betekenis van Bongkot is stam-bundeling-fundatie van combinatietechnieken van het Pencak Silat. […] De Bongkot aliran heeft als inhoud ongeveer 35% Kesenian (cultuurtechnisch) en ongeveer 65% Olah Raga (verdedigings- of wedstrijdtechniek).
[edit] Pukulan Pentjak Silat Serak (or Sera)
A system founded by Pak Sera and expanded by Mas Djoet. Several regional variations exist.
[edit] Paguron Penca Silat Nampon
Martial art with double functions, self defence and the usage possessing the characteristics of Inner Energy. Nampon - Syahbandar - Kari - Madi movements basically returns each opponent’s attack, pull, push and return with a counter attack. Founded by Nampon 1932, The major study consists of 10 steps , mixing the combination of various body movements and the waves bursts of the senses, thus developing into an art of defence. The uniqueness of Nampon-Trirasa , it possesses 2 chracateristics; the reflexive movement of self defence with the movement of art performance. Commonly known as Ibing Penca Silat.
[edit] Soempat Silat
Pak Tisari Majoeki, founder, developer of the curved rattan stick, Lineage holder Maha Guru "Pak Vic" de Thouars.
[edit] Bukti Negara
a modern, modified style of Sera designed by Serak lineage holder Pendekar Paul de Thouars. The name Bukti Negara means "witness to a nation," reflecting Pendekar de Thouars' gratitude to the art of Serak, and to show that Bukti Negara is the art that is the witness to Serak. Because there are myriad restrictions on who can study the parent system of Serak, Pendekar de Thouars modified Serak to create Bukti Negara in order to expose an ever increasing audience to the art. This most humble but amazing person, Pendekar Paul de Thouars realizes that the art is greater than himself, and proves this through his everyday living. He has not, and will not cash in on this art - keeping it instead pure and not wasting any effort within.
[edit] Bukti Negara Byang Pusaka
a modern fusion of Bukti Negara and Kung-Fu techniques. Invented by Jerry Griffin, an accomplished Silat Practitioner. Practiced only by a handful, it is considered an obscure branch of Bukti Negara.
[edit] Kuntao Silat
combines Kuntao and Silat, as taught by Willem de Thouars.
[edit] Perisai Diri
An ideal martial art for those who want to learn both a unique and effective system of self-defense. Established since 1955 in Indonesia by (late)Pak Dirdjo.
[edit] Cimande
along with Sera (monkey style) Pamacan (tiger style) and Trumbu (stick fighting) are styles of Pencak Silat founded by Embah Kahir in the late 1700's in West Java. These arts still exist in some villages located on the Cimande river, including the village of Tarik Kolot. Today there are over 300 variations of Cimande.
[edit] Pukulan Cimande Pusaka
A style of Cimande descended from Mas Jut, taught by Pendekar William Sanders. This style includes the original Embah Kahir arts from Tarik Kolot village.
[edit] Pencak Silat Mande Muda
West Javanese Silat.
[edit] Pencak Silat Gerakan Suci
An evolution of Pencak Silat Mande Muda
[edit] Perisai Putih
History of Perisai Putih The full name is: PERGURUAN SILAT NASIONAL PERISAI PUTIH. In short: P.S.N. PERISAI PUTIH.
Founded in SURABAYA op 1 JANUARY 1967. The founder's name is: Bapak Raden Achmad Bustami Bara Subrata Place of birth: SUMENEP (MADURA INDONESIA) Died on: 27 DECEMBER 1987 IN SURABAYA
Current Chairman: Drs. Achmad Maksoem Current head teacher: Dhr. S. Himantoro
[edit] In Malaysia
[edit] Seni Gayung Fatani Malaysia
a Malaysian style originating from the Fatani Province in Southern Thailand. One of the four reputedly largest silat school of Malaysia.
[edit] Gayung Malaysia
One of the four reputedly largest silat school of Malaysia.
[edit] Silat Cekak
A different kind of silat. It is more to defensive-type of silat because it applies 99% defending technique and only 1% attacking technique. This silat does not have any Bunga, Langkah Gerak or Kuda-kuda. The movements or counter-attacks of this silat is quite unpredictable because it doesn't apply Kuda-kuda in its movements. Reputedly one of the four largest silat schools of Malaysia.
[edit] Silat Lincah
One of the four reputedly largest silat school of Malaysia.
[edit] Silat Teralak Asli
One of the lagest silat in Kelantan. A different kind of silat because it is more specific in 'tapak' to defent the skill and very fast movement to step forward when attacking and defending. It is more to 'terlatah' in counter-attack.
[edit] Silat Firasah
Founded by Hj Mat Tahir bin Aral and started teaching in 1960. Propagated the knowledge to other parts of the world by Hj Idris bin Alimuda.
The combative tactics of Silat Kesateria founded by Simon Das aka Muhd Sayful Ibrahim Currently based in London are for war and consists of a healthy balance of pukulan (striking ), kuncian (locking/grappling), and jatuhan(throwing/groundwork) in the Form of 'buah' means fruit and pukul means 'to hit' or 'beat'. The eight bodily weapons--2 knuckles, 2 elbows, 2 knees, and 2 feet--represent the 'buahs' which readily divert, block and attack the opponent(s) under the inspiring movements of the divine master and naturally move swiftly through all ranges of combat with and without weapons. By the nature of it, Seni Silat Kesateria teaches offensive techniques as compared to self defence methods. As in a real fight combat instincts supersede quick thinking. However, this physical component is only about 10% of the art--the rest focuses on the mind and spirit.
Its Guru utama is Haji Idris bin alimuda guru of silat firasah to which it is a brother system! it is also a brother system to silat fitrah.
[edit] Other silat systems
[edit] Maphilindo Silat
a Silat style founded by Dan Inosanto to honour his Silat teachers. It is composed of styles from Malaysia (Ma), the Philippines (Phil) and Indonesia (Indo). There are only 18 instructors in the world who are certified in this style.
[edit] AMOK!
It is the name given to a system of martial arts, grounded in eskrima, silat and Filipino Martial Arts. The AMOK! system was created, refined and developed by Tom Sotis, the head of the International Blade Fighters' Guild.
[edit] Hurricane Combat Arts
Uses elements of Silat, Muay Thai, Systema and Jeet Kun Do.
[edit] Piper System or Cape Knife Fighting
A blend of Malay Silat brought by slaves ( Malay, Indonesian and Javanese) in the 17th century South Africa and the fighting system ( stick, club, shield, spear and dagger) of the Zulu warriors.
[edit] Poekoelan Tjimindie Tulen
Poekoelan Tjimindie Tulen is a martial art brought from Indonesia to America in 1956 by Mas Goeroe Agoeng Willy John Christopher Wetzel, a Dutch-Indonesian man. He taught his art, a fusion of Indonesian Silat and Chinese Kung Fu, to a young American woman who grew to become Mas Goeroe Barbara Niggel, under whose leadership this art has flourished through 14 schools in America, England, and the Netherlands.