List of tautonyms
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The following is a list of tautonyms: taxonomic names in which the genus and species names are the same. These are allowed in zoology, but not in botany, where the genus and species names must differ (though differences as small as one letter are permitted, as in the Jujube Ziziphus zizyphus).
Contents |
[edit] Mammals
- Alces alces (Moose)
- Axis axis (chital)
- Bison bison (American Bison)
- Caracal caracal (caracal)
- Capreolus capreolus (Roe Deer)
- Citellus citellus (Suslik)
- Cricetus cricetus (European Hamster)
- Crocuta crocuta (Spotted Hyena)
- Dama dama (Fallow Deer)
- Gazella gazella (Mountain Gazelle)
- Genetta genetta (a species of civet)
- Glis glis (Edible Dormouse)
- Gorilla gorilla (Western Gorilla)
- Gulo gulo (Wolverine)
- Hyaena hyaena (Striped Hyena)
- Indri indri (Indri)
- Jaculus jaculus (a species of jerboa)
- Lemmus lemmus (Norway lemming)
- Lutra lutra (European Otter)
- Lynx lynx (Eurasian Lynx)
- Marmota marmota (Alpine Marmot)
- Martes martes (Pine Marten)
- Meles meles (Eurasian Badger)
- Mephitis mephitis (Striped skunk)
- Monachus monachus (Mediterranean Monk Seal)
- Myotis myotis (Greater Mouse-eared Bat)
- Petaurista petaurista (red giant flying squirrel)
- Phocoena phocoena (harbour porpoise)
- Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Common Pipistrelle)
- Pithecia pithecia (white-faced saki)
- Pudu Pudu (Pudú)
- Rattus rattus (Black Rat)
- Rupicapra rupicapra (Chamois)
- Uncia uncia (Snow Leopard)
- Vicugna vicugna (vicuña)
- Vulpes vulpes (Red Fox)
[edit] Birds
- Alle alle (Little Auk)
- Amandava amandava (Red avadavat)
- Amazilia amazilia (Amazilia Hummingbird)
- Anhinga anhinga (Anhinga)
- Anser anser (Greylag Goose)
- Apus apus (Common Swift)
- Bubo bubo (Eurasian Eagle Owl)
- Buteo buteo (Common Buzzard)
- Cardinalis cardinalis (Northern Cardinal)
- Carduelis carduelis ((European Goldfinch)
- Casuarius casuarius (Southern Cassowary)
- Ciconia ciconia (White Stork)
- Cinclus cinclus (White-throated Dipper)
- Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Hawfinch)
- Cochlearius cochlearius (Boat-billed Heron)
- Coeligena coeligena (Bronzy Inca)
- Colius colius (White-backed Mousebird)
- Coscoroba coscoroba (Coscoroba Swan)
- Cotinga cotinga (Purple-breasted cotinga)
- Coturnix coturnix (Common Quail)
- Crex crex (Corncrake)
- Crossoptilon crossoptilon (White-eared Pheasant)
- Curaeus curaeus (Austral Blackbird)
- Cyanicterus cyanicterus (Blue-backed Tanager)
- Cygnus cygnus (Whooper Swan)
- Diuca diuca (Common Diuca-finch)
- Dives dives (Melodious Blackbird)
- Ensifera ensifera (Sword-billed Hummingbird)
- Francolinus francolinus (Black Francolin)
- Galbula galbula (Green-tailed Jacamar)
- Gallinago gallinago (Common Snipe)
- Gallus gallus (Red Junglefowl)
- Grus grus (Common Crane)
- Guira guira (Guira Cuckoo)
- Himantopus himantopus (Black-winged Stilt)
- Histrionicus histrionicus (Harlequin Duck)
- Icterus icterus (Troupial)
- Indicator indicator (Greater Honeyguide)
- Jacana jacana (Wattled Jacana)
- Todus todus (Jamaican tody)
- Lagopus lagopus (Willow Grouse)
- Lerwa lerwa (Snow Partridge)
- Limosa limosa (Black-tailed Godwit)
- Luscinia luscinia (Thrush Nightingale)
- Manacus manacus (White-bearded manakin)
- Mascarinus mascarinus (Mascarene Parrot,extinct)
- Melanodera melanodera (Canary-winged Finch)
- Milvus milvus (Red Kite)
- Mitu mitu (Alagoas Curassow)
- Nycticorax nycticorax (Black-crowned Night Heron)
- Oenanthe oenanthe (Northern Wheatear)
- Oriolus oriolus (Golden Oriole)
- Pauxi pauxi (Helmeted Currasow)
- Perdix perdix (Grey Partridge)
- Petronia petronia (Rock Petronia)
- Phoenicurus phoenicurus (Common Redstart)
- Pica pica (European Magpie)
- Pipile pipile (Trinidad Piping-guan)
- Pipra pipra (White-crowned Manakin)
- Poliocephalus poliocephalus (Hoary-headed Grebe)
- Porphyrio porphyrio (Purple Swamphen)
- Porphyrolaema porphyrolaema (Purple-throated cotinga)
- Porzana porzana (Spotted Crake)
- Puffinus puffinus (Manx Shearwater)
- Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax (Red-billed Chough)
- Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Eurasian Bullfinch)
- Quelea quelea (Red-billed quelea)
- Regulus regulus (Goldcrest)
- Riparia riparia (Sand Martin)
- Rupicola rupicola (Guianan Cock-of-the-rock)
- Serinus serinus (European Serin)
- Suiriri suiriri (Suiriri Flycatcher)
- Sula sula (Red-footed Booby)
- Tadorna tadorna (Common Shelduck)
- Tchagra tchagra (Southern Tchagra)
- Temnurus temnurus (Ratchet-tailed Treepie)
- Tetrax tetrax (Little Bustard)
- Troglodytes troglodytes (Winter Wren)
- Tyrannus tyrannus (Eastern Kingbird)
- Vanellus vanellus (Northern Lapwing)
- Xenopirostris xenopirostris (Lafresnaye's Vanga)
- Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus (Yellow-headed Blackbird)
[edit] Reptiles
- Caretta caretta (loggerhead sea turtle)
- Cerastes cerastes (desert horned viper)
- Chalcides chalcides (Italian three-toed skink)
- Hemachatus hemachatus (rinkhals)
- Hypnale hypnale (hump-nosed viper)
- Iguana iguana (green iguana)
- Kachuga kachuga (red-crowned roofed turtle)
- Naja naja (Indian cobra)
- Natrix natrix (grass snake)
- Scincus scincus (sandfish)
- Suta suta (Curl Snake)
[edit] Amphibians
- Bombina bombina (European fire-bellied toad)
- Bufo bufo (common toad)
- Pipa pipa (a species of Surinam toad)
- Salamandra salamandra (fire salamander)
[edit] Fish
- Alburnus alburnus (bleak)
- Anableps anableps (largescale foureyes)
- Anguilla anguilla (European eel)
- Anostomus anostomus (striped headstander)
- Badis badis (a fish of order Perciformes)
- Barbus barbus (barbel)
- Belone belone (garfish)
- Banjos banjos
- Carassius carassius (crucian carp)
- Catla catla (catla)
- Chanos chanos (milkfish)
- Chitala chitala (clown knifefish)
- Conger conger (European conger)
- Hara hara
- Hippocampus hipocampus (European seahorse)
- Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Atlantic halibut)
- Histrio histrio (Sargassumfish)
- Limanda limanda (common dab)
- Lota lota (burbot)
- Merluccius merluccius (European hake)
- Mola mola (ocean sunfish)
- Molva molva (common ling)
- Mustelus mustelus (smooth-hound)
- Phoxinus phoxinus (Eurasian minnow)
- Phycis phycis
- Pollachius pollachius (pollock)
- Remora remora (common remora)
- Rutilus rutilus (roach)
- Solea solea (a species of sole)
- Spinachia spinachia (a species of stickleback)
- Tandanus tandanus (eel-tailed catfish)
- Thymallus thymallus (grayling)
- Tinca tinca (tench)
[edit] Invertebrates
Scalpellum, a barnacle
- Aaptos aaptos (a sponge)
- Astacus astacus (European crayfish)
- Avicularia avicularia (pinktoe tarantula)
- Balanus balanus, a barnacle
- Bucayana bucayana (Ecuadorian harvestman)
- Calappa calappa (box crab)
- Cidaris cidaris, a sea urchin
- Cossus cossus (European goat moth)
- Crangon crangon (brown shrimp)
- Gemma gemma (amethyst gem clam)
- Grapsus grapsus (red rock crab)
- Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (European mole cricket)
- Loa loa (Loa loa filaria)
- Melolontha melolontha (common cockchafer)
- Mercenaria mercenaria (hard clam)
- Mitella mitella
- Perna perna (marine mussel)
- Ranina ranina (a raninid crab)
- Scalpellum scalpellum, a barnacle
- Scolytus scolytus (elm bark beetle)
- Sodreana sodreana (Brazilian harvestman)
- Spirorbis spirorbis, an annelid
- Spirula spirula (a cephalopod)
- Therezopolis therezopolis (neon horseshoe harvestman)
- Tubifex tubifex (sludge worm)
- Velella velella (by-the-wind-sailor)
- Xanthostigma xanthostigma