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The Lyon Arboretum is a 200-acre (80-hectare) botanical garden managed by the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and located at the upper end of Mānoa Valley in Hawaiʻi. The Arboretum is open to the public on weekdays from 9 AM to 4 PM; admission is free.
Much of the Arboretum's botanical collection consists of an artificial lowland tropical rainforest with numerous trails and small water features.
[edit] Short history
The Arboretum was established in 1918 by the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association to demonstrate watershed restoration and test various tree species for reforestation, as well as collect living plants of economic value. In 1953, it became part of the University of Hawaiʻi. Its over 15,000 accessions focus primarily on the monocot families of gingers, heliconias, bromeliads, and aroids.
Today, the Arboretum continues to develop its extensive tropical plant collection, while emphasizing native Hawaiian plants, such as Pritchardia spp. (palms). Native and Polynesian cultivated and wild species are displayed in the ethnobotanical, native ecosystems, and Hawaiian sections of the gardens.
[edit] Eco-history
- TOPO! GPS Data Format Deg NAD27 ElevFeet
[edit] Background
Lyon Arboretum is adjacent to land owned by the City Water Board of Water Supply as well as State conservation land and the site of the former Paradise Park. Paradise Park, formerly a theme park with trained bird shows and a restaurant, is frequently confused with Lyon Arboretum, but these are separate entities. The old Paradise Park parcel has been considered for purchase by the state for the University of Hawaii (ref), but a deal has not yet been completed.
[edit] Plant collection
Listed by scientific name.
[edit] Names beginning with A
[edit] Names beginning with B to C
- Bactris gasipaes
- Bactris longiseta
- Bactris major
- Bactris militaris
- Bactris sp. L-81_0309
- Bactris sp. L-87_0422
- Bactris sp. L-89_0043
- Balaka longirostris
- Balaka microcarpa
- Balaka seemannii
- Balaka sp. L-64.2272 (Samoa)
- Balaka tuasivica
- Basselinia gracilis
- Basselinia pancheri
- Beccariophoenix madagascariensis
- Begonia foliosa
- Bentickia nicobarica
- Bismarckia nobilis
- Bismarckia nobilis in Thailand
- Boesenbergia grandis (aff) L-92_0475
- Borassodendron machadonis
- Brahea aculeata
- Brassiophoenix schumannii
- Brownea macrophylla
- Burbidgea pauciflora
- Burbidgea pubescens
- Burbidgea schizocheila
- Burbidgea stenantha
- Burretiokentia hapala
- Burretiokentia koghiensis
- Burretiokentia vieillardii
- Butia capitata
- Butia eriospatha
- Butia paraguayensis
- Caesalpinia decapetala
- Calamus australis
- Calamus caryotoides
- Calamus oxleyanus
- Calamus peregrinus
- Calamus sp. Wahiawa BG 67.1165
- Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana
- Calyptronoma plumeriana
- Calyptronoma rivalis,
- Carpentaria acuminata
- Carpoxylon macrospermum
- Ceiba sp. 2438
- Ceratolobus glaucescens
- Chorisia speciosa
- Chuniophoenix nana
- Clerodendrum quadriloculare
- Clerodendrum speciosum
- Clerodendrum splendens
- Clinostigma haerestigma
- Clinostigma harlandii
- Clinostigma ponapense
- Clinostigma savoryanum
- [Clitoria]] fairchildiana
- Cornukaempferia aurantiflora
- Corypha utan
- Costus acreanus
- Costus dubius
- Costus lima
- Costus osae
- Costus phaeotrichus
- Cryosophila guagara
- Cryosophila stauracantha
- Cryosophila warscewiczii
- Curcuma sp. (NN 10563)
- Curcuma sp. (NN 10830)
- Curcuma sp. (NN 11385)
- Curcuma sp. (NN 11395)
- Curcuma `Laddawan'
- Curcuma alismatifolia
- Curcuma aromatica
- Curcuma aurantiaca
- Curcuma australasica
- Curcuma bicolor
- Curcuma cinnabarina
- Curcuma haritha
- Curcuma harmandii
- Curcuma longa
- Curcuma neilgheriensis
- Curcuma pallida
- Curcuma parviflora
- Curcuma petiolata
- Curcuma rhomba
- Curcuma roscoeana
- Curcuma rosea
- Curcuma sp. 2003_0155
- Curcuma sp. L-94_0121
- Curcuma X (alismatifolia x harmandii)
- Curcuma zanthorrhiza
- Curcuma zedoaria
- Curcumorpha longiflora
- Cyphophoenix elegans
- Cyphosperma balansae
- Cyrtosperma sp. 2000.0188
- Cyrtostachys peekeliana
[edit] Names beginning with D to R
- Dichorisandra thyrsiflora
- Dipterocarpus retusus
- Dracontium pittieri
- Dracontium sp. L-94.0254
- Elettaria cardamomum
- Elettaria sp. L-97_0050
- Elettariopsis curtisii L-97_0007
- Elettariopsis exserta L-99_0476
- Elettariopsis sp. (NN 10772)
- Elettariopsis sp. 2004_0095 (NN 10771)
- Elettariopsis sp. L-98_0282, Elettariopsis sp. L-99_0478
- Elettariopsis sp. L-99_0479 (dentine scent, Viet Nam)
- Elettariopsis sp. L-99_0612
- Elettariopsis stenosiphon
- Epipremnum elegans
- Erythrina sp. (Venezuela, red) L-89_0595
- Etlingera australasica
- Etlingera cevuga
- Etlingera corrugata
- Etlingera elatior
- Etlingera elatior L-94_0398
- Etlingera fimbriobractea
- Etlingera littoralis
- Etlingera nasuta
- Etlingera sessilanthera
- Etlingera sp. 2003_0233 (NN 9422)
- Etlingera sp. L-95.0685 (Sabah)
- Etlingera sp. L-98_0550 (horse head)
- Fitchia speciosa
- Freycinetia cumingiana
- Gagnepainia godfreyoi
- Gagnepainia thoreliana
- Garcinia sp. L-95_0696
- Geissois hirsuta
- Geocharis fusiformis var borneensis
- Geonoma epetiolata
- Geonoma macrostachys
- Geonoma stricta var. stricta
- Globba `Angel Wings'
- Globba campsophylla
- Globba fasciata
- Globba francisci
- Globba leucantha
- Globba marantina
- Globba schomburgkii
- Globba unifolia
- Guihaia argyrata
- Haniffia albiflora
- Hedychium `Pink Sparks'
- Hedychium cylindricum
- Hedychium hasseltii L-99_0485
- Hedychium sp. 2003_0042 (Nepal, Kress)
- Hedychium stenopetalum
- Hibiscus schizopetalus (X)
- Hornstedtia havilandii
- Hornstedtia incana (cf.) L-97_0008
- Hornstedtia sp. L-97_0011 (Sabah)
- Kaempferia `Grande'
- Kaempferia `Lavitica'
- Kaempferia 'Raven'
- Kaempferia larsenii
- Kaempferia pulchra
- Kaempferia rotunda
- Kaempferia rubromarginata
- Kaempferia sp. (NN 10479)
- Kaempferia sp. (NN 10481)
- Kaempferia sp. (NN 10488)
- Kaempferia sp. 2001_0412
- Kaempferia sp. L-99_0488
- Lebronnecia kokioides
- Lecythis minor
- Lecythis zabucajo
- Macaranga mappa
- Macaranga tanarius
- Mantisia saltatoria
- Mucuna nigricans
- Mucuna novoguineensis
- Musa balbisiana
- Mussaenda spp and cultivars
- Orchidantha fimbriata
- Pholidostachys pulchra
- Phyllanthus moorei
- Physokentia insolita
- Pinanga aristata
- Pinanga crassipes
- Pinanga isabelensis
- Pinanga malaiana
- Pinanga modesta
- Plagiostachys sp. L-97_0036
- Plagiostachys sp. L-97_0039
- Plagiostachys sp. L-97_0049
- Plagiostachys strobilifera
- Pleuranthodium sp. L-93_0265
- Pleuranthodium trichocalyx
- Pogonopus speciosus
- Pseudobombax ellipticum
- Renealmia battenbergiana
- Renealmia sp. L-99.0258 (Peru, yellow)
- Riedelia sp. L-72_0552
- Riedelia sp. L-78_0465
[edit] Names beginning with S to Z
- Saracca thaipingensis
- Scaphochlamys biloba L-86_0702
- Scaphochlamys biloba L-92_0232
- Scaphochlamys lanceolata
- Scaphochlamys sp. 2004_0087
- Scaphochlamys sp. L-95_0658
- Siamanthus siliquosus
- Spathiphyllum `Fantastica'
- Spathiphyllum `Gretchen'
- Spathiphyllum 'Mauna Loa'
- Spathiphyllum cannaefolium
- Spathiphyllum cuspidatum
- Spathiphyllum floribundum
- Spathiphyllum floribundum `Mini'
- Spathiphyllum lechlerianum
- Spathiphyllum phryniifolium
- Spathiphyllum quindiuense
- Spathiphyllum sp. nov.? L-95.0467
- Spathiphyllum wallisii (`Clevelandii')
- Spathiphyllum wendlandii
- Strongylodon macrobotrys
- Tabebuia impetigenosa
- Tacca integrifolia
- Tacca palmata
- Terminalia kaernbachii
- Thunbergia mysorensis
- Trichospermum richii
- Vanoverberghia sepulchrei
- Veillonia alba
- Warscewiczia coccinea
- Xylopia sp. L-1006
- Zingiber amaricans
- Zingiber aurantiacum
- Zingiber barbatum
- Zingiber cochinchinense (aff) 2003_0115 (NN 10537)
- Zingiber cochinchinense (aff) 2003_0165 (NN 9556)
- Zingiber collinsii
- Zingiber coloratum (leaves blue-green)
- Zingiber coloratum (leaves green)
- Zingiber corallinum
- Zingiber flammeum L-92_0473
- Zingiber flammeum L-97_0009
- Zingiber gracile
- Zingiber gramineum
- Zingiber inflexum
- Zingiber junceum (cf) (NN 9527)
- Zingiber kerrii
- Zingiber latifolium
- Zingiber longipedunculatum L-93_0254
- Zingiber martinii
- Zingiber matutumense
- Zingiber newmanii
- Zingiber olivaceum
- Zingiber ottensii
- Zingiber parishii (or cochinchinense)
- Zingiber pellitum
- Zingiber peninsulare
- Zingiber petiolatum
- Zingiber phillipsiae
- Zingiber prostratum
- Zingiber puberulum var borneense L-98_0236
- Zingiber rubens
- Zingiber rubens (aff) 2001_0140
- Zingiber sp. (NN 10535)
- Zingiber sp. 20010559 & 0560
- Zingiber sp. 2003_0191 (yellow balls)
- Zingiber sp. 2003_0235 (NN 10544)
- Zingiber sp. L-92_0170 (red spike)
- Zingiber sp. nov. L-99_0502
- Zingiber spectabile
- Zingiber spectabile `Singapore Gold'
- Zingiber vinosum
- Zingiber vinosum L-92_0469
- Zingiber viridiflavum
- Zingiber wrayii
- Zingiber zerumbet 2003_0058 (Myanmar)
- Zingiber zerumbet 2003_0059 (Myanmar)
- Zingiber pseudopungens.
[edit] See also
[edit] External links