From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
here is a list of sources:
1991 An Information System for the Mining Industry. Database and Expert Systems Applications. Karagiannis, D. (Hrsg.) 1. Auflage 1991 Springer-Verlag Wien / New York, S. 86-91, (A. Baumewerd-Ahlmann, [A.B. Cremers], G. Krüger, J. Leonhardt, L. Plümer und R. Waschkowski)
2006 (Kurzfassung in English means abstract)
marksheiderology is the science and practice of a generalist for deposit management, environmental and underground works and a specialist in mine surveying and observations of the surface. In some countries the marksheider is responsible for mine maps which are demanded by the legislator (e.g. in Germany, mine maps are called “Rißwerk”).