Maryland Science Center
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The Maryland Science Center, located in Baltimore, Maryland's Inner Harbor, opened to the public in 1976, with 3 levels of exhibits a planetarium and an observatory. Years later, an IMAX theater was added, but the museum continued to show its age as the end of the 20th century approached. In 2004, a large addition to the property was opened, and the modernized hands-on exhibits now include more than two dozen dinosaur skeletons. Subjects that the center displays include physical science, space, the human body, and blue crabs that live in the Chesapeake Bay.
Maryland Science Center won a 2006 Best of Baltimore award for "Best Place to Take Kids."[1]
[edit] Exhibits
Dinosaur Mysteries This exhibit includes full scale models of dinosaurs such as Giganotasaurus, T-Rex, and Astrodon. It also includes a section where guests can go on a mock paleontological dig to uncover dinosaur bones.
Newtons Alley This exhibit features hands-on physical science related demonstrations including a "bernoulli blower," "inertia table," and other similar things.
Inside the Human Body This exhibit takes guess on a tour though the inside of the human body. It includes a bed of nails which guests can try out.
Our Place in Space Shows guests different aspects of the solar system, the galaxy, and the universe. It features a revolutionary new technology designed by NOAA called Science on a Sphere. The planetarium is also located within this exhibit.
Blue Crab This exhibit showcases the Maryland Blue Crab as well as other aquatic life native to the Chesapeake Bay.
The Kids Room A Room for children 6 and under which includes a water table, a mock ship, and other activities for young children.
The Demonstration Stage The Demo stage features live science demonstrations including ones about inertia, static electricity, liquid nitrogen, chemical reactions, combustion reactions, space technology, and other topics.
Traveling Exhibit The Traveling Exhibit hall features a new exhibit every so often. Currently the Maryland Science Center is hosting an exhibit based on the book Grossology. The Science Center is scheduled to have Animal Grossology in May of 2007.[2]