Talk:Marcos Pérez Jiménez
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am not sure I agree with adding there the comment about the very symbolic Humboldt Hotel. Not other specific projects have been named in the article. And there were many others that were much more impressive and telling of the things that were built during his government. I think I will likely edit it. Not sure now how. Maybe will add a few more things or simply take it out. Please leave any comment you have on the matter here. Cheers. --Anagnorisis 21:52, 10 November 2005 (UTC)
I agree: Not much is said about Pérez Jiménez's more distinct accomplishments, such as the virtually nonexistent crime, the grand public works, and the booming economy.
[edit] More is missing
There is only a marginal mentioning of the opression in Venezuela. There is no talk of the Guasina concentration camp, of the thousands of people who got tortured and killed during the regime of Perez Jimenez
Time Magazine Cover
[edit] Time Magazine Cover
Does anyone can add this cover to the article?,16641,19550228,00.html
(Maxmordon 18:40, 22 January 2007 (UTC)).