From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I graduated from Harvard University in 2006. I now teach science in Stavanger, Norway.
I like to tool around with smart people and read things.
For lack of anything better to write, here is a list of famous people (fame being measured by legitimate mention in Wikipedia) with whom I have some kind of unusual connection:
- The Scottish geologist Archibald Geikie is my great-great-great-uncle.
- The economist James Tobin is... well, not exactly my uncle, but we're practically related. He taught me to sail in the summers at our cabin in Springbrook, Wisconsin. He's famous for this, which I don't understand.
- Antarctic pioneer Ann Bancroft is a family friend. We used to hang out at the cabin together and go skiing.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald flunked out of my high school.
- My dog once peed on Minnesota Twins player Ron Coomer's retaining wall.